Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >HTML select option detailed description
This article introduces the detailed explanation of HTML select option
javascriptThe detailed explanation of HTML (select option)
1. Basic understanding:
var e = document.getElementById("selectId");
e. options= new Option("text","value");
//Create an option object, that is, create one or more
/ in the
onclick="number() ;">
1. Dynamically create select
function createSelect(){
var mySelect = document.createElement("select");
mySelect.id = "mySelect";
2 .Add option option
function addOption(){
//Find the object based on id,
var obj=document.getElementById('mySelect');
/ /Add an option
obj.add(new Option("text","value")); //This is only valid in IE
obj.options.add(new Option("text"," value")); //This is compatible with IE and firefox
3. Delete all options option
function removeAll(){
var obj=document.getElementById('mySelect');
4. Delete an option option
function removeOne(){
var obj=document.getElementById('mySelect');
//index, the serial number of the option to be deleted, take here The serial number of the currently selected option
var index=obj.selectedIndex;
5. Get the value of option
var obj=document.getElementById('mySelect');
var index=obj.selectedIndex; //Serial number, take the serial number of the currently selected option
var val = obj.options [index].value;
6. Get the text of option option
var obj=document.getElementById('mySelect');
var index=obj.selectedIndex; //Serial number, take the serial number of the currently selected option
var val = obj.options[index].text;
7. Modify the option option
var obj=document. getElementById('mySelect');
var index=obj.selectedIndex; //Serial number, take the serial number of the currently selected option
var val = obj.options[index]=new Option(" New text","new value");
8. Delete select
function removeSelect(){
var mySelect = document.getElementById("mySelect");
mySelect .parentNode.removeChild(mySelect);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ZH-CN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> <head> <script language=JavaScript> function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id) } function show() { var selectObj=$("area") var myOption=document.createElement("option") myOption.setAttribute("value","10") myOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode("上海")) var myOption1=document.createElement("option") myOption1.setAttribute("value","100") myOption1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("南京")) selectObj.appendChild(myOption) selectObj.appendChild(myOption1) } function choice() { var index=$("area").selectedIndex; var val=$("area").options[index].getAttribute("value") if(val==10) { var i=$("context").childNodes.length-1; var remobj=$("context").childNodes[i]; remobj.removeNode(true) var sh=document.createElement("select") sh.add(new Option("浦东新区","101")) sh.add(new Option("黄浦区","102")) sh.add(new Option("徐汇区","103")) sh.add(new Option("普陀区","104")) $("context").appendChild(sh) } if(val==100) { var i=$("context").childNodes.length-1; var remobj=$("context").childNodes[i]; remobj.removeNode(true) var nj=document.createElement("select") nj.add(new Option("玄武区","201")) nj.add(new Option("白下区","202")) nj.add(new Option("下关区","203")) nj.add(new Option("栖霞区","204")) $("context").appendChild(nj) } } function calc() { var x=$("context").childNodes.length-1; alert(x) } function remove() { var i=$("context").childNodes.length-1; var remobj=$("context").childNodes[i]; remobj.removeNode(true) } </script> <body> <p id="context"> <select id="area" on change="choice()"> </select> </p> <input type=button value="显示" onclick="show()"> <input type=button value="计算结点" onclick="calc()"> <input type=button value="删除" onclick="remove()"> </body> </html>
Based on these things, I used JQEURY AJAX+JSON to implement a small function as follows:
JS code: (only the code related to SELECT is taken)
/** * @description 构件联动下拉列表 (用JQUERY 的AJAX配合JSON实现) * @prarm selectId 下拉列表的ID * @prarm method 要调用的方法名称 * @prarm temp 此处存放软件ID * @prarm url 要跳转的地址 */ function linkAgeJson(selectId,method,temp,url){ $j.ajax({ type: "get",//使用get方法访问后台 dataType: "json",//返回json格式的数据 url: url,//要访问的后台地址 data: "method=" + method+"&temp="+temp,//要发送的数据 success: function(msg){//msg为返回的数据,在这里做数据绑定 var data = msg.lists; coverJsonToHtml(selectId,data); } }); } /** * @description 将JSON数据转换成HTML数据格式 * @prarm selectId 下拉列表的ID * @prarm nodeArray 返回的JSON数组 * */ function coverJsonToHtml(selectId,nodeArray){ //get select var tempSelect=$j("#"+selectId); //clear select value isClearSelect(selectId,'0'); var tempOption=null; for(var i=0;i<nodeArray.length;i++){ //create select Option tempOption= $j('<option value="'+nodeArray[i].dm+'">'+nodeArray[i].mc+'</option> '); //put Option to select tempSelect.append(tempOption); } // 获取退化构件列表 getCpgjThgl(selectId,'thgjDm'); } /** * @description 清空下拉列表的值 * @prarm selectId 下拉列表的ID * @prarm index 开始清空的下标位置 */ function isClearSelect(selectId,index){ var length=document.getElementById(selectId).options.length; while(length!=index){ //长度是在变化的,因为必须重新获取 length=document.getElementById(selectId).options.length; for(var i=index;i<length;i++) document.getElementById(selectId).options.remove(i); length=length/2; } } /** * @description 获取退化构件列表 * @prarm selectId1 引用软件下拉列表的ID * @prarm selectId2 退化构件下拉列表的ID */ function getCpgjThgl(selectId1,selectId2){ var obj1=document.getElementById(selectId1);//引用软件下拉列表 var obj2=document.getElementById(selectId2);//退化构件下拉列表 var len=obj1.options.length; //当引用软件列表长度等于1时返回,不做操作 if(len==1){ return false; } //清空下拉列表的值,两种方式都可以 // isClearSelect(selectId2,'1'); document.getElementById(selectId2).length=1; for(var i=0;i<len; i++){ var option= obj1.options[i]; //引用软件被选中项不加入 if(i!=obj1.selectedIndex){ //克隆OPTION并添加到SELECT中 obj2.appendChild(option.cloneNode(true)); } } }
##HTML code:
<TABLE width="100%" border=0 align="left" cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=1> <tr> <td class="Search_item_18"> <span class="Edit_mustinput">*</span>引用软件:</td> <td class="Search_content_82"> <input name="yyrjMc" id="yyrjMc" type="text" class="Search_input" tabindex="3" size="30" > <input name="yyrjDm" id="yyrjDm" type="hidden" > <input type="button" class="Search_button_select" onClick="linkAgeTree('linkage','yyrjtree','yyrjMc','yyrjDm','linkageTree','1');" value="选择..."> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Search_item"> <span class="Edit_mustinput">*</span>引用分版:</td> <td class="Search_content" id="yyfb"> <select name="yyfbDm" style="width:160" id="yyfbDm" onChange="getCpgjThgl('yyfbDm','thgjDm')"> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Search_item">退化构件:</td> <td class="Search_content" id="thgj"> <select name="thgjDm" style="width:160" id="thgjDm"> <option value="-1" selected>无</option> </select> </td> </tr> </TABLE>
The above is the detailed content of HTML select option detailed description. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!