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Simple code example to implement JavaScript MVC style framework

2017-03-14 15:25:291705browse


People who have used JavaScriptframeworks (such as AngularJS, Backbone or Ember) are familiar with the UI (user interface) , front-end) working mechanism of mvc. These frameworks implement MVC, making it easier to change the View as needed in a single page, and the Model-View-Controller (mvc) The core concepts are: controllers that handle incoming requests, views that display information, and models that represent business rules and data access.

Therefore, when we need to create such an application that needs to switch out different content in a single page, we usually choose to use one of the above frameworks. However, if we only need a framework that implements view switching in a URL without additional bundled functions, there is no need to use complex frameworks such as Angular and Ember. This article is an attempt to use simple and effective methods to solve the same problem.


The code in the application uses the "#" in urls to implement the navigation of the MVC pattern. The application starts with a default url, hash-based code that loads the application view and applies the object-model to the view template.

The url format is as follows:

http://Domain Name/index.html#/Route Name

The view content must be bound to the object model's value and property in a {{Property-Name}} way. The code looks for this specialized template format and replaces the property values ​​in the object model.

The view loaded asynchronously via ajax will be placed in the placeholder of the page. The view placeholder can be any element (ideally p), but it must have a special attribute, and the code locates it based on this special attribute, which also helps the implementation of the code. When the url changes, the scenario is repeated and another view is loaded. Sounds simple? The flow diagram below explains the message jumps in this particular implementation.

Write code

We start with the basic moduleDesign pattern, And finally use the facade design pattern to expose our libs to the global scope.

; (function (w, d, undefined) { //rest of the code })(window, document);

We need to store the view elements into a variable so that they can be used multiple times.

var _viewElement = null; //element that will be used to render the view

We need a default routing to deal with the situation where there is no routing information in the url, so that the default view can be loaded instead of displaying a blank page.

var _defaultRoute = null;

Now let’s create the constructor method of our main MVC object. We will store the routing information in "_routeMap"

var jsMvc = function () {  
    //mapping object for the routes  
    this._routeMap = {};  

It's time to create the routing object. We will store the routing, template, and controller information in this object.

var routeObj = function (c, r, t) {  
    this.controller = c;  
    this.route = r;  
    this.template = t;  

Each URL will have a dedicated routing object routeObj. All these objects will be added to the _routeMap object, so that we can obtain them later through key-value.

In order to add routing information to MVC libs, we need to expose a method in the libs. So let's create a method that can be used by the respective controller to add new routes.

jsMvc.prototype.AddRoute = function (controller, route, template) {  
    this._routeMap[route] = new routeObj(controller, route, template);  

The method AddRoute receives 3 parameters: controller, route and template (contoller, route and template). They are:

controller: The function of the controller is to access specific routes.

route: Route route. This is the part after # in the url.

template: This is the external html file that is loaded as a view for this route. Now our libs need an entry point to parse the url and serve the associated html template page. To accomplish this, we need a method.

The Initialize method does the following:

1) Get the initialization of view-related elements. The code requires an element with a view attribute, which can be used to find in the HTML page:

2) Set the default route

3) Verify that the view element is reasonable



//Initialize the Mvc manager object to start functioning  
jsMvc.prototype.Initialize = function () {  
    var startMvcDelegate = startMvc.bind(this);  

    //get the html element that will be used to render the view    
    _viewElement = d.querySelector('[view]');          
    if (!_viewElement) return; //do nothing if view element is not found      

    //Set the default route  
    _defaultRoute = this._routeMap[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._routeMap)[0]];      

    //start the Mvc manager  
    w.onhashchange = startMvcDelegate;  

在上面的代码中,我们从startMvc 方法中创建了一个代理方法startMvcDelegate 。当哈希值变化时,这个代理都会被调用。下面就是当哈希值变化时我们做的操作的先后顺序:







//function to start the mvc support  
function startMvc() {  
    var pageHash = w.location.hash.replace('#', ''),  
        routeName = null,  
        routeObj = null;                  

    routeName = pageHash.replace('/', ''); //get the name of the route from the hash          
    routeObj = this._routeMap[routeName]; //get the route object      

