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Write 2048 mini game example code using native js

2018-05-15 13:38:556301browse

This article mainly introduces the sample code for writing 2048 mini-game using native js, which has a very good reference value. Let’s take a look at the effect with the editor.


Write 2048 mini game example code using native js

The code is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title> 2048-game </title>
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 <style media="screen">
 #game {
 display: none;
 position: absolute;
 left: 0px;
 top: 0px;
 right: 0px;
 bottom: 0px;
 background-color: #9DA5C3;
 opacity: 0.5;
 z-index: 1;
 .clear:after {
 content: "";
 display: table;
 clear: both;
 .left {
 float: left;
 .right {
 float: right;
 .scoreShow {
 height: 50px;
 text-align: center;
 line-height: 50px;
 .model {
 text-decoration: none;
 color: white;
 background-color: #bbada0;
 font-size: 36px;
 border-radius: 10px;
 .head {
 width: 480px;
 height: 50px;
 margin: 0 auto;
 font-size: 25px;
 #gridPanel {
 width: 480px;
 height: 480px;
 margin: 0 auto;
 background-color: #bbada0;
 border-radius: 10px;
 position: relative;
 z-index: 1;
 .cell {
 width: 100px;
 height: 100px;
 border-radius: 6px;
 .grid {
 background-color: #ccc0b3;
 float: left;
 margin: 16px 0 0 16px;
 .cell {
 position: absolute;
 font-size: 60px;
 text-align: center;
 line-height: 100px;
 color: #fff;
 .n2 {
 background-color: #eee3da
 .n4 {
 background-color: #ede0c8
 .n8 {
 background-color: #f2b179
 .n16 {
 background-color: #f59563
 .n32 {
 background-color: #f67c5f
 .n64 {
 background-color: #f65e3b
 .n128 {
 background-color: #edcf72
 .n256 {
 background-color: #edcc61
 .n512 {
 background-color: #9c0
 .n1024 {
 background-color: #33b5e5
 .n2048 {
 background-color: #09c
 .n4096 {
 background-color: #a6c
 .n8192 {
 background-color: #93c
 .n4 {
 color: #776e65
 #gameover {
 width: 100%;
 display: none;
 position: fixed;
 left: 50%;
 right: 50%;
 top: 148px;
 width: 220px;
 height: 200px;
 border-radius: 10px;
 background-color: white;
 margin-left: -110px;
 text-align: center;
 z-index: 5;
 #gameover>a {
 display: inline-block;
 width: 170px;
 height: 50px;
 border-radius: 10px;
 text-decoration: none;
 background-color: #9F8D77;
 color: white;
 font-size: 36px;
 <p id="game">
 <p class="head clear">
 <p class="scoreShow left">
 <span id="score"></span>
 <p class="selction right" onclick="getModel(event)">
 <a href="#" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" class="model" value="3">3X3</a>
 <a href="#" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" class="model" value="4">4X4</a>
 <a href="#" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" class="model" type="button">5X5</a>
 <a href="#" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" class="model" type="button">6X6</a>
 <!-- <input type="text" id="model"> -->
 <!-- <button type="button" name="button" id="set">设置游戏</button> -->
 <p id="gridPanel">
 <p id="gameover">
 <h1 id="Score"></h1>
