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Is 34 years old a hurdle for programmers? Let’s talk about the future for older programmers

2017-03-04 16:37:5225099browse

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There is something that is very popular on Zhihu these days, and that is the rumor that "Huawei has begun to purge employees over the age of 34."

Why 34 years old? Don't ask me, because I don't know either...

The following is the chat record at that time on Huawei's internal forum "Xinsheng Community" (it must be harmonious now)

Is 34 years old a hurdle for programmers? Let’s talk about the future for older programmers

According to more news later, it seems that those who are 34+ in China are not the R&D engineers, but mainly the delivery personnel.

The format is not to tell you to get out directly, but to exchange with overseas service departments for newly recruited employees who graduated this year.

But these students who are over 30 years old basically bring their families with them, so not many can survive.

There is even news that the R&D department is still dealing with veteran employees over 40 years old.

But regardless of whether you are 34 or 40, Huawei’s latest policy last year is that except for leaders, everyone must retire at the age of 45.

In other words, students who work until the age of 45 and have not yet achieved financial freedom or have the competitiveness to change jobs will be more embarrassed...

For a while, everyone began to discuss the future of older programmers. PHP Chinese website collected some interesting opinions for everyone.


I think front-end can be a lifelong job, but an Internet software engineer should work hard to learn the entire process of product UI front-end (including Android and iOS) back-end database management during work or leisure time, and then choose one of them as his core competition. I think the basic condition for a mature Internet software engineer is to be able to design and make a website completely on his own, and then be able to have a complete set of solutions for his core areas. As a front-end, how to quickly connect to the UI and what technology to use How to unify the framework and backend interfaces? In short, everything in the front-end field is at your fingertips. So what else is stopping you from making the front-end your core business?

The trend of separation of front-end and back-end will greatly increase the entry barrier for front-end engineers. You should work hard, haha. I am working hard to learn java. In the future, java+node+css, and then learn design, I feel that life will be full of joy.


Programmers can work for a lifetime, and it has nothing to do with the front end.

Language has universality, technology has universality, and it is easy to learn other things as well.

Programs are designed to solve needs, so if there are needs, just learn whatever language and make products.

Muse’s Lover

They once said that the age of 25 is a hurdle for programmers, but later they found that I still do well after the age of 25; they also said that the age of 30 is a hurdle for programmers, but now 30-year-old programmers are the technical backbone of the company; later they said It is a hurdle for programmers to say that they are 35 years old. 35-year-old technical people have experienced the era of down-to-earth technology development. Today's technology accumulation can be said to be more salty than the new talents. Most of the people who say these things are not from this industry, just like we often say that celebrities are just freeloaders of youth. Yes, if you don’t rely on brains and strength, any industry will rely on youth...

Can front-end be a lifelong position? The answer is no. If you limit your imagination, you will have no motivation to move forward. Everything on the terminal will be replaced and is constantly changing. I used to think that the PC would not be replaced, but now the mobile terminal is booming again. You can’t imagine what the future will be like, so don’t put any limitations on yourself. sex. With anklets on, I can’t dance...

Where have the 40-year-old programmers gone? I've seen a few people who are still obsessed with technology, or work as a technical consultant in a friend's company, or write code for their own interests. Of course, there are also some who have changed careers, but they don't do too badly.


This reminds me of three elderly people in their 50s and 60s who came to Guangzhou from Shanghai to visit our company last week. They can be regarded as veteran mainland programmers. They say they really want to know about back-end cloud services and let us talk to them. Really cute, do you think 60 is a hurdle?

In fact, the age of 35 is the end of youth and the beginning of middle age. It shoulders the pursuit of personal values, responsibilities for career and family and moves forward with a heavy burden. Every engineer chooses a different track at the watershed in life, and who will Do you know how much twists and turns, anxiety, confusion and abandonment went through behind this decision? Especially in our electronics industry!

The electronics industry has always been filled with heroes

The famous Zhou Ligong, the founder of microcontroller Zhou Ligong, has many fans in the industry and is highly sought after by young engineers with his profound technical skills and extraordinary business achievements. At the IOT conference held by enthusiasts at the end of 2016, Mr. Zhou Ligong gave a live speech. The enthusiasm of the thousands of participants was no less than that of starstruck fans.

Wang Tao, the founder of DJI Drone, who became famous at a young age, has a history of entrepreneurship that is simply a matter of "proud of success". After graduation, he founded DJI Drone, gained a net worth of tens of billions, and ranked among the Hurun Rich List. He was the most eye-catching young entrepreneur born in the 1980s during the same period.

But most ordinary engineers do not have this kind of opportunity to soar into the sky. All living beings need to work hard at every step towards their ideals.

35 years old, the largest proportion is in technical management positions

Is 34 years old a hurdle for programmers? Let’s talk about the future for older programmers

From the data, 35-year-olds have the largest proportion of people engaged in technical management positions, followed by ordinary engineers, and those who are still in the technical field account for 60% in total.

