Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP basic tutorial five functions
The concept of function
Classification of functions
Variable issues of functions
Discussion of parameters of functions
Internal functions
Variable function
Anonymous function
Recursive call of function
In PHP development, we sometimes use a large number of functions, so what are functions and their functions? What is it? The emergence of functions can be said to have introduced the concept of encapsulation for the first time. The use of functions can make our code less redundant, and the definition of functions can help us quickly filter out ideas. Improve code reusability and facilitate modular programming.
When we are programming, we have a need to integrate a function uniformly so that it can be used elsewhere. There is no need to write it once (reduce redundancy), you only need to call specific code to achieve it. It is difficult for us to realize this requirement with existing technology, so we need to use the knowledge of functions.
Function: A collection of program instructions (statements) to complete a certain function. Generally, it is best for a function to complete only one function to reduce the coupling of the code.
Sometimes we call functions methods, and they are the same concept.
Almost every programming language’s functions are divided into two types:
Custom functions
System function
Custom function:
Custom function is a function that we define according to our own specific needs. In the function The functions need to be implemented by yourself.
Grammar rules for custom functions:
function 方法名(形参列表){ 实现某种功能的代码; return 返回值(可以没有返回值,这个看需求) }
function is a keyword. If you want to define a function, you must write function
The method name is defined by yourself. You can choose this name at will, but generally we should give a meaningful name, such as the abbreviation of what function this function is to achieve.
Formal parameter list, when we call a function, sometimes we need to pass some parameters (that is, variables) to the function to perform operations in the function. This formal parameter list is what we accept Of course, there can be multiple parameters passed when calling.
In PHP, the function body needs to be wrapped in curly brackets, and our code is written inside.
return means return. When we call a function, sometimes we need the function to return a result to us. For example, the function of the function is to calculate the sum of two numbers. At this time, when the function After performing the addition operation, we can write return to return the calculated result. Of course, whether there is a return value depends on the specific function of the function and whether it needs to return a result.
Naming rules for function names:
The naming rules for function names are the same as other identifiers in PHP. Valid function names begin with a letter or underscore, followed by letters, numbers, or underscores.
The general naming convention when we write functions is camel case naming, that is, the first letter of the second word is capitalized.
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function sum($num1,$num2){//这两个参数就是接受我们调用时传过来的参数 $res = $num1 + $num2; return $res; //计算完两个数的和,返回给调用者。 } $sum = sum($a,$b); //调用函数,在这里我们会传过去两个参数,同时返回结果用$sum接收。 echo $sum;
System function:
System function is also a kind of function. It is a function that has been encapsulated by the system. There are many system functions. Different functions are For different functions, we can choose different functions according to our own needs.
In the help document we can query the mathematical functions we often use:
abs — absolute value
ceil — Round to the nearest integer
decbin — Convert decimal to binary
dechex — Convert decimal to hexadecimal
decoct — Convert decimal to octal
max — Find the maximum value
min — Find the minimum value
pow — exponential expression
rand — generates a random integer
round — for floating Points are rounded
sqrt — square root
The output type of var_dump() that we sometimes use is the system function.
You can view the help documentation when using system functions.
Local variables:
In the function, when we process data, we may define some variables. These variables defined in the function are called local variables. Local: As the name suggests, they are the variables used in the function.
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function sum($num1,$num2){ $res = $num1 + $num2; //定义了一个变量用来存储两个数的和。 return $res; } $sum = sum($a,$b); echo $res; //尝试在函数外进行输出。 echo $sum; .....结果..... Notice: Undefined variable: res in D:\mywamp\Apache24\htdocs\zendstudio\yunsuanfu\yusuanfu.php on line 14 18
You can see that when trying to use variables within the function outside the function, an error will be reported.
Global variables:
In the above code we can see that outside the function, we define two variables,
b, Such variables defined outside the function are called global variables. So can global variables be used within functions?
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function sum($num1,$num2){ $res = $num1 + $num2; echo $a;//在函数内输出函数外的变量。 return $res; } $sum = sum($a,$b); echo $sum; .....结果..... Notice: Undefined variable: a in D:\mywamp\Apache24\htdocs\zendstudio\yunsuanfu\yusuanfu.php on line 10
You can see that when using global variables outside the function within the function, an error is prompted.
