"; $name = "iwanghang"; $sex = "man"; $_POST['a'] = 100; // The 9 underlined variables are already global variables by default, no need for global"/> "; $name = "iwanghang"; $sex = "man"; $_POST['a'] = 100; // The 9 underlined variables are already global variables by default, no need for global">
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PHP Development (16)-global-static-func_get_args-sort-PhpStorm
<?php /** * 全局变量和局部变量 * global 全局 */ echo "---------- global Demo ----------<br>"; $name = "iwanghang"; $sex = "man"; $_POST['a'] = 100; // 带下划线的9个默认就已经是全局变量,不需要global static $age = 8; person(); function person(){ global $name; echo $name; // 打印结果:iwanghang echo $sex; // 会报错 echo $_POST['a']; // 打印结果:100 echo "<br>"; } /** * 静态变量 * static 静态 */ echo "---------- static Demo ----------<br>"; class A{ public static $b = 0; } $c = new A(); echo A::$b++; // 打印结果:0 echo "<br>"; echo A::$b; // 打印结果:1 echo "<br>"; $d = new A(); echo A::$b; // 打印结果:1 echo "<br>"; /** * function Demo 1 */ echo '---------- function Demo 1 :function add($x,$y){} ----------<br>'; echo add(10,10)."<br>"; // 打印结果:20 echo add(20,20)."<br>"; // 打印结果:40 function add($x,$y){ return $x+$y; } /** * function Demo 2 */ echo '---------- function Demo 2 : function demo(&$yy){} ----------<br>'; $xx = 20; function demo(&$yy){ $yy = 100; } echo $xx."<br>"; demo($xx); echo $xx."<br>"; /** * function Demo 3 */ echo '---------- function Demo 3 : function demo2($number1 = 0, $number2 = 0, $number3 = 0, $number4 = 0){} ----------<br>'; demo2(); demo2(1,2,3,4); demo2(1,2); demo2(null,null,1,2); function demo2($number1 = 0, $number2 = 0, $number3 = 0, $number4 = 0){ echo "$number1 , $number2 , $number3 , $number4<br>"; } /** * function Demo 4 * func_get_args() 返回一个数组,包含所有参数 * func_num_args() 返回参数总数 * func_get_arg() 接受一个数字参数,返回指定参数 */ echo '---------- function Demo 4 :func_get_args() ----------<br>'; echo demo3(10,20,30,40,50)."<br>"; echo demo3(1,2,3,4,5)."<br>"; function demo3(){ $arr = func_get_args(); $sum = 0; for ($i=0; $i<count($arr); $i++){ $sum += $arr[$i]; } return $sum; } /** * function Demo 5 * var */ echo '---------- function Demo 5 :var ----------<br>'; $var = "add"; echo $var(10,20); echo "<br>"; function add2($m,$n){ return $m + $n; } /** * print_r 打印出复杂类型变量的值(如数组,对象) * sort 对数组中的元素按字母进行升序排序 */ echo '---------- print_r 打印数组 、 sort 升序排序 ----------<br>'; $arr2 = array(3,5,1,2,13,8); print_r($arr2); // Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 5 [2] => 1 [3] => 2 [4] => 13 [5] => 8 ) echo "<br>"; sort($arr2); print_r($arr2); // Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 5 [4] => 8 [5] => 13 ) echo "<br>"; /** * 练习 打印2到32的偶数 其中3的倍数不打印 */ echo '---------- function Demo 6 :打印2到32的偶数 其中3的倍数不打印 ----------<br>'; demo4(2,32); function demo4($start, $num){ for ($i=$start;$i<$num;$i+=2){ if ($i%3==0){ continue; } echo $i."<br>"; } }
The above is PHP Development (16)-global-static-func_get_args -sort-PhpStorm content, for more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!