    //Set to default route object if no route found  
    if (!routeObj)  
        routeObj = _defaultRoute;  

    loadTemplate(routeObj, _viewElement, pageHash); //fetch and set the view of the route  

下一步,我们需要使用XML HTTP请求异步加载合适的视图。为此,我们会传递路由对象的值和视图元素给方法loadTemplate。

//Function to load external html data  
function loadTemplate(routeObject, view) {  
    var xmlhttp;  
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {  
        // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari  
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();  
    else {  
        // code for IE6, IE5  
        xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');  
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {  
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {  
            loadView(routeObject, view, xmlhttp.responseText);  
    xmlhttp.open('GET', routeObject.template, true);  


loadView 方法被用于调用控制器方法,以及准备模型对象。


//Function to load the view with the template  
function loadView(routeObject, viewElement, viewHtml) {  
    var model = {};   

    //get the resultant model from the controller of the current route    

    //bind the model with the view      
    viewHtml = replaceToken(viewHtml, model);   

    //load the view into the view element  
    viewElement.innerHTML = viewHtml;   

function replaceToken(viewHtml, model) {  
    var modelProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(model),  

    modelProps.forEach(function (element, index, array) {  
        viewHtml = viewHtml.replace('{{' + element + '}}', model[element]);  
    return viewHtml;  


//attach the mvc object to the window  
w['jsMvc'] = new jsMvc();







<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>JavaScript Mvc</title> 
    <script src="jsMvc.js"></script> 
    <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="jsMvc-ie8.js"></script> <![endif]--> 

    <style type="text/css"> 
        .NavLinkContainer {  
            padding: 5px;  
            background-color: lightyellow;  

        .NavLink {  
            color: white;  
            .NavLink:hover {  
    <h3>Navigation Links</h3> 
    <p class="NavLinkContainer"> 
        <a class="NavLink" href="index.html#/home">Home</a>   

        <a class="NavLink" href="index.html#/contact">Contact</a>   

        <a class="NavLink" href="index.html#/admin">Admin</a>   

    <br /> 
    <br /> 
    <p view></p> 
        jsMvc.AddRoute(HomeController, &#39;home&#39;, &#39;Views/home.html&#39;);  
        jsMvc.AddRoute(ContactController, &#39;contact&#39;, &#39;Views/contact.html&#39;);  
        jsMvc.AddRoute(AdminController, &#39;admin&#39;, &#39;Views/admin.html&#39;);  

        function HomeController(model) {  
            model.Message = &#39;Hello World&#39;;  

        function ContactController(model) {  
            model.FirstName = "John";  
            model.LastName = "Doe";  
            model.Phone = &#39;555-123456&#39;;  

        function AdminController(model) {  
            model.UserName = "John";  
            model.Password = "MyPassword";  


<!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="jsMvc-ie8.js"></script> <![endif]-->


其中的内容有home.html, contact.html 和 admin.html 请看下面:




{{FirstName}} {{LastName}}  
<br /> 


<p style="padding:2px;margin:2px;text-align:left;"> 
    <label for="txtUserName">User Name</label> 
    <input type="text" id="txtUserName" value="{{UserName}}" /> 
<p style="padding:2px;margin:2px;text-align:left;"> 
    <label for="txtPassword">Password</label> 
    <input type="password" id="txtPassword" value="{{Password}}" /> 







跑在服务器里是必要的,因为代码加载从存储于外部文件中的视图,浏览器不会允许我们的代码在非宿主服务器环境下执行。当然如果你使用Visual Studio那么直接在目标html文件上右键,选择‘View In Browser’即可。



Points of Interest

This example demonstratesThis example shows us that for very clear requirements, it is not necessary to use all js libraries and frameworks to achieve them. Web applications are resource-intensive, and it's best to use only the necessary code and throw away the rest.

That's all the current code can do. There are no functions such as Web service calling and dynamic event binding. Soon I will provide an upgraded version that supports more features.

Download JavaScript-Mvc.zip – 4.6 KB JavaScript Mvc on Github Live Demo

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