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Detailed introduction to JavaScript anonymous functions

2017-03-19 16:10:092210browse

AnonymousFunction is a function without a name, sometimes also called a lambda function. Anonymous functions are an incredibly powerful tool with so many uses. Let’s take a look at the following typical function declaration:

function functionName(arg0, arg1, arg2) {

You can either declare a function like the above , you can also define the function in the form of function expression as follows:

var functionName = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {

Although these two examples are logically equivalent, there are still differences between them There are some differences. Of course, the main difference between function declarations and function expressions is that the former will be loaded into the scope before the code is executed, while the latter will not be defined until which line the code is executed. Another important difference is that a function declaration assigns a name to the function, while a function expression creates an anonymous function and assigns the anonymous function to a

variable. In other words, the second example above creates an anonymous function with three parameters, and then assigns the anonymous function to the variable functionName, but does not specify a name for the anonymous function.

It is also possible to write an anonymous function like the following:

function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {

These codes are completely valid, but the problem is that no one can call this function because there is no pointer to this function. However, anonymous functions are usually defined in this form when passing a function as a parameter into another function, or returning a function from one function to another. The following is an example of a createComparisonFunction() function that has been used:

function createComparisonFunction(propertyName) {
    return function(object1, object2) {
        var value1 = object1[propertyName];
        var value2 = object2[propertyName];

        if (value1 < value2) {
            return -1;
        } else if (value1 > value2) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

createComparisonFunction() returns an anonymous function. The returned function may be assigned to a variable or called in other ways, but , inside the createComparisonFunction() function, it is anonymous, and anonymous functions can be used when the function is regarded as a value. However, this is not the only use of anonymous functions.



Recursive function is formed when a function calls itself by name, as shown below:

function factorial(num) {
    if (num <= 1) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return num * factorial(num - 1);

This is a classic recursive factorial function. Although there is nothing wrong with this function on the surface, the following code may cause it to go wrong:

var anotherFactorial = factorial;
factorial = null;
alert(anotherFactorial(4)); //VM848:5 Uncaught TypeError: factorial is not a function(…)

The above code first saves the factorial() function In the variable anotherFacttorial, the factorial variable is then set to null, resulting in only one

reference pointing to the original function. But when anotherFacttorial() is called next, because factorial() must be executed, and factorial is no longer a function, an error will occur. In this case, using arguments.callee can solve this problem:

function factorial(num) {
    if (num <= 1) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return num * arguments.callee(num - 1);

var anotherFactorial = factorial;
factorial = null;
alert(anotherFactorial(4)); //24

The code with a yellow background is displayed. By using arguments.callee instead of the function name, you can ensure that no matter how it is called There will be no problem with the functions. Therefore, when writing recursive functions, it is safer to use arguments.callee than

using the function name.

2 Closure

Many developers are always confused about the two concepts of anonymous functions and closures, so they often use them interchangeably. A closure is a function that has access to a variable in the scope

of another function. A common way to create a closure is to create another function inside a function. Still taking the previous createComparisonFunction() function as an example, pay attention to the code with a yellow background:

function createComparisonFunction(propertyName) {
    return function(object1, object2) {
        var value1 = object1[propertyName];
        var value2 = object2[propertyName];

        if (value1 < value2) {
            return -1;
        } else if (value1 > value2) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

In this example, the highlighted one The two lines of code are code in

internal function (an anonymous function). These two lines of code access the variable propertyName in the external function, even though the internal function is returned and called elsewhere , but it can still access the variable propertyName. The reason why this variable can still be accessed is because the scope chain of the inner function includes the scope of createComparisonFunction(). To fully understand the details, you must start by understanding what happens when a function is called for the first time.

有关如何创建作用域链以及作用域链有什么作用的细节,对彻底理解闭包至关重要。当某个函数第一次被调用时,会创建一个执行环境(execution context)及相应的作用域链,并把作用域链赋值给一个特殊的内部属性(即[[Scope]])。然后,使用this.arguments和其他命名参数的值来初始化函数的活动对象(activation object)。但在作用域链中,外部函数的活动对象始终处于第二位,外部函数的外部函数的活动对象处于第三位,...直至作为作用域链终点的全局执行环境。


function compare(value1, value2) {
    if (value1 < value2) {
        return -1;
    } else if (value2 > value1) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

var result = compare(5, 10); //-1


Detailed introduction to JavaScript anonymous functions

后台的每个执行环境都有一个表示变量的对象——变量对象。全局环境的变量对象始终存在,而像compare()函数这样的局部环境的变量对象,则只在函数执行的过程中存在。在创建compare()函数时,会创建一个预先包含全局变量对象的作用域链,这个作用域链被保存在内部的[[Scope]](scope chain)属性中。当调用compare()函数时,会为函数创建一个执行环境,然后通过复制函数的[[Scope]](scope chain)属性中的对象构建起执行环境的作用域链。此后,又有一个活动对象(在此作为变量对象使用)被创建并被推入执行环境作用域链的前端。对于这个例子中的compare()函数的执行环境而言,其作用域链中包含两个对象,本地活动对象和全局活动对象。显然,作用域链本质上是一个指向变量对象的指针列表,它只引用但不实际包含变量对象。