 <a href="#" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" id="again" onclick="obj.gameStart()">Try again</a>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 var arr = [];
 function $(id) {
 return document.getElementById(id);
 function C(cls) {
 return document.getElementsByClassName(cls);
 var obj = {
 ROW: 4,
 CELL: 4,
 r: 0,
 c: 0,
 f: 0, //r行 c列 f查找的下一位置
 keyCd: 0,
 score: 0,
 createEle: 0, //是否需要创建元素
 eleFragment: "", //文档片段变量
 gameStart: function() {
 document.onkeydown = function(e) { //自动获得事件对象
 switch (e.keyCode) { //判断按键号
 case 37:
 obj.keyCd = 1;
 case 38:
 obj.keyCd = 2;
 case 39:
 obj.keyCd = 1;
 case 40:
 obj.keyCd = 2;
 $("score").innerHTML = obj.score; //更新分数
 init: function() {
 obj.eleFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
 for (r = 0; r < obj.ROW; r++) {
 for (c = 0; c < obj.CELL; c++) {
 arr[r][c] = 0;
 if (obj.createEle == 1) {
 obj.create(r, c);
 if (obj.createEle == 1) {
 obj.createEle = 0;
 $("gridPanel").innerHTML = ""; //清空原有的元素
 $("gridPanel").appendChild(obj.eleFragment); //添加元素
 obj.score = 0;
 $("score").innerHTML = obj.score;
 $("game").style.display = "none";
 $("gameover").style.display = "none";
 obj.random(); //开始游戏随机生成两个数
 create: function(r, c) {
 var grid, cell;
 var increment = 14,
 grWidth, grHeight, grMarginTop, grMarginLeft, ceWidth, ceHight;
 grid = document.createElement("p");
 cell = document.createElement("p");
 grid.id = "g" + r + c;
 grid.className = "grid";
 cell.id = "c" + r + c;
 cell.className = "cell";

 if (obj.ROW == 3) {
 increment = 24;
 } else if (obj.ROW == 4) {
 increment = 18;
 grWidth = grHeight = ceWidth = ceHight = 66 + (6 - obj.ROW) * increment; //优化后
 grMarginTop = grMarginLeft = (480 - grWidth * obj.ROW) / (obj.ROW + 1);
 grid.style.width = grWidth + "px";
 grid.style.height = grHeight + "px";
 grid.style.marginTop = grMarginTop + "px";
 grid.style.marginLeft = grMarginLeft + "px";
 cell.style.width = ceWidth + "px";
 cell.style.height = ceHight + "px";
 cell.style.top = grMarginTop + r * (grMarginTop + ceWidth) + "px";
 cell.style.left = grMarginLeft + c * (grMarginLeft + ceHight) + "px";
 cell.style.lineHeight = ceHight + "px";
 cell.style.fontSize = 30 + (6 - obj.ROW) * 10 + "px";
 /*if (obj.ROW == 3) {
 grid.style.width = "140px";
 grid.style.height = "140px";
 grid.style.margin = "15px 0 0 15px";
 cell.style.width = "140px";
 cell.style.height = "140px";
 cell.style.top = 15 + r * 155 + "px"; //设置距离上一位置的高度
 cell.style.left = 15 + c * 155 + "px"; //设置离左一位置的距离
 cell.style.lineHeight = "140px";
 } else if (obj.ROW == 4) {
 grid.style.width = "100px";
 grid.style.height = "100px";
 grid.style.margin = "16px 0 0 16px";
 cell.style.width = "100px";
 cell.style.height = "100px";
 cell.style.top = 16 + r * 116 + "px";
 cell.style.left = 16 + c * 116 + "px";
 cell.style.lineHeight = "100px";
 } else if (obj.ROW == 5) {
 grid.style.width = "75px";
 grid.style.height = "75px";
 grid.style.margin = "17.5px 0 0 17.5px";
 cell.style.width = "75px";
 cell.style.height = "75px";
 cell.style.top = 17.5 + r * 92.5 + "px";
 cell.style.left = 17.5 + c * 92.5 + "px";
