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The use of named routes in laravel

2017-03-24 15:11:541666browse

This article mainly introduces how to use named routing in laravel. Friends in need can refer to it. Let’s take a look together.

The use of named routes in laravel

Laravel provides many magic methods. Let’s first talk about the use of named routes. There are two methods that are very convenient.

Named routing allows you to more conveniently generate URLs or redirects for specific routes. You can use the as array key to specify the name to the route

1. Type 1: Implement it through the as keyword in the route


2. The second type: implement named routing through Route’s magic method name


3. How to use

in code You can use it like this


Use it like this in the template


For more articles related to the use of named routes in laravel, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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