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This article mainly introduces js to realize the display of friend links shared by WeChat. It is helpful for learning ASP.NETprogramming technology. Interested readers Friends, you can refer to
Usually when I make a page and want to share it with friends through WeChat, the title and description displayed are not what I want. I checked some information and found out that it is done through js. The control
display effect is as follows:
##title, description, and shared Pictures are all controlled by js. js code is as follows
<script> var dataForWeixin = { appId: "", MsgImg: "Christmas/201012189457639.gif",//显示图片 TLImg: "Christmas/201012189457639.gif",//显示图片 url: "Christmas/6.html?stra=!u738B!u4F1F",//跳转地址 title: "将我的思念和祝福送给您,颐养源祝大家圣诞快乐",//标题内容 desc: "将我的思念和祝福送给您,颐养源祝大家圣诞快乐",//描述内容 fakeid: "", callback: function () { } }; (function () { var onBridgeReady = function () { WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:appmessage', function (argv) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('sendAppMessage', { "appid": dataForWeixin.appId, "img_url": dataForWeixin.MsgImg, "img_width": "120", "img_height": "120", "link": dataForWeixin.url, "desc": dataForWeixin.desc, "title": dataForWeixin.title }, function (res) { (dataForWeixin.callback)(); }); }); WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:timeline', function (argv) { (dataForWeixin.callback)(); WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareTimeline', { "img_url": dataForWeixin.TLImg, "img_width": "120", "img_height": "120", "link": dataForWeixin.url, "desc": dataForWeixin.desc, "title": dataForWeixin.title }, function (res) { }); }); WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:weibo', function (argv) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareWeibo', { "content": dataForWeixin.title, "url": dataForWeixin.url }, function (res) { (dataForWeixin.callback)(); }); }); WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:facebook', function (argv) { (dataForWeixin.callback)(); WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareFB', { "img_url": dataForWeixin.TLImg, "img_width": "120", "img_height": "120", "link": dataForWeixin.url, "desc": dataForWeixin.desc, "title": dataForWeixin.title }, function (res) { }); }); }; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('WeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady); document.attachEvent('onWeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady); } })(); </script>Another WeChat share js code:
/**! * 微信内置浏览器的Javascript API,功能包括: * * 1、分享到微信朋友圈 * 2、分享给微信好友 * 3、分享到腾讯微博 * 4、新的分享接口,包含朋友圈、好友、微博的分享(for iOS) * 5、隐藏/显示右上角的菜单入口 * 6、隐藏/显示底部浏览器工具栏 * 7、获取当前的网络状态 * 8、调起微信客户端的图片播放组件 * 9、关闭公众平台Web页面 */ var WeixinApi = (function () { "use strict"; /** * 分享到微信朋友圈 * @param {Object} data 待分享的信息 * @p-config {String} appId 公众平台的appId(服务号可用) * @p-config {String} imgUrl 图片地址 * @p-config {String} link 链接地址 * @p-config {String} desc 描述 * @p-config {String} title 分享的标题 * * @param {Object} callbacks 相关回调方法 * @p-config {Boolean} async ready方法是否需要异步执行,默认false * @p-config {Function} ready(argv) 就绪状态 * @p-config {Function} dataLoaded(data) 数据加载完成后调用,async为true时有用,也可以为空 * @p-config {Function} cancel(resp) 取消 * @p-config {Function} fail(resp) 失败 * @p-config {Function} confirm(resp) 成功 * @p-config {Function} all(resp) 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 */ function weixinShareTimeline(data, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; var shareTimeline = function (theData) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareTimeline', { "appid":theData.appId ? theData.appId : '', "img_url":theData.imgUrl, "link":theData.link, "desc":theData.title, "title":theData.desc, // 注意这里要分享出去的内容是desc "img_width":"640", "img_height":"640" }, function (resp) { switch (resp.err_msg) { // share_timeline:cancel 用户取消 case 'share_timeline:cancel': callbacks.cancel && callbacks.cancel(resp); break; // share_timeline:confirm 发送成功 case 'share_timeline:confirm': case 'share_timeline:ok': callbacks.confirm && callbacks.confirm(resp); break; // share_timeline:fail 发送失败 case 'share_timeline:fail': default: callbacks.fail && callbacks.fail(resp); break; } // 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 callbacks.all && callbacks.all(resp); }); }; WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:timeline', function (argv) { if (callbacks.async && callbacks.ready) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = callbacks.dataLoaded || new Function(); if(window["_wx_loadedCb_"].toString().indexOf("_wx_loadedCb_") > 0) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = new Function(); } callbacks.dataLoaded = function (newData) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"](newData); shareTimeline(newData); }; // 