 cell.style.fontSize = "40px";
 cell.style.lineHeight = "75px";
 } else if (obj.ROW == 6) {
 grid.style.width = "66px";
 grid.style.height = "66px";
 grid.style.margin = "12px 0 0 12px";
 cell.style.width = "66px";
 cell.style.height = "66px";
 cell.style.top = 12 + r * 78 + "px";
 cell.style.left = 12 + c * 78 + "px";
 cell.style.fontSize = "30px";
 cell.style.lineHeight = "66px";
 random: function() {
 while (1) {
 var row = Math.floor(Math.random() * obj.ROW);
 var cell = Math.floor(Math.random() * obj.CELL);
 if (arr[row][cell] == 0) { //判断生成的随机数位置为0才随机生成2或4
 arr[row][cell] = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? 4 : 2;
 // var row = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
 // var cell = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
 // if (arr[row][cell] == 0) { //判断生成的随机数位置为0才随机生成2或4
 // arr[row][cell] = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? 4 : 2;
 // return;
 // }
 // obj.random();//递归影响执行效率
 updateView: function() {
 var win = 0;
 for (r = 0; r < obj.ROW; r++) {
 for (c = 0; c < obj.CELL; c++) {
 if (arr[r][c] == 0) { //值为0的不显示
 $("c" + r + c).innerHTML = ""; //0不显示
 $("c" + r + c).className = "cell" //清除样式
 } else {
 $("c" + r + c).innerHTML = arr[r][c];
 $("c" + r + c).className = "cell n" + arr[r][c]; //添加不同数字的颜色
 if (obj.ROW == 3 && arr[r][c] == 1024) {
 win = 1;
 } else if (obj.ROW == 4 && arr[r][c] == 2048) {
 win = 1;
 } else if (obj.ROW == 5 && arr[r][c] == 4096) {
 win = 1;
 } else if (obj.ROW == 6 && arr[r][c] == 8192) {
 win = 1;
 if (win == 1) { //通关
 $("game").style.display = "block";
 $("gameover").style.display = "block";
 $("Score").innerHTML = "You win!<br>Score:" + obj.score;
 if (obj.isGameOver()) { //游戏失败
 $("game").style.display = "block";
 $("gameover").style.display = "block";
 $("Score").innerHTML = "GAME OVER!<br>Score:" + obj.score;
 isGameOver: function() {
 for (r = 0; r < obj.ROW; r++) {
 for (c = 0; c < obj.CELL; c++) {
 if (arr[r][c] == 0) { //有0还不是gameover
 return false;
 } else if (c != obj.CELL - 1 && arr[r][c] == arr[r][c + 1]) { //左往右 前一个和下一个不相等
 return false;
 } else if (r != obj.ROW - 1 && arr[r][c] == arr[r + 1][c]) { //上往下 上一个和下一个不相等
 return false;
 return true;
 find: function(r, c, start, condition, direction) {
 if (obj.keyCd == 2) { //上下按键
 if (direction == 1) { //向上按键 f++
 for (var f = start; f < condition; f += direction) {
 if (arr[f][c] != 0) {
 return f;
 } else { //向下按键 f--
 for (var f = start; f >= condition; f += direction) {
 if (arr[f][c] != 0) {
 return f;
 } else { //左右按键
 if (direction == 1) { //左按键 f++
 for (var f = start; f < condition; f += direction) {
 if (arr[r][f] != 0) {
 return f;
 } else { //右按键 f--
 for (var f = start; f >= condition; f += direction) {
 if (arr[r][f] != 0) {
 return f;
 return null; //循环结束仍然没有找到!=0的数值,返回null
 dealToLeft: function(r) {
 var next;
 for (c = 0; c < obj.ROW; c++) {
 next = obj.find(r, c, c + 1, obj.CELL, 1); //找出第一个不为0的位置
 if (next == null) break; //没有找到就返回
 if (arr[r][c] == 0) {
 arr[r][c] = arr[r][next]; //把找到的不为0的数值替换为当前位置的值
 arr[r][next] = 0; //找到的位置清0
