Home >WeChat Applet >WeChat Development >Detailed introduction to php WeChat payment interface development program
WeChat paymentInterface Now slowly, like Alipay, you can use the api interface to realize payment on third-party websites or applications. The following is a php WeChat payment interface development The program has been tested. Interested friends can refer to
php WeChat payment interface development program explanation:
Required conditions:
appid //Obtained by the official account backend developer center (same as the one in the email)
mchid//Obtained in the email
key//Set by the merchant backend
appsecret //The official account developer center obtained
two certificate files, and obtained apiclient_cert.pem in the email apiclient_key.pem
WeChat payment in the background of the official account-》Development configuration-》Add test directory and test personal WeChat ID.
Developer Center-》Web page authorization to obtain basic user information-》Change to your test domain name. Otherwise, redirect_uri parameter error will occur
——————————Follow-up to be improved——————-
The WeChat payment ready page has performed three operations on its own in the background:
1. Get openid
//使用jsapi接口 代码如下复制代码 $jsApi = new JsApi_pub(); //=========步骤1:网页授权获取用户openid============ //通过code获得openid if (!isset($_GET['code'])) { //触发微信返回code码 $url = $jsApi->createOauthUrlForCode(WxPayConf_pub::JS_API_CALL_URL); //echo $url; Header("Location: $url"); }else { //获取code码,以获取openid $code = $_GET['code']; $jsApi->setCode($code); $openid = $jsApi->getOpenid(); }
I also encountered problems in the first step when I first started. The inability to obtain openid is related to some servers. The demo uses curl to obtain it.
It’s strange that my server curl has been unable to be obtained. Later, it was changed to file_get_contents and it can be obtained normally.
But this is not the solution. Because more curl operations will be needed later.
I saw a place in the development documentation where the certificate operation requires libcurl 7.20.1 or above. Then I have been working on the server to improve the php curl version of linux. In the end, I just switched to another windows server.
Let's do this for now, and debug when we need to use it next time.
Second step: Get and pay order number id
The code is as follows
$unifiedOrder = new UnifiedOrder_pub(); //var_dump($unifiedOrder); //设置统一支付接口参数 //设置必填参数 //appid已填,商户无需重复填写 //mch_id已填,商户无需重复填写 //noncestr已填,商户无需重复填写 //spbill_create_ip已填,商户无需重复填写 //sign已填,商户无需重复填写 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("openid","$openid");//商品描述 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("body","贡献一分钱");//商品描述 //自定义订单号,此处仅作举例 $timeStamp = time(); $out_trade_no = WxPayConf_pub::APPID."$timeStamp"; $unifiedOrder->setParameter("out_trade_no","$out_trade_no");//商户订单号 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("total_fee","1");//总金额 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("notify_url",WxPayConf_pub::NOTIFY_URL);//通知地址 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("trade_type","JSAPI");//交易类型 //非必填参数,商户可根据实际情况选填 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("sub_mch_id","XXXX");//子商户号 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("device_info","XXXX");//设备号 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("attach","XXXX");//附加数据 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("time_start","XXXX");//交易起始时间 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("time_expire","XXXX");//交易结束时间 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("goods_tag","XXXX");//商品标记 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("openid","XXXX");//用户标识 //$unifiedOrder->setParameter("product_id","XXXX");//商品ID $prepay_id = $unifiedOrder->getPrepayId(); //echo 'prepay_id:'; var_dump($prepay_id);
There are many problems encountered in this step The problem.
First of all, it is difficult to test WeChat payment, and it can only be tested within WeChat. I just use my phone to swipe around.
Secondly, it is not easy to use var_dump for debugging. Print some files in xml format and only display the character length, not the content. So I wrote it in the form of log for debugging on the server. The log code:
The code is as follows
// 打印log function log_d($word) { $log_name="./logd.log";//log文件路径 $fp = fopen($log_name,"a"); flock($fp, LOCK_EX) ; fwrite($fp,"执行日期:".strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S",time())."n".$word."nn"); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); }
Use $this->log_d in WxPayPubHelper.php in the demo (xxx); call.