There are relatively few people who switch from the technical field to the business field, starting a business or switching industries, accounting for about 10% each; while 17% of people switch to sales support, marketing and other fields.

Those who are still engaged in the technical field are mostly engaged in low-level R&D fields, such as embedded, power supplies, etc.; those who are switching to the market are mostly currently popular consumer applications, such as robots, smart homes, etc.

Entrepreneurship is a road of no return. You can only win if you don’t go to the battlefield

Mr. @L, now runs a company in artificial intelligence-related industries. He has worked for 8 years and started his business for 4 years. In 2016, he received a new round of financing.

I am so grateful for my first company. After graduating from a well-known science and technology university, I worked as an engineer in Company H. I was reimbursed for my train ticket and paid for my food and housing during the training period. After work, I live in a dormitory next to the company and work overtime with a group of colleagues day and night. I am passionate and motivated. After working in the company for 8 years, from engineer to project manager and small department leader, I laid a foundation for technical management.

With sufficient psychological preparation, starting a business is still much more difficult than imagined. Find someone? Looking for clients? Looking for investment? They are all roadblocks. But these are not difficult, the difficult thing is finding the direction. Many people like to talk about strategy. It is pure nonsense to describe strategy as being chosen from options. At first, I didn’t know if there was a road ahead, so I had to force my way through it. Starting a business is a very lonely thing, and you cannot tell others about your inner fears, not anyone.

I couldn't find a way out, as if I was covered by a huge, black net, unable to struggle. At the worst time, I suffered from insomnia for half a year and was on the verge of collapse.

Looking back now, I still feel a little scared. If you enter the field of artificial intelligence too early, you may become a martyr if you are not careful. In 2014, mass entrepreneurship and the capital market were booming, and in 2015, the capital winter soon came. Artificial intelligence has just become a hot topic, but when the capital winter comes, there are many people suffering from it.

When capital was booming, we quickly took the money and transformed our business into providing services to enterprises, and we survived in a thrilling way. Before I got the money, I pledged all my savings and mortgaged the property. What if it doesn't work? I have also thought about jumping off a building.

Do you regret starting a business? No regrets. But if I could do it over again, I would choose something that is easy to start with, keep my feet on the ground, and don’t challenge something that is too difficult all at once.

What is the motivation that keeps you going? responsibility. If you start a business out of desire, you simply can’t stick to it. Be responsible for your family, team, and yourself. If you don’t understand that starting a business is a responsibility and that starting a business means being wronged, then don’t start a business. Entrepreneurship is a road of no return. If you want to win, you must always be on the battlefield.

Advice for young people? Don’t think too smart about yourself. You can only start a business in an area you are very familiar with. Partners are also very important. Without a team of partners with complementary capabilities and mutual trust, success is almost impossible.

Life is an infinite game, courage is the pass

Background: @Leo, technology research and development for 10 years, now mainly writing books and training

I like to recommend a book to others. The author is a philosopher. The Chinese translation is called "Finite and Infinite Games". It is easier to understand if you read the English version, Finite and infinite games.

This book says that there are two types of games: one is a limited game with the end in mind, such as basketball. And what about life? It is an infinite game. Every starting point is a new beginning, solving a new problem, creating a new value, and realizing self-growth.

After doing technology research and development for several years, I became confused. I didn’t want to do technology research and development over and over again, but I was afraid of leaving my major and not knowing what I could do. I often hang out on BBS and chat with others.

After a few years of chaos, I decided to change. I didn’t have the courage to start a company, so I thought I could write things well, so I started writing original articles in forums, and slowly accumulated some fans. A friend recommended a publishing house to me and asked me to publish a book. I was shocked, surprised and delighted.

The process of writing a book was extremely painful. I am very eager to complete it, and I am afraid of losing this opportunity, but I feel that the things in my mind have been hollowed out, and I am not satisfied with what I write. Excessive worry about gains and losses made me desperate to give up several times.

When I lost my courage, I watched "Forrest Gump" many times and fell in love with long-distance running. I mustered up the courage to finish the book with a decisive attitude, and the effect was better than I imagined. After that, I tried recording videos and doing training, and I also made a certain amount of income.

Since life is an infinite game process, then enjoy it. Only by having the courage to challenge yourself can you see different scenery and experience different lives.

Only understands technology, not a qualified CTO

Background: @jason, CTO of a startup company, has been engaged in technology research and development for 4 years and technology management for more than 10 years.

I went through three different companies. After graduating with a master's degree, he joined Z Company, a well-known state-owned enterprise, to do research and development. The company has many technical experts with rigorous work processes and plans, laying a technical foundation. But I am far away from the market and users. I only consider technical implementation, like a scientist in a laboratory.

