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Detailed explanation and example code for implementing one-to-many messaging in the WeChat applet
Value transfer and notifications between various interfaces in the WeChat applet are a pain in the ass. So I imitated the notification center in iOS and wrote a similar notification center in the WeChat applet.
The notification center can: send multiple messages to each other and transfer objects. