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C# development of WeChat portal and application of WeChat enterprise account address book management development and member management

2017-03-02 09:41:013294browse

1. Member creation operation

For convenience, we can create a departmental organizational structure, which is a prerequisite for development, because our address book management is also based on an organizational structure, as above The level of organizational structure introduced in this article is the same. Here I create a root structure of Guangzhou Aiqidi, and then create some organizational structures in it, as shown in the figure below.

C# development of WeChat portal and application of WeChat enterprise account address book management development and member management

You can add people through functional operations in the background. This article mainly introduces how to call the WeChat Enterprise Account API for personnel management operations.

The API definition of the creator is as follows.

  • Request instructions

Https request method: POST

https://qyapi.weixin.qq. com/cgi-bin/user/create?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

The request package structure is:

   "userid": "zhangsan",
   "name": "张三",
   "department": [1, 2],
   "position": "产品经理",
   "mobile": "15913215421",
   "gender": 1,
   "tel": "62394",
   "email": "zhangsan@gzdev.com",
   "weixinid": "zhangsan4dev"
  • Parameter description

Parameters must Description
access_token is Call interface credentials
userid is the employee UserID. The account number corresponding to the management end must be unique within the enterprise. The length is 1~64 characters
name is the name of the member. The length is 1~64 characters
department No List of department IDs to which members belong. Note that the upper limit for direct employees in each department is 1,000
position No position information. The length is 0~64 characters
mobile No Mobile phone number. It must be unique within the enterprise, mobile/weixinid/email cannot be empty at the same time
gender No Gender. gender=0 means male, =1 means female. Default gender=0
tel No Office phone number. The length is 0~64 characters
email No email. The length is 0~64 characters. The company must have a unique
weixinid No WeChat ID. Must be the only one in the enterprise
  • Permission description

The administrator must have the interface of "operating address book" permissions, as well as the management permissions of designated departments.

  • Return result

   "errcode": 0,
   "errmsg": "created"

In C#, we need to define the corresponding interface, and then construct the corresponding transfer entity information as needed.

Here I have defined all the interfaces for personnel management. The interface definitions are as follows.

        #region 部门成员管理        /// <summary>
        /// 创建成员        /// </summary>
        CommonResult CreateUser(string accessToken, CorpUserJson user);        /// <summary>
        /// 更新成员        /// </summary>
        CommonResult UpdateUser(string accessToken, CorpUserUpdateJson user);        /// <summary>
        /// 删除成员        /// </summary>
        CommonResult DeleteUser(string accessToken, string userid);        /// <summary>
        /// 根据成员id获取成员信息        /// </summary>
        CorpUserGetJson GetUser(string accessToken, string userid);        /// <summary>
        /// 获取部门成员        /// </summary>
        CorpUserListJson GetDeptUser(string accessToken, int department_id, int fetch_child = 0, int status = 0);        #endregion

Then create a CorpUserJson entity object that carries personnel information based on the information definition. The implementation operation code for creating personnel is as follows.

        /// <summary>
        /// 创建成员        /// </summary>
        public CommonResult CreateUser(string accessToken, CorpUserJson user)
        {            string urlFormat = "http://www.php.cn/{0}";            var data = new
                userid = user.userid,
                name = user.name,
                department = user.department,
                position = user.position,
                mobile = user.mobile,
                gender = user.gender,
                tel = user.tel,
                email = user.email,
                weixinid = user.weixinid
            };            var url = string.Format(urlFormat, accessToken);            var postData = data.ToJson();            return Helper.GetCorpExecuteResult(url, postData);

2. Member update operation

Member data update Similar to the creation operation, its enterprise number is defined as follows.

  • Request instructions

Https request method: POST

https://qyapi.weixin.qq. com/cgi-bin/user/update?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

The request package example is as follows (if a non-required field is not specified, the previous setting value of the field will not be updated):

   "userid": "zhangsan",
   "name": "李四",
   "department": [1],
   "position": "后台工程师",
   "mobile": "15913215421",
   "gender": 1,
   "tel": "62394",
   "email": "zhangsan@gzdev.com",
   "weixinid": "lisifordev",
   "enable": 1

Since its operation data is similar, its implementation code is also similar, as shown below.