 c--; //再次循环多一次,查看后面否有值与替换后的值相同,
 } else if (arr[r][c] == arr[r][next]) { //如果当前位置与找到的位置数值相等,则相加
 arr[r][c] *= 2;
 arr[r][next] = 0;
 obj.score += arr[r][c];
 move: function(itertor) {
 var before, //没处理前
 after; //after处理后
 before = arr.toString();
 itertor(); //执行for函数
 after = arr.toString();
 if (before != after) { //前后对比,如果不同就update
 moveLeft: function() {
 obj.move(function() {
 for (r = 0; r < obj.ROW; r++) {
 // if 当前位置 不为零
 // 从当前位置,下一个成员开始,遍历,
 // 如果找到,与当前位置相等的数,
 // 两者相加,并把不为零的成员,设置为零
 // 如果 当前位置是 零
 // 从当前位置下一个成员开始遍历
 // 如果找到 第一个不为零的成员
 // 当前位置数值设置为这个不为零的成员的值 ,并且把那个不为零的成员设置为 0
 dealToRight: function(r) {
 var next;
 for (c = obj.CELL - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
 next = obj.find(r, c, c - 1, 0, -1); //找出第一个不为0的位置
 if (next == null) break; //没有找到就返回
 if (arr[r][c] == 0) {
 arr[r][c] = arr[r][next]; //把找到的不为0的数值替换为当前位置的值
 arr[r][next] = 0; //找到的位置清0
 c++; //再次循环多一次,查看后面否有值与替换后的值相同,
 } else if (arr[r][c] == arr[r][next]) { //如果当前位置与找到的位置数值相等,则相加
 arr[r][c] *= 2;
 arr[r][next] = 0;
 obj.score += arr[r][c];
 moveRight: function() {
 obj.move(function() {
 for (r = 0; r < obj.ROW; r++) {
 dealToUp: function(c) {
 var next;
 for (r = 0; r < obj.ROW; r++) {
 next = obj.find(r, c, r + 1, obj.ROW, 1); //找出第一个不为0的位置
 if (next == null) break;
 if (arr[r][c] == 0) {
 arr[r][c] = arr[next][c]; //把找到的不为0的数值替换为当前位置的值
 arr[next][c] = 0; //找到的位置清0
 r--; //再次循环多一次,查看后面否有值与替换后的值相同
 } else if (arr[r][c] == arr[next][c]) { //如果当前位置与找到的位置数值相等,则相加
 arr[r][c] *= 2;
 arr[next][c] = 0;
 obj.score += arr[r][c];
 moveUp: function() {
 obj.move(function() {
 for (c = 0; c < obj.CELL; c++) {
 dealToDown: function(c) {
 var next;
 for (r = obj.ROW - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
 next = obj.find(r, c, r - 1, 0, -1); //找出第一个不为0的位置
 if (next == null) {
 if (arr[r][c] == 0) {
 arr[r][c] = arr[next][c]; //把找到的不为0的数值替换为当前位置的值
 arr[next][c] = 0; //找到的位置清0
 r++; //再次循环多一次,查看后面否有值与替换后的值相同
 } else if (arr[r][c] == arr[next][c]) { //如果当前位置与找到的位置数值相等,则相加
 arr[r][c] *= 2;
 arr[next][c] = 0;
 obj.score += arr[r][c];
 moveDown: function() {
 obj.move(function() {
 for (c = 0; c < obj.CELL; c++) {
 window.onload = function() {
 obj.createEle = 1;
 function getModel(e) { //事件冒泡获取a元素
 var a = e.target,
 modelValue = 4;
 if (a.nodeName == "A") {
 if (a.innerHTML == "3X3") {
 modelValue = 3;
 } else if (a.innerHTML == "4X4") {
 modelValue = 4;
 } else if (a.innerHTML == "5X5") {
 modelValue = 5;
 } else if (a.innerHTML == "6X6") {
 modelValue = 6;
 obj.ROW = obj.CELL = modelValue;
 obj.createEle = 1; //需要创建格子p元素的标志
 // var modelValue = parseInt($("model").value);
 // if (isNaN(modelValue)) {
 // modelValue = 4; //默认是4*4
 // }
 // if (modelValue <= 2 || modelValue > 6) return; //2格或者大于6格无效
 // obj.ROW = modelValue;
 // obj.CELL = modelValue;
 // obj.createEle = 1;
 // obj.gameStart();
 // console.log(modelValue);
 // }

The above is the detailed content of Write 2048 mini game example code using native js. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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