Home >WeChat Applet >Mini Program Development >WeChat Mini Program: WeChat Payment Pitfall Process
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/* 微信支付 */ wxpay: function () { var that = this //登陆获取code wx.login({ success: function (res) { console.log(res.code) //获取openid that.getOpenId(res.code) } }); }, /* 获取openId */ getOpenId: function (code) { var that = this wx.request({ url: "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2session?appid=wxbd5a8270399d41d9&secret=d8aac26a5a9c16266d1a23851ebb7d9b&js_code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code", method: 'GET', success: function (res) { //统一支付签名 var appid = '';//appid var body = '';//商户名 var mch_id = '';//商户号 var nonce_str = that.randomString;//随机字符串,不长于32位。 var notify_url = '';//通知地址 var spbill_create_ip = '';//ip // var total_fee = parseInt(that.data.wxPayMoney) * 100; var total_fee = 100; var trade_type = "JSAPI"; var key = ''; var unifiedPayment = 'appid=' + appid + '&body=' + body + '&mch_id=' + mch_id + '&nonce_str=' + nonce_str + '¬ify_url=' + notify_url + '&openid=' + res.data.openid + '&out_trade_no=' + that.data.paySn + '&spbill_create_ip=' + spbill_create_ip + '&total_fee=' + total_fee + '&trade_type=' + trade_type + '&key=' + key var sign = MD5.MD5(unifiedPayment).toUpperCase() console.log(sign) //封装统一支付xml参数 var formData = "" formData += "" + appid + "" formData += "" + body + "" formData += "" + mch_id + "" formData += "" + nonce_str + "" formData += "" + notify_url + "" formData += "" + res.data.openid + "" formData += "" + that.data.paySn + "" formData += "" + spbill_create_ip + "" formData += "" + total_fee + "" formData += "[tr]" + trade_type + "" formData += "" + sign + "" formData += "" //统一支付 wx.request({ url: 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder', method: 'POST', head: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', data: formData, // 设置请求的 header success: function (res) { console.log(res.data) var result_code = that.getXMLNodeValue('result_code', res.data.toString("utf-8")) var resultCode = result_code.split('[')[2].split(']')[0] if (resultCode == 'FAIL') { var err_code_des = that.getXMLNodeValue('err_code_des', res.data.toString("utf-8")) var errDes = err_code_des.split('[')[2].split(']')[0] wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1, // 回退前 delta(默认为1) 页面 success: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: errDes, icon: 'success', duration: 2000 }) }, }) } else { //发起支付 var prepay_id = that.getXMLNodeValue('prepay_id', res.data.toString("utf-8")) var tmp = prepay_id.split('[') var tmp1 = tmp[2].split(']') //签名 var key = ''; var appId = ''; var timeStamp = that.createTimeStamp(); var nonceStr = that.randomString(); var stringSignTemp = "appId=&nonceStr=" + nonceStr + "&package=prepay_id=" + tmp1[0] + "&signType=MD5&timeStamp=" + timeStamp + "&key=" var sign = MD5.MD5(stringSignTemp).toUpperCase() console.log(sign) var param = { "timeStamp": timeStamp, "package": 'prepay_id=' + tmp1[0], "paySign": sign, "signType": "MD5", "nonceStr": nonceStr } that.pay(param) } }, }) }, fail: function () { // fail }, complete: function () { // complete } }) }, /* 随机数 */ randomString: function () { var chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; /****默认去掉了容易混淆的字符oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1****/ var maxPos = chars.length; var pwd = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { pwd += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos)); } return pwd; }, /* 获取prepay_id */ getXMLNodeValue: function (node_name, xml) { var tmp = xml.split("<" + node_name + ">") var _tmp = tmp[1].split("") return _tmp[0] }, /* 时间戳产生函数 */ createTimeStamp: function () { return parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + '' }, /* 支付 */ pay: function (param) { wx.requestPayment({ timeStamp: param.timeStamp, nonceStr: param.nonceStr, package: param.package, signType: param.signType, paySign: param.paySign, success: function (res) { // success console.log(res) wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1, // 回退前 delta(默认为1) 页面 success: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: '支付成功', icon: 'success', duration: 2000 }) }, fail: function () { // fail }, complete: function () { // complete } }) }, fail: function () { // fail console.log("支付失败") }, complete: function () { // complete console.log("pay complete") } }) }For more WeChat mini programs: WeChat payment trap process related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!