Later, I was hired into a well-known Internet hardware company, which had a great impact and touch on me.

Requirements can be changed quickly, and a user's opinion can change the requirements. I really don't understand this approach, and I have deep conflicts with the product department. I think they don't respect technology and are very resistant.

The company arranged for us to contact users. This seemingly low-level and time-consuming task had an unexpected effect, as if a window had been opened. I heard the sounds of a completely different perspective and it touched me. Slowly, I am getting better and better with the product department and can resonate with each other. When you work hard to solve problems for users, you gain an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

Now I find an opportunity to start a business with my classmates. I still do the technical management field that I like and am good at, but I will go deep into production and product strategic planning.

My advice to young people is to first love their major and continue to learn. Secondly, we must understand the needs of users. This is the most valuable thing for a company to exist.

The hardest thing to change when switching from technology to business is your own mentality

Background: @Devin, after graduation, he joined an international first-tier semiconductor giant, engaged in technology research and development for 8 years, and now turns to sales.

After graduation, I joined a well-known foreign semiconductor company, which happened to catch up with the most prosperous era of foreign companies. The competition within the system is fierce, the mechanism is rigid, and private enterprises are mixed, with few outstanding enterprises. The salary in foreign companies is high, the management system is standardized, the salary is 2-3 times that of classmates, and the glory is unlimited.

The work is very intensive, and the company is constantly replenishing new blood. It is high-intensity work and fierce competition. After working for 7 years, I am often in a state of tension, very tired, and overwhelmed.

After 2008, the competitive advantages of foreign companies began to weaken. When I changed jobs from a foreign company to a private company, the huge difference in management system was unbearable.

Due to the pressure of supporting his family, he had no choice but to return to a foreign company and switch business to sales.

With technical skills, it is easy to get started in business, but the difficult thing is to adjust your mentality. From an introverted and shy engineer to an enthusiastic salesperson, the difficulties are several times more difficult than overcoming a technical problem. Every time I meet a customer, my palms are sweaty.

According to the logical habits of technicians, I divided customers into many categories, formulated a strict execution procedure, and forced myself to actively contact customers regularly. Gradually, I was able to communicate with customers freely, and my business was on the right track.

I am very optimistic about the opportunities of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things in China, and hope to enter a company with good development in this field. If I could do it all over again, I would not stay in a foreign company for too long. Being particularly accustomed to a certain system is very scary.

I only love to do technology, don’t I want to make progress?

Background: @Gary has been working in technology since graduation and has worked in 3 companies. He is currently a senior engineer and has been working in technology for 15 years.

I have loved the electronics major since I was a child, and I was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology as I wished. I like DIY. When I was in college, I spent a month making a beautiful music box for my girlfriend. She couldn't put it down.

I have been working in technology since graduation and have a stable job, but my salary growth rate is slow and I have not caught up with the rapidly increasing housing prices in Shenzhen. Just relying on the music box can no longer make my girlfriend happy. There are many more things she wants.

A painful love break, leaving the sad Shenzhen. I aspire to work in technology for the rest of my life, and I don’t understand why so many people think that they need to transform when they are in their 30s. My dream is to become a technology guru like some companies in Silicon Valley, who have been working in technology all their lives, are respected by people, and have achieved more than the CEO. But at home, it’s very difficult at the moment.

Our engineering culture has not been formed. 30-year-old engineers are very anxious, eager to transform, and make more money as their primary goal.

I'm lucky to live in a landlocked city where life is less stressful. I have an understanding wife who allows me to work in a technical position that I like. I also long for a better life for my family, so I plan to do some projects with my friends in my spare time.

I will always do technology, I love it.

Conclusion: We are in the best of times and the worst of times! This classic quote from Dickens is always particularly appropriate in an era of rapid change and fierce competition.

In 2014, the Chinese government proposed "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", which inspired the entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial genes of the entire nation. In the same year of 2014, the government proposed a large fund plan to raise nearly 140 billion yuan to develop the semiconductor industry, making the semiconductor industry very popular.

The slowdown in the growth rate of the global semiconductor industry is an unchangeable fact. The rapid growth pattern brought about by Moore's Law in the past few decades has been broken, and mergers and integration have become the main theme. 2015 was the first year of mergers and acquisitions in the international semiconductor industry, with the total scale of mergers and acquisitions reaching US$120 billion; mergers and acquisitions in 2016 were even more radical.

Judging from the domestic living environment, housing prices in first-tier cities have been soaring, and GDP growth has hit a record low.

In such an era full of changes, opportunities, challenges, and competitions, each of us seems to be involved in the rolling torrent of history, and it is difficult to stay alone.

Shakespeare said that in the eyes of a thousand people there are a thousand Hamlets. No matter how everything changes, always walking on your own track, listening to your inner voice, and appreciating the scenery you see is youth and life without regrets.

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