Detailed introduction to JavaScript anonymous functions

var compare = createComparisonFunction(&#39;name&#39;);
var result = compare({ name: &#39;Nicholas&#39; }, { name: &#39;Greg&#39; });


var compareNames = createComparisonFunction(&#39;name&#39;);

var result = compareNames({ name: &#39;Nicholas&#39; }, { name: &#39;Greg&#39; });

compareNames = null;


2.1 闭包与变量


function createFunctions() {
    var result = new Array();

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        result[i] = function() {
            return i;


    return result;

var funcs = createFunctions();

for (var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
    document.write(funcs[i]() + &#39;<br />&#39;);


function createFunctions() {
    var result = new Array();

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        result[i] = function(num) {
            return function() {
                return num;

    return result;

var funcs = createFunctions();

for (var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
    document.write(funcs[i]() + &#39;<br />&#39;)




var name = &#39;The Window&#39;;

var object = {
    name: &#39;My Object&#39;,

    getNameFunc: function() {
        return function() {
            return this.name;

alert(object.getNameFunc()()); //"The Window"

以上代码先创建了一个全局变量name,又创建了一个包含name属性的对象。这个对象还包含一个方法——getNameFunc(),他返回一个匿名函数,而匿名函数又返回this.name,由于getNameFunc()返回一个函数,因此调用object.getNameFunc()()就会立即调用它返回的函数,结果就是返回一个字符串。然而,这个例子返回的字符串是"The Window",即全局变量name的值。为什么匿名函数没有取得其包含作用域(或外部作用域)的this对象呢?


var name = &#39;The Window&#39;;

var object = {
    name: &#39;My Object&#39;,

    getNameFunc: function() {
        var that = this;
        return function() {
            return that.name;

alert(object.getNameFunc()()); //"My Object"

 代码中突出的行展示了这个例子与前一个例子之间的不同之处,在定义匿名函数之前,我们把this对象赋值给了一个名叫that的变量。而在定义了闭包之后,闭包也可以访问这个变量,因为它是我们在包含函数中特意声明的一个变量。即使在函数返回之后,that也仍然引用着object,所以调用object.getNameFunc()就返回了"My Object"。(this和arguments也存在同样的问题,如果想访问作用域中的arguments对象,必须将对该对象的引用保存到另一个闭包能够访问的变量中。)

2.3 内存泄漏


function assignHandler() {
    var element = document.getElementById(&#39;someElement&#39;);
    element.onclick = function() {


function assignHandler() {
    var element = document.getElementById(&#39;someElement&#39;);
    var id = element.id;

    element.onclick = function() {

    element = null;



3. 模仿块级作用域


function outputNumbers(count) {
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    alert(i); //count


function outputNumbers(count) {
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    var i; //重新声明变量
    alert(i); //count



(function() {


var count = 5;




var someFunction = function() {


function() { 
   //这里是块级作用域}(); //出错



(function() { 


function outputNumbers(count) {

    (function() { 
           for (var i = 0; i <p><br></p><p> 在这个重写后的outputNumbers()函数中,我们在for循环<a href="http://www.php.cn/code/5681.html" target="_blank">外部插入</a>了一个私有作用域。在匿名函数中定义的任何变量,都会在执行结束时被销毁。因此,变量i只能在循环中使用,使用后即被销毁。而在私有作用域中能够访问变量count,是因为这个匿名函数是一个闭包,它能够访问包含作用域中的所有变量。</p><p>这种技术经常在全局作用域中被用在函数外部,从而限制向全局作用域中添加过多的变量和函数。一般来说,我们都应该尽量少向全局作用域中添加变量和函数。在一个由很多开发人员共同参与的大型应用程序中,过多的全局变量和函数很容易导致命名冲突,而通过创建私有作用域,每个开发人员既可以使用自己的变量,又不比担心搞乱全局作用域。例如:</p><p><br></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">(function() {
    var now = new Date();
        if (now.getMonth() == 0 && now.getDate() == 1)
        alert('Happy new year!');



4 私有变量


function add(num1, num2) 
  var sum = num1 + num2; 
     return sum;


我们把有权访问私有变量和私有函数的公有方法称为特权方法(privileged method)。有两种在对象上创建特权方法的方式,第一种是在构造函数中定义特权方法,基本模式如下:

function MyObject() { 
    var privateVariable = 10;
        function privateFunction()
        return false;
    this.publicMethod = function()
        return privateFunction();



function Person(name) { 
   this.getName = function()
     return name;
    this.setName = function(value)
        name = value;
}var person = new Person('Nicholas');
alert(person.getName()); //"Nicholas"person.setName('Greg');
alert(person.getName()); //"Greg"