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function sum($num1,$num2){ $res = $num1 + $num2; global $a;//在函数内输出函数外的变量。 echo $a; return $res; } $sum = sum($a,$b); .....结果..... 12
<?php $b = 6; function sum($num1){ global $a;//在函数内通过global定义一个外部没有的变量。 $a = 23; //在函数内进行赋值。 } $sum = sum($b); echo $a; //直接使用函数内的变量。 .....结果..... 23
<?php $a = 3; $b = 6; function sum($a,$b,$oper = '+'){ //形参和实参名字可以使一样的。 if($oper == '+'){ echo $a + $b; //使用默认的加 }else if($oper == '-'){ echo $a - $b; } } $sum = sum($a,$b); //只传进去两个参数,运算符使用默认的情况。 .....结果..... 9
<?php $a = 3; $b = 6; function sum($a,$b,$oper = '+'){ //形参和实参名字可以使一样的。 if($oper == '+'){ echo $a + $b; }else if($oper == '-'){ echo $a - $b;//使用传过来的加 } } $sum = sum($a,$b,'-'); //传过去三个参数。
<?php $a = 12; function setA($a){ $a = $a * 12; //把$a的值乘以12; } setA($a);//调用函数 echo $a; .....结果..... 12
<?php $a = 12; function setA(&$a){ //只是在前面加了一个取地址符号。 $a = $a * 12; //把$a的值乘以12; //函数没有返回值 } setA($a);//调用函数 echo $a; .....结果..... 144
内部函数: 函数内部可以申明函数,供函数内部使用,称为内部函数
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function calculator($a,$b){ function sum($a,$b){ //在函数内部定义一个函数, return $a + $b; } function subtract($a,$b){ return $a - $b; } return sum($a,$b); // 调用自己定义的函数,把传进来的两个值直接传过去。 } echo calculator($a,$b); //调用函数,对返回结果直接进行输出。 .....结果..... 18
其实内部函数也是可以在函数外边使用的,就像上面的代码, 如果我们没有执行 calcuator, 就去调用内部函数 sum() ,就会报错。但是如果我们执行过 calculator 则,我们也可以使用内部函数了.
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function calculator($a,$b){ function sum($a,$b){ //在函数内部定义一个函数, return $a + $b; } function subtract($a,$b){ return $a - $b; } } calculator($a,$b); //调用函数 echo sum($a,$b); //当上面的调用过之后才能这样调用,不然会出错。 .....结果..... 18
可变函数: PHP 支持可变函数的概念。这意味着如果一个变量名后有圆括号,PHP 将寻找与变量的值同名的函数,并且尝试执行它。可变函数可以用来实现包括回调函数,函数表在内的一些用途。
<?php $a = 12; $b = 6; function add($a,$b){ $res = $a + $b; echo $res; } $fun_name = 'add';//定义一个变量,这个变量的名字是函数的函数名。 $fun_name($a,$b); //把变量当成一个函数名 .....结果..... 18
<?php $a = 6; $b = 6; function getVal($a,$b,$fun_name){ //第三个参数是一个函数的名字。 return $fun_name($a,$b); //如果一个变量名后有圆括号,寻找与变量的值同名的函数,并且尝试执行它。 } function sum($a,$b){ //在getVal中实际上调用的就是这个函数。 return $a + $b; } echo getVal($a,$b,'sum'); .....结果..... 12
匿名函数: 匿名函数,也叫闭包函数,允许临时创建一个没有指定名称的函数。最经常用作回调函数参数的值。当然,也有其它应用的情况. 简单的理解就是 匿名函数就是没有名字的函数。
<?php $a = 6; $b = 16; function getVal($a,$b,$fun_name){ return $fun_name($a,$b); } echo getVal($a,$b,function($a,$b){ //在传递的时候临时的定义一个匿名函数,没有名字,只有关键字function。 return $a + $b; }); .....结果..... 22
<?php function abc($n){ if($n > 2){ abc(--$n); //进行自己调用自己。 } echo '$n的值是' . $n . '<br>'; } abc(4); .....结果..... 2 2 3
- 基准情形。必须总要有某些基准条件,它无需递归就能解出
- 不断推进。对于那些需要递归的求解的情形,每一次递归调用都必须要使状况朝向一种基准情形推进