Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >[Transfer] Mysql's HandlerSocket plug-in
Due to the limitations of mysql, many sites adopt the mysql+memcached architecture.
Some other sites gave up mysql and adopted NoSQL, such as TokyoCabinet/Tyrant and so on.
It is undeniable that NoSQL is much faster than mysql when doing some simple queries (especially primary key queries). And the vast majority of queries on the website are simple queries like this.
But DeNA has been using mysql and memcached, and has created a record of 750,000 simple queries per second on a single ordinary server.
Maybe you won’t believe that a single mysql can achieve 750,000 qps, but this is a fact, let’s talk about it in detail below.
DeNA company's applications often require primary key (PK) query. For example, userinfo is retrieved based on user id, and log content is retrieved based on diary id. Memcached and NoSQL are very suitable for this kind of thing.
If you test memcached, it is very likely that 400,000 get operations can be performed per second, even if memcached and client are located on different servers.
On a server with a 2.5GHz 8-core Nehalem 3-kiloM network card, libmemcached and memcached can perform 420,000 get operations per second.
What about mysql5? How many PK queries can be done per second?
[matsunobu@host ~]$ mysqlslap --query="select user_name,.. from test.user where user_id=1" / --number-of-queries=10000000 --concurrency=30 --host=xxx -uroot -p
##In addition, you can also use tools such as sysbench or super-smack for benchmarking.
Open a new shell and take a look:
[matsunobu@host ~]$ mysqladmin extended-status -i 1 -r -uroot / | grep -e "Com_select" | Com_select | 107069 | | Com_select | 108873 | | Com_select | 108921 | | Com_select | 109511 | | Com_select | 108084 | | Com_select | 108115 |
100,000 qps is about 1/4 of memcached. Why is it so slow?
The server has enough memory, and all these data should be in memory.
It is also a memory operation. Why is mysql so much slower than memcached?
vmstat data is as follows:
[matsunobu@host ~]$ vmstat 1 r b swpd free buff cache in cs us sy id wa st 23 0 0 963004 224216 29937708 58242 163470 59 28 12 0 0 24 0 0 963312 224216 29937708 57725 164855 59 28 13 0 0 19 0 0 963232 224216 29937708 58127 164196 60 28 12 0 0 16 0 0 963260 224216 29937708 58021 165275 60 28 12 0 0 20 0 0 963308 224216 29937708 57865 165041 60 28 12 0 0
Let’s take a look at the statistics from oprofile:
ps: This tool is good, at the kernel level.
samples % app name symbol name 259130 4.5199 mysqld MYSQLparse(void*) 196841 3.4334 mysqld my_pthread_fastmutex_lock 106439 1.8566 libc-2.5.so _int_malloc 94583 1.6498 bnx2 /bnx2 84550 1.4748 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 ut_delay 67945 1.1851 mysqld _ZL20make_join_statistics P4JOINP10TABLE_LISTP4ItemP16st_dynamic_array 63435 1.1065 mysqld JOIN::optimize() 55825 0.9737 vmlinux wakeup_stack_begin 55054 0.9603 mysqld MYSQLlex(void*, void*) 50833 0.8867 libpthread-2.5.so pthread_mutex_trylock 49602 0.8652 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 row_search_for_mysql 47518 0.8288 libc-2.5.so memcpy 46957 0.8190 vmlinux .text.elf_core_dump 46499 0.8111 libc-2.5.so malloc
in 4.x
MYSQLparse() and MYSQLlex() are called when mysql parses sql statements.make_join_statistics() and JOIN::optimize() are called during the query optimization phase.
It is precisely because of the use of SQL statements that there are these additional burdens.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the output of oprofile:
The SQL layer seriously affects the performance of mysql queries.
* Parsing SQL statements Parsing sql statements * Opening, locking tables Opening and locking tables
* Making SQL execution plans ???
* Unlocking, closing tables Unlocking and closing tables
Mysql must also do a lot of concurrency control. For example, when sending/receiving network data packets, fcntl() will be called many, many times.
