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addFunction (Append string at the end)
s1 ='Hello' s2 = s1.__add__(' boy!') print(s2) #输出:Hello boy!
contains (determine whether a string is contained, return True if it does)
s1 = 'Hello' result = s1.__contains__('He') print(result) #输出:True
eq (Judge whether two strings are the same, return True if they are the same)
s1 = 'Hello' s2 = 'How' result = s1.__eq__(s2) print(result) #输出:False
ge (greater than or equal to)
gt(greater than)
len(return string length)
le(less than or equal to)
lt(less than)
str(return to self)
print('abc'.__str__()) #输出:abc
capitalize(capitalize the first letter)
s = 'tom'print(s.capitalize()) #输出:Tom
casefold(convert uppercase to lowercase)
s = 'TOM'print(s.casefold())# 输出:tom
center(specify length and padding characters , the content is centered, and the fill character is left blank if it is a space)
s = 'Tom'print(s.center(20,'-')) #输出:--------Tom---------
count(Calculate the number of occurrences of a certain string, the second parameter: starting position, the third parameter : End position)
s = 'aabbbcccccdd'print(s.count('cc',3,11)) #输出:2
encode (encoding)
s = "中文"print(s.encode('gbk')) #输出:b'\xd6\xd0\xce\xc4'
endswith (to determine whether the string ends with a certain character or string, the second parameter: starting position, the third Parameters: end position)
s = 'Projects'print(s.endswith('ts'))print(s.endswith('e',0,5)) #输出:True# True
expandtabs (convert 1 tab key into 7 spaces)
s = 'H\ti'print(s.expandtabs()) #输出:H i
find (find the index position of a character or string, second parameter: Starting position, third parameter: end position)
s = 'Hello'print(s.find('o'))print(s.find('o',0,3)) #找不到返回-1#输出:4# -1
format (string formatting/splicing)
name = 'Tom'age = 18s = '{0}\'s age is {1}'.format(name,age)print(s) #或者str = '{name}\'s age is {age}'result = str.format(age=18,name='Tom')print(result) #输出:Tom's age is 18
index (Find the index position of a character or string, which is different from find. If the character does not exist, an error will be reported)
s = 'Hello'print(s.index('o'))print(s.index('e',0,3)) #输出:4# 1
isalnum (whether it is a letter or number)
s = '!#'print(s.isalnum()) #输出:False
isalpha (whether it is a letter)
s = '123'print(s.isalpha()) #输出:False
isdecimal (whether it is a decimal number)
s = '123'print(s.isdecimal()) #输出:True#True: Unicode数字,,全角数字(双字节)#False: 罗马数字,汉字数字#Error: byte数字(单字节)
isdigit (whether it is a number)
s = '123'print(s.isdigit()) #输出:True#True: Unicode数字,byte数字(单字节),全角数字(双字节),罗马数字#False: 汉字数字
isidentifier (whether it is an identifier Symbol/Variable name)
s = '1num'print(s.isidentifier()) #输出:False#因为变量名不能以数字开头
islower (whether all lowercase letters)
s = 'Hello'print(s.islower()) #输出:False
isnumeric (whether it is a number)
s = '123'print(s.isnumeric()) #输出:True#True: Unicode数字,全角数字(双字节),罗马数字,汉字数字
isprintable (whether it is Printable characters/can it be output as is)
s = '\n'print(s.isprintable()) #输出:False
isspace (whether it is a space)
print(' '.isspace())print('\t'.isspace()) #输出:True# True
istitle (whether it is a title/the first letter of each word is capitalized)
print('Hello Boy'.istitle())print('hello boy'.istitle()) #输出:True# False
isupper (Whether all are uppercase letters)
print('BOY'.isupper())print('Boy'.isupper()) #输出:True# False
join (join the elements in the sequence with the specified characters to generate a new string)
s = ['H','e','l','l','o']print(''.join(s))print('-'.join(s)) #输出:Hello# H-e-l-l-o
ljust (specify the length and padding characters, the content is left Alignment, if the padding character is left blank, it will be a space)
s = 'Hello'print(s.ljust(10,'-')) #输出:Hello-----
lower (all strings are changed to lowercase)
s = 'TOM'print(s.lower()) #输出:tom
lstrip (remove the specified characters on the left side of the string, the default is a space)
s = ' Tom'print(s.lstrip()) #输出:Tom
maketrans (Create a conversion table for character mapping, used with the translate function)
intab = "abcde"outtab = "12345"trantab = str.maketrans(intab, outtab) str = "Hello abc"print (str.translate(trantab)) #输出:H5llo 123
partition (Specify the separator to split the string)
s = 'IamTom'print(s.partition('am')) #输出:('I', 'am', 'Tom')
replace (Replace the characters The old (old string) in the string is replaced with new (new string). If the third parameter max is specified, the replacement will not exceed max times. )
s = 'Tom'print(s.replace('m','o')) #输出:Too
rfind(Find the position where the specified string appears from the right, if there is no match, return -1)
s = 'one two one'print(s.rfind('one'))print(s.rfind('one',0,6)) #指定起始和结束位置#输出:8# 0
rindex(Find the position where the specified string appears from the right, if there is no match If the item matches, an error will be reported)
s = 'one two one'print(s.rindex('one'))print(s.rindex('one',0,6)) #指定起始和结束位置#输出:8# 0
rjust(Specify the length and padding character, the content will be right-aligned, and the padding character will be left blank if it is a space)
s = 'Hello'print(s.rjust(10,'-')) #输出:-----Hello
rpartition(Specify the separator, start the characters from the right String is divided)
s = 'IamTom_IamTom'print(s.rpartition('am')) #输出:('IamTom_I', 'am', 'Tom')
s = 'a b c d'print(s.rsplit())print(s.rsplit(' ',2)) #从右边开始,按空格分隔两次#输出:['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] # ['a b', 'c', 'd']
s = '!!! I am Tom !!!'print(s.rstrip('!')) #输出:!!! I am Tom
s = 'a b c d'print(s.split())print(s.split(' ',2)) #从左边开始,按空格分隔两次#输出:['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']# ['a', 'b', 'c d']
s = 'a\nb\nc'print(s.splitlines()) #默认参数为Falseprint(s.splitlines(True)) #指定Ture参数,则保留换行符#输出:['a', 'b', 'c'] # ['a\n', 'b\n', 'c']
s = 'Projects'print(s.startswith('Pr'))print(s.startswith('e',4,8)) #输出:True# True
s = '!!! I am Tom !!!'print(s.strip('!')) #输出: I am Tom
s = 'I am Tom'print(s.swapcase()) #输出:i AM tOM
s = 'i am tom'print(s.title()) #输出:I Am Tom
intab = "abcde"outtab = "12345"trantab = str.maketrans(intab, outtab) str = "Hello abc"print (str.translate(trantab)) #输出:H5llo 123
s = 'Hello'print(s.upper()) #输出:HELLO
s = 'Hello'print(s.zfill(10)) # 输出:00000Hello
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