4.1 静态私有变量


(function() {

    var privateVariable = 10;

    function privateFunction() {
        return false;

    MyObject = function() {

    MyObject.prototype.publicMethod = function() {
        return privateFunction;



(function() {

    var name = &#39;&#39;;

    Person = function(value) {
        name = value;

    Person.prototype.getName = function() {
        return name;

    Person.prototype.setName = function(value) {
        name = value;

var person = new Person(&#39;Nicholas&#39;);
alert(person.getName()); //"Nicholas"
alert(person.getName()); //"Greg"

var person2 = new Person(&#39;Michael&#39;);
alert(person.getName()); //"Michael"
alert(person2.getName()); //"Michael"



4.2 模块模式

前面的模式是用于为自定义类型创建私有变量和特权方法的。而道格拉斯所说的模块模式(module pattern)则是为单例创建私有变量和特权方法。所谓单例(singleton),指的就是只有一个实例的对象。按照惯例,JavaScript是以对象字面量的方式来创建单例对象的:

var singleton = {
    name: value,
    method: function() {


var privateVariable = function() {

    var privateVariable = 10;

    function privateFunction() {
        return false;

    return {
        publicProperty: true;
        publicMethod: function() {
            return privateFunction();

 这个模块模式使用了一个返回对象的匿名函数。在这个匿名函数内部,首先定义了私有变量和函数,然后,将一个对象字面量作为函数的值返回。返回的对象字面量中只包含可以公开的属性和方法。由于这个对象是在匿名函数内部定义的,因此它的公有方法有权访问私有变量和函数。从本质来讲,这个对象字面量定义的是单例的公共接口。这种模式在需要对单例进行某些初始化,同时又需要维护其私有变量时是非常有用的。 例如:

function BaseComponent() {}

function OtherComponent() {}

var application = function() {

    var components = new Array();

    components.push(new BaseComponent());

    return {
        getComponentCount: function() {
            return components.length;
        registerComponent: function(component) {
            if (typeof component == &#39;object&#39;) {

application.registerComponent(new OtherComponent());
alert(application.getComponentCount()); //2



4.3 增强的模块模式


var singleton = function() {

    var privateVariable = 10;

    function privateFunction() {
        return false;

    var object = new CustomType();

    object.publicProperty = true;

    object.publicMethod = function() {
        return privateFunction();
    return object;


var application = function() {

    var components = new Array();

    components.push(new BaseComponent());

    var app = new BaseComponent();

    app.getComponentCount = function() {
        return components.length;

    app.registerComponent = function(component) {
        if (typeof component == &#39;object&#39;) {

    return app;

在这个重写后的应用程序(applicaiton)单例中,首先也是像前面例子中一样定义了私有变量,主要的不同之处在于命名变量app的创建过程。因为它必须是BaseComponent的实例,这个实例实际上是 applicaiton对象的局部变量版。此后,我们又为app对象添加了能够访问私有变量的公有方法。最后一步是返回app对象,结果仍然是将它赋值给全局变量applicaiton.

5 小结


a, any function expression is technically an anonymous function, because there is no certain way to reference them;

b, in the case where it is impossible to determine how to reference the function, the recursive function becomes It's more complicated;

c, recursive functions should always use arguments.callee to call themselves recursively, and don't use function names - function names can change;

When inside a function Closures are created when other functions are defined. The closure has access to all variables inside the containing function. The principle is as follows:

a. In the background execution environment, the scope chain of the closure includes its own scope, the scope of the containing function and the global scope. Scope;

b, Normally, the scope of a function and all its variables will be destroyed after the function execution ends;

e, but when the function returns a closure, The scope of this function will be saved in memory until the closure no longer exists. Using closures can imitate block-level scope in JavaScript (JavaScript itself has no concept of block-level scope). The key points are as follows:

a, create and call a function immediately, so that the code in it can be executed without leaving a reference to the function in the memory;

b, the result is that all variables inside the function will be Destroyed immediately - unless these variables are assigned to variables in the containing scope (i.e. the outer scope).

Closures can also be used to create private variables in objects. The relevant concepts and key points are as follows:

a. Even though there is no formal concept of private object properties in JavaScript, closures can be used To implement public methods, variables defined in the containing scope can be accessed through public methods;

b, public methods that have access to private variables are called privileged methods;

c, can be used Constructor mode and prototype mode are used to implement privileged methods of custom types, and module mode and enhanced module mode can also be used to implement singleton privileged methods;

Anonymous functions in JavaScript and closures are very useful features that can be used to achieve a lot of functions, however, because creating closures must maintain additional scopes, overuse of them can take up a lot of memory.

The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to JavaScript anonymous functions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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