然后就绪 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(argv); } else { // 就绪状态 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(argv); shareTimeline(data); } }); } /** * 发送给微信上的好友 * @param {Object} data 待分享的信息 * @p-config {String} appId 公众平台的appId(服务号可用) * @p-config {String} imgUrl 图片地址 * @p-config {String} link 链接地址 * @p-config {String} desc 描述 * @p-config {String} title 分享的标题 * * @param {Object} callbacks 相关回调方法 * @p-config {Boolean} async ready方法是否需要异步执行,默认false * @p-config {Function} ready(argv) 就绪状态 * @p-config {Function} dataLoaded(data) 数据加载完成后调用,async为true时有用,也可以为空 * @p-config {Function} cancel(resp) 取消 * @p-config {Function} fail(resp) 失败 * @p-config {Function} confirm(resp) 成功 * @p-config {Function} all(resp) 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 */ function weixinSendAppMessage(data, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; var sendAppMessage = function (theData) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('sendAppMessage', { "appid":theData.appId ? theData.appId : '', "img_url":theData.imgUrl, "link":theData.link, "desc":theData.desc, "title":theData.title, "img_width":"640", "img_height":"640" }, function (resp) { switch (resp.err_msg) { // send_app_msg:cancel 用户取消 case 'send_app_msg:cancel': callbacks.cancel && callbacks.cancel(resp); break; // send_app_msg:confirm 发送成功 case 'send_app_msg:confirm': case 'send_app_msg:ok': callbacks.confirm && callbacks.confirm(resp); break; // send_app_msg:fail 发送失败 case 'send_app_msg:fail': default: callbacks.fail && callbacks.fail(resp); break; } // 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 callbacks.all && callbacks.all(resp); }); }; WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:appmessage', function (argv) { if (callbacks.async && callbacks.ready) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = callbacks.dataLoaded || new Function(); if(window["_wx_loadedCb_"].toString().indexOf("_wx_loadedCb_") > 0) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = new Function(); } callbacks.dataLoaded = function (newData) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"](newData); sendAppMessage(newData); }; // 然后就绪 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(argv); } else { // 就绪状态 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(argv); sendAppMessage(data); } }); } /** * 分享到腾讯微博 * @param {Object} data 待分享的信息 * @p-config {String} link 链接地址 * @p-config {String} desc 描述 * * @param {Object} callbacks 相关回调方法 * @p-config {Boolean} async ready方法是否需要异步执行,默认false * @p-config {Function} ready(argv) 就绪状态 * @p-config {Function} dataLoaded(data) 数据加载完成后调用,async为true时有用,也可以为空 * @p-config {Function} cancel(resp) 取消 * @p-config {Function} fail(resp) 失败 * @p-config {Function} confirm(resp) 成功 * @p-config {Function} all(resp) 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 */ function weixinShareWeibo(data, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; var shareWeibo = function (theData) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareWeibo', { "content":theData.desc, "url":theData.link }, function (resp) { switch (resp.err_msg) { // share_weibo:cancel 用户取消 case 'share_weibo:cancel': callbacks.cancel && callbacks.cancel(resp); break; // share_weibo:confirm 发送成功 case 'share_weibo:confirm': case 'share_weibo:ok': callbacks.confirm && callbacks.confirm(resp); break; // share_weibo:fail 发送失败 case 'share_weibo:fail': default: callbacks.fail && callbacks.fail(resp); break; } // 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 callbacks.all && callbacks.all(resp); }); }; WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:weibo', function (argv) { if (callbacks.async && callbacks.ready) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = callbacks.dataLoaded || new Function(); if(window["_wx_loadedCb_"].toString().indexOf("_wx_loadedCb_") > 0) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = new Function(); } callbacks.dataLoaded = function (newData) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"](newData); shareWeibo(newData); }; // 然后就绪 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(argv); } else { // 就绪状态 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(argv); shareWeibo(data); } }); } /** * 新的分享接口 * @param {Object} data 待分享的信息 * @p-config {String} appId 公众平台的appId(服务号可用) * @p-config {String} imgUrl 图片地址 * @p-config {String} link 链接地址 * @p-config {String} desc 描述 * @p-config {String} title 分享的标题 * * @param {Object} callbacks 相关回调方法 * @p-config {Boolean} async ready方法是否需要异步执行,默认false * @p-config {Function} ready(argv,shareTo) 就绪状态 * @p-config {Function} dataLoaded(data) 数据加载完成后调用,async为true时有用,也可以为空 * @p-config {Function} cancel(resp,shareTo) 取消 * @p-config {Function} fail(resp,shareTo) 失败 * @p-config {Function} confirm(resp,shareTo) 成功 * @p-config {Function} all(resp,shareTo) 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 */ function weixinGeneralShare(data, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; var generalShare = function (general,theData) { // 如果是分享到朋友圈,则需要把title和desc交换一下 if(general.shareTo == 'timeline') { var title = theData.title; theData.title = theData.desc || title; theData.desc = title; } // 分享出去 general.generalShare({ "appid":theData.appId ? theData.appId : '', "img_url":theData.imgUrl, "link":theData.link, "desc":theData.desc, "title":theData.title, "img_width":"640", "img_height":"640" }, function (resp) { switch (resp.err_msg) { // general_share:cancel 用户取消 case 'general_share:cancel': callbacks.cancel && callbacks.cancel(resp ,general.shareTo); break; // general_share:confirm 发送成功 case 'general_share:confirm': case 'general_share:ok': callbacks.confirm && callbacks.confirm(resp ,general.shareTo); break; // general_share:fail 发送失败 case 'general_share:fail': default: callbacks.fail && callbacks.fail(resp ,general.shareTo); break; } // 无论成功失败都会执行的回调 callbacks.all && callbacks.all(resp ,general.shareTo); }); }; WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:general:share', function (general) { if (callbacks.async && callbacks.ready) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = callbacks.dataLoaded || new Function(); if(window["_wx_loadedCb_"].toString().indexOf("_wx_loadedCb_") > 0) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"] = new Function(); } callbacks.dataLoaded = function (newData) { window["_wx_loadedCb_"](newData); generalShare(general,newData); }; // 然后就绪 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(general,general.shareTo); } else { // 就绪状态 callbacks.ready && callbacks.ready(general,general.shareTo); generalShare(general,data); } }); } /** * 加关注(此功能只是暂时先加上,不过因为权限限制问题,不能用,如果你的站点是部署在*.qq.com下,也许可行) * @param {String} appWeixinId 微信公众号ID * @param {Object} callbacks 回调方法 * @p-config {Function} fail(resp) 失败 * @p-config {Function} confirm(resp) 成功 */ function addContact(appWeixinId,callbacks){ callbacks = callbacks || {}; WeixinJSBridge.invoke("addContact", { webtype: "1", username: appWeixinId }, function (resp) { var success = !resp.err_msg || "add_contact:ok" == resp.err_msg || "add_contact:added" == resp.err_msg; if(success) { callbacks.success && callbacks.success(resp); }else{ callbacks.fail && callbacks.fail(resp); } }) } /** * 调起微信Native的图片播放组件。 * 这里必须对参数进行强检测,如果参数不合法,直接会导致微信客户端crash * * @param {String} curSrc 当前播放的图片地址 * @param {Array} srcList 图片地址列表 */ function imagePreview(curSrc,srcList) { if(!curSrc || !srcList || srcList.length == 0) { return; } WeixinJSBridge.invoke('imagePreview', { 'current' : curSrc, 'urls' : srcList }); } /** * 显示网页右上角的按钮 */ function showOptionMenu() { WeixinJSBridge.call('showOptionMenu'); } /** * 隐藏网页右上角的按钮 */ function hideOptionMenu() { WeixinJSBridge.call('hideOptionMenu'); } /** * 显示底部工具栏 */ function showToolbar() { WeixinJSBridge.call('showToolbar'); } /** * 隐藏底部工具栏 */ function hideToolbar() { WeixinJSBridge.call('hideToolbar'); } /** * 返回如下几种类型: * * network_type:wifi wifi网络 * network_type:edge 非wifi,包含3G/2G * network_type:fail 网络断开连接 * network_type:wwan 2g或者3g * * 使用方法: * WeixinApi.getNetworkType(function(networkType){ * * }); * * @param callback */ function getNetworkType(callback) { if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('getNetworkType', {}, function (e) { // 在这里拿到e.err_msg,这里面就包含了所有的网络类型 callback(e.err_msg); }); } } /** * 关闭当前微信公众平台页面 */ function closeWindow() { WeixinJSBridge.call("closeWindow"); } /** * 当页面加载完毕后执行,使用方法: * WeixinApi.ready(function(Api){ * // 从这里只用Api即是WeixinApi * }); * @param readyCallback */ function wxJsBridgeReady(readyCallback) { if (readyCallback && typeof readyCallback == 'function') { var Api = this; var wxReadyFunc = function () { readyCallback(Api); }; if (typeof window.WeixinJSBridge == "undefined"){ if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', wxReadyFunc, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('WeixinJSBridgeReady', wxReadyFunc); document.attachEvent('onWeixinJSBridgeReady', wxReadyFunc); } }else{ wxReadyFunc(); } } } return { version :"2.0", ready :wxJsBridgeReady, shareToTimeline :weixinShareTimeline, shareToWeibo :weixinShareWeibo, shareToFriend :weixinSendAppMessage, generalShare :weixinGeneralShare, addContact :addContact, showOptionMenu :showOptionMenu, hideOptionMenu :hideOptionMenu, showToolbar :showToolbar, hideToolbar :hideToolbar, getNetworkType :getNetworkType, imagePreview :imagePreview, closeWindow :closeWindow }; })();The above is Sharing js code on WeChat, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.
The above is the detailed content of Using js to implement WeChat sharing example code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!