Global mutexes: LOCK_open LOCK_thread_count is also called frequently. So in the output of oprofile, the second one is my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(). And the CPU occupied by %system is quite high (28%).
In fact, the mysql development team and some peripheral development groups understand the impact of a large number of concurrency controls on performance.
They have solved certain problems in mysql 5.5. In the future mysql, %system will occupy less and less CPU.
Mutex contentions result in %system increase, not %user increase
But the HANDLER statement requires query parsing and open/close table. Won't be of much help.
Because disk IO operations will take longer.
The SQL layer becomes an additional burden and takes up a lot of CPU resources. 在线上的应用中,我们要进行大量的PK查询。即使70-80%的查询都是在同一张表上进行的, mysql还是每次都要parse/open/lock/unlock/close,看起来就感觉效率低下。 花荣注:难道说mysql中的table_open_cache不是用来减少table open的次数的么。。 有没有办法在sql层进行优化呢? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ndbapi/en/index.html 如果你使用mysql cluster, NDBAPI会是最佳解决方案。 这就是我们想要的: 但是,把innodb转化成ndb可不是一件轻松的事情。 最好的办法是在mysql内部实现一个NoSQL的网络服务。daemon plugin。 http://www.php.cn/ 这个概念首先被Cybozu Labs 的Kazuho Oku 提出,然后他写了一个MyCached UDF,用的是memcached的协议。 http://developer.cybozu.co.jp/kazuho/2009/08/mycached-memcac.html 随后,Akira Higuchi 写了另外一个plugin: HandlerSocket。 http://github.com/ahiguti/HandlerSocket-Plugin-for-MySQL 从图中可以看到,客户端既可以使用普通的mysql api来操作mysql(3306端口), 在使用HandlerSocket操作的时候,省去了SQL parsing, Opening table, Making Query Plans, Closing table等步骤。 而且数据都是保存在原来的INNODB表中的。 在HandlerSocket操作innodb数据表的时候,显然也需要open/close table。 Of course HandlerSocket closes tables when traffics become small etc so that it won’t block administrative commands (DDL) forever. memcached主要用来缓存数据集(database records)。 花荣注:貌似我从来没有直接把mysql的数据集扔到memcached中。一直都是把中间结果保存到里面。难道走偏了? 看下面这张user表: 在mysql中取出数据的方法如下: 在HandlerSocket中怎样操作呢? 详细文档看这里:
http://github.com/ahiguti/HandlerSocket-Plugin-for-MySQL/blob/master/docs-en/installation.en.txt 大概安装步骤如下:
http://github.com/ahiguti/HandlerSocket-Plugin-for-MySQL 2 编译 HandlerSocket客户端和服务器端程序: 3 安装插件 安装完毕。不需要修改mysql的源代码。 目前HandlerSocket客户端只有C++ 和 Perl的库。还没有php和C的。 对于HandlerSocket,推荐使用persistent connection。以减少数据库连接的次数。 HandlerSocket协议 is a small-sized text based protocol。 测试环境: 仍然使用上面的user表,数据大概100w行。 memcached和HandlerSocket的客户端代码都用C/C++编写。 测试结果如下: HandlerScket比传统的mysql快了7.5倍,而且%us的cpu使用率为mysql的3/4。 HandlerSocket比memcached快了78%。而且%sy占用的cpu比memcached要少得多。 花荣注:比如七夜就改写了memcached的部分代码。 再来看一下HandlerSocket测试的时候oprofile的输出: 大部分的CPU用在了网络数据包的处理,取出数据,等。 由于HandlerSocket只是一个插件,最终还会调用innodb引擎的函数去取数据, 作者注:memcached和HandlerSocket的性能都会受到网络IO的限制。 PK肯定没问题 HandlerSocket employs epoll() and worker-thread/thread-pooling architecture,the number of MySQL internal threads is limited 。 Not only HandlerSocket eliminates SQL related function calls, but also it optimizes around network/concurrency issues 与mysql协议相比,HandlerSocket协议的数据包更简单更小。 不会导致mysql connection太高。 当HandlerSocket接受到请求的时候,每一个处理线程都会收集尽可能多的请求, 至于详细情况,作者会再写其它文章。很期待。 我们使用memcached的时候,数据会同时缓存到innodb的buffer pool与memcached中。 缓存的一大问题就是数据何时过期。 InnoDB还是相当可靠的。 我们仍然可以使用SQL语句进行复杂的查询。 HandlerSocket作为插件运行于mysql内部,所以mysql的操作,比如SQL, 热备份,主从,Nagios监视等等,都是支持的。 无需改动mysql的源代码或者重新编译mysql。 理论上讲,HandlerSocket支持任何的存储引擎,比如myisam,memory? 目前只有C++和PERL库可用。以后肯定会有php扩展出现。 就像其它的NoSQL数据一样,HandlerSocket没有任何安全方面的功能。比如权限控制之类的。 如果你的内存不够大,内存要与硬盘交换数据,那么HandlerSocket的优势就体现不出来了。 DeNA公司已经在生产环境上使用HandlerSocket了。
以上就是[转]Mysql的HandlerSocket插件 的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!We needed to execute lots of primary key lookups(i.e. SELECT x FROM t WHERE id=?) or limited range scans. Even though 70-80% of queries were simple PK lookups
from the same table (difference was just values in WHERE), every time
MySQL had to parse/open/lock/unlock/close, which seemed not efficient for us.
It’s recommended using NDBAPI for frequent access patterns,
and using SQL + MySQL + NDB for ad-hoc or infrequent query patterns.
1 faster access API.
2 sql语句仍然要可用,以处理一些特定的或者复杂的查询。HandlerSocket Plugin
它监听在某个端口,接受NoSQL 协议/API的数据包,使用Mysql internal storage engine API直接在innodb数据表上进行操作,并且返回相应的数据。
关于mysql internal storage engine API可以看这个文档:
也可以使用HandlerSocket API对数据库进行PK查询,以及INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE操作(9998与9999端口)。
由于open/close table非常耗时,并且会带来严重的mutex竞争,所以这种改进,极大地提升了性能。
如果HandlerSocket获取数据的速度比memcached还要快,那么我们就没必要再使用memcached来缓存数据集了。做做其它缓存还是可以的。比如生成出来的HTML代码,还有一些统计数据等等。使用 HandlerSocket
user_name VARCHAR(50),
user_email VARCHAR(255),
created DATETIME
mysql> SELECT user_name, user_email, created FROM user WHERE user_id=101;
| user_name | user_email | created |
| Yukari Takeba | yukari.takeba@dena.jp | 2010-02-03 11:22:33 |
1 下载./configure --with-mysql-source=... --with-mysql-bindir=... ; make; make install
mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN 'HandlerSocket' SONAME 'HandlerSocket.so';
mysql需要5.1或者以后版本。编写HandlerSocket 客户端代码
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::HandlerSocket;
#1. establishing a connection
my $args = { host => 'ip_to_remote_host', port => 9998 };
my $hs = new Net::HandlerSocket($args);
#2. initializing an index so that we can use in main logics.
# MySQL tables will be opened here (if not opened)
my $res = $hs->open_index(0, 'test', 'user', 'PRIMARY',
die $hs->get_error() if $res != 0;
#3. main logic
#fetching rows by id
#execute_single (index id, cond, cond value, max rows, offset)
$res = $hs->execute_single(0, '=', [ '101' ], 1, 0);
die $hs->get_error() if $res->[0] != 0;
for (my $row = 0; $row < 1; ++$row) {
my $user_name= $res->[$row + 0];
my $user_email= $res->[$row + 1];
my $created= $res->[$row + 2];
print "$user_name/t$user_email/t$created/n";
#4. closing the connection
这段脚本从user表中取出来了 user_name, user_email 和created字段。[matsunobu@host ~]$ perl sample.pl
Yukari Takeba yukari.takeba@dena.jp 2010-02-03 11:22:33
与memcached类似,可以使用telnet来获取数据。[matsunobu@host ~]$ telnet 9998
Connected to xxx.dena.jp ( character is '^]'.
P 0 test user PRIMARY user_name,user_email,created
0 1
0 = 1 101
0 3 Yukari Takeba yukari.takeba@dena.jp 2010-02-03 11:22:33
CPU: Nehalem 8 cores, E5540 @ 2.53GHz
RAM: 32GB (all data fit in the buffer pool)
MySQL Version: 5.1.50 with InnoDB Plugin
memcached/libmemcached version: 1.4.5(memcached), 0.44(libmemcached)
Network: Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T x 3
SQL语句为:SELECT user_name, user_email, created FROM user WHERE userid=?
所有的客户端程序都位于另外一台机器上。通过TCP/IP与MYSQL/memcached服务器连接。approx qps server CPU util
MySQL via SQL 105,000 %us 60% %sy 28%
memcached 420,000 %us 8% %sy 88%
HandlerSocket 750,000 %us 45% %sy 53%
虽然memcached是一个优秀的产品,但是还有很大的提升空间。samples % app name symbol name
984785 5.9118 bnx2 /bnx2
847486 5.0876 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 ut_delay
545303 3.2735 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 btr_search_guess_on_hash
317570 1.9064 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 row_search_for_mysql
298271 1.7906 vmlinux tcp_ack
291739 1.7513 libc-2.5.so vfprintf
264704 1.5891 vmlinux .text.super_90_sync
248546 1.4921 vmlinux blk_recount_segments
244474 1.4676 libc-2.5.so _int_malloc
226738 1.3611 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 _ZL14build_template
206057 1.2370 HandlerSocket.so dena::hstcpsvr_worker::run_one_ep()
183330 1.1006 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 mutex_spin_wait
175738 1.0550 HandlerSocket.so dena::dbcontext::cmd_find_internal(dena::dbcallback_i&, dena::prep_stmt const&, ha_rkey_function, dena::cmd_exec_args const&)
169967 1.0203 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 buf_page_get_known_nowait
165337 0.9925 libc-2.5.so memcpy
149611 0.8981 ha_innodb_plugin.so.0.0.0 row_sel_store_mysql_rec
148967 0.8943 vmlinux generic_make_request
所以我们仍然可以使用mysql命令来获取到统计数据。$ mysqladmin extended-status -uroot -i 1 -r -p| grep “InnoDB_rows_read”
…| Innodb_rows_read | 750192 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 751510 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 757558 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 747060 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 748474 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 759344 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 753081 |
| Innodb_rows_read | 754375 |
unique key也可以。
limit 语句也可以。
IN 也没问题。
不使用索引的操作不被支持。 Operations that do not use any index are not supported。
所以放心地使用persistent connection吧。不会导致mysql connection太高的。高性能
从总体上来看,网络传输的数据量会减少。Running limited number of MySQL internal threads
Grouping client requests
*** Can reduce the number of fsync() calls
*** Can reduce replication delayNo duplicate cache
HandlerSocket自身没有缓存,它完全听从InnoDB storage engine。No data inconsistency
innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=1 加上这句就更保险了。
最多会丢失死机前1秒内的数据。SQL can be used from mysql clients
确实方便很多啊。All operational benefits from MySQL
通过 show global status, show engine innodb status , show processlist 这些都可以看到HandlerSocket的状态。No need to modify/rebuild MySQL
线上的环境可以直接使用HandlerSocket。Independent from storage engines
不过目前只在mysql5.1 5.5 InnoDB的环境下进行过测试和应用。缺点与注意事项
Need to learn HandlerSocket APIs
No security
当然可以使用防火墙来限制访问。No benefit for HDD bound workloads
We use HandlerSocket on servers that almost all data fit in memory.DeNA is using HandlerSocket in production
The results are great!
而且带宽占用也得到了缓解。We’ve been very satisfied with the results。
Since HandlerSocket plugin is Open Source, feel free to try. We’d be appreciated if you give us any feedback.