        /// <summary>
        /// 更新成员        /// </summary>
        public CommonResult UpdateUser(string accessToken, CorpUserUpdateJson user)
        {            string urlFormat = "http://www.php.cn/{0}";            //string postData = user.ToJson();
            var data = new
                userid = user.userid,
                name = user.name,
                department = user.department,
                position = user.position,
                mobile = user.mobile,
                gender = user.gender,
                tel = user.tel,
                email = user.email,
                weixinid = user.weixinid,
                enable = user.enable
            };            var url = string.Format(urlFormat, accessToken);            var postData = data.ToJson();            return Helper.GetCorpExecuteResult(url, postData);

3. Deletion of members, acquisition of members, Acquisition operations of department members

These operations are similar to the above and will not be described in detail. The main thing is to define their corresponding return data information as needed, and then parse the Json data and convert it into corresponding entity.

1) The definition of deletion personnel is as follows:

    Request instructions
  • Https Request method: GET


    Parameter Description
  • 返回结果

   "errcode": 0,
   "errmsg": "deleted"


  • 请求说明

Https请求方式: GET


  • 参数说明

Required Description
is the calling interface credential
is the employee UserID. Corresponding account number on the management side
参数 必须 说明
access_token 调用接口凭证
userid 员工UserID
  • 返回结果

   "errcode": 0,
   "errmsg": "ok",
   "userid": "zhangsan",
   "name": "李四",
   "department": [1, 2],
   "position": "后台工程师",
   "mobile": "15913215421",
   "gender": 1,
   "tel": "62394",
   "email": "zhangsan@gzdev.com",
   "weixinid": "lisifordev",  
   "avatar": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/ajNVdqHZLLA3WJ6DSZUfiakYe37PKnQhBIeOQBO4czqrnZDS79FH5Wm5m4X69TBicnHFlhiafvDwklOpZeXYQQ2icg/0",
   "status": 1


  • 请求说明

Https请求方式: GET


  • 参数说明

参数 必须 说明
access_token 调用接口凭证
department_id 获取的部门id
fetch_child 1/0:是否递归获取子部门下面的成员
status 0获取全部员工,1获取已关注成员列表,2获取禁用成员列表,4获取未关注成员列表。status可叠加
  • 权限说明


  • 返回结果

   "errcode": 0,
   "errmsg": "ok",
   "userlist": [
                  "userid": "zhangsan",
                  "name": "李四"


    /// <summary>
    /// 获取部门成员返回的数据    /// </summary>
    public class CorpUserListJson : BaseJsonResult
    {        public CorpUserListJson()
        {            this.userlist = new List<corpusersimplejson>();
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 返回的错误消息        /// </summary>
        public CorpReturnCode errcode { get; set; }        /// <summary>
        /// 对返回码的文本描述内容        /// </summary>
        public string errmsg { get; set; }        /// <summary>
        /// 成员列表        /// </summary>
        public List<corpusersimplejson> userlist { get; set; }




        /// <summary>
        /// 人员管理综合性操作(创建、修改、获取信息、删除)        /// </summary>
        /// <param>
        /// <param>
        private void btnCorpUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CorpUserJson user = new CorpUserJson();
            user.userid = "test";
            user.name ="测试用户";
            user.department = new List<int>(){2};
            user.email = "test@163.com";

            ICorpAddressBookApi bll = new CorpAddressBookApi();
            CommonResult result = bll.CreateUser(token, user);            if (result != null)
                Console.WriteLine("创建成员:{0} {1} {2}", user.name, (result.Success ? "成功" : "失败"), result.ErrorMessage);                string name = "修改测试";
                user.name = name;
                CorpUserUpdateJson userUpdate = new CorpUserUpdateJson(user);
                result = bll.UpdateUser(token, userUpdate);                if (result != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("修改名称:{0} {1} {2}", name, (result.Success ? "成功" : "失败"), result.ErrorMessage);

                CorpUserGetJson userGet = bll.GetUser(token, user.userid);                if (userGet != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("成员名称:{0} ({1} {2})", userGet.name, user.userid, user.email);

                result = bll.DeleteUser(token, user.userid);                if (result != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("删除成员:{0} {1} {2}", name, (result.Success ? "成功" : "失败"), result.ErrorMessage);

C# development of WeChat portal and application of WeChat enterprise account address book management development and member management


        /// <summary>
        /// 获取部门人员        /// </summary>
        private void btnCorpUserList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {            int deptId = 1;
            ICorpAddressBookApi bll = new CorpAddressBookApi();
            CorpUserListJson result = bll.GetDeptUser(token, deptId);            if (result != null)
            {                foreach(CorpUserSimpleJson item in result.userlist)
                    Console.WriteLine("成员名称:{0} {1}", item.name, item.userid);



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