At the beginning, I kept getting errors because the mchid and appid given to me did not match. . They gave me the wrong account number. At the beginning, I didn’t know how to try randomly. For this step of debugging, you can see the error code using var_dump($this->result); in getPrepayId().
The third step: Generate the payment front-end js code and put it on the web page:
The code is as follows
$jsApi->setPrepayId($prepay_id); $jsApiParameters = $jsApi->getParameters();
————————-Click to pay————————-
Another problem encountered in this part:
android Returns "System: Access_denied", ios returns "access_control:not_allowed"
I searched a lot on Baidu. In fact, I have seen this thing for a long time and never noticed it!
The page that initiates the authorization request must be in the authorization directory and cannot exist in a subdirectory. Otherwise, an error will be returned
I placed the payment file in /domain name/pay/demo/
At the beginning, I always reached the end of /domain name/pay/ and thought that was enough. Support subdirectories, the result is not possible! .
————————Finally look at the picture below————
—— ————xmljs in the process——————–
Generate and pay order id to be submitted:
The code is as follows
<xml> <openid><![CDATA[ou9dHt0L8qFLI1foP-kj5x1mDWsM]]></openid> <body><![CDATA[贡献一下]]></body> <out_trade_no><![CDATA[wx88888888888888881414411779]]></out_trade_no> <total_fee>1</total_fee> <notify_url><![CDATA[http://shanmao.me/wxpay/notify_url.php]]></notify_url> <trade_type><![CDATA[JSAPI]]></trade_type> <appid><![CDATA[wx8888888888888888]]></appid> <mch_id>10012345</mch_id> <spbill_create_ip><![CDATA[]]></spbill_create_ip> <nonce_str><![CDATA[60uf9sh6nmppr9azveb2bn7arhy79izk]]></nonce_str> <sign><![CDATA[2D8A96553672D56BB2908CE4B0A23D0F]]></sign> </xml>
Return after submission Correct, it contains perpay_id:
<xml> <return_code><![CDATA[SUCCESS]]></return_code> <return_msg><![CDATA[OK]]></return_msg> <appid><![CDATA[wx8888888888888888]]></appid> <mch_id><![CDATA[10012345]]></mch_id> <nonce_str><![CDATA[Be8YX7gjCdtCT7cr]]></nonce_str> <sign><![CDATA[885B6D84635AE6C020EF753A00C8EEDB]]></sign> <result_code><![CDATA[SUCCESS]]></result_code> <prepay_id><![CDATA[wx201410272009395522657a690389285100]]></prepay_id> <trade_type><![CDATA[JSAPI]]></trade_type> </xml>
Generate js for payment:
{ "appId": "wx8888888888888888", "timeStamp": "1414411784", "nonceStr": "gbwr71b5no6q6ne18c8up1u7l7he2y75", "package": "prepay_id=wx201410272009395522657a690389285100", "signType": "MD5", "paySign": "9C6747193720F851EB876299D59F6C7D" }
Payment successful The notification xml returned after that is:
<xml><appid><![CDATA[wx8888888888]]></appid> <bank_type><![CDATA[CCB_DEBIT]]></bank_type> <fee_type><![CDATA[CNY]]></fee_type> <is_subscribe><![CDATA[Y]]></is_subscribe> <mch_id><![CDATA[1011111]]></mch_id> <nonce_str><![CDATA[38gt0ffgsvfsdfsdfbt1981duv63p7]]></nonce_str> <openid><![CDATA[o4p3SjfdsfdsfdsdCE5Y2XHw4]]></openid> <out_trade_no><![CDATA[wx4b56d1fsdfdsf416643247]]></out_trade_no> <result_code><![CDATA[SUCCESS]]></result_code> <return_code><![CDATA[SUCCESS]]></return_code> <sign><![CDATA[356EfsdfdsfsdsfE69509EDA344]]></sign> <sub_mch_id><![CDATA[10018826]]></sub_mch_id> <time_end><![CDATA[20141122160122]]></time_end> <total_fee>1</total_fee> <trade_type><![CDATA[JSAPI]]></trade_type> <transaction_id><![CDATA[100715001020fsdfsd1220006123174]]></transaction_id> </xml>
I’m random about the data in this, so please refer to the format below. Also note that it is case sensitive.
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to php WeChat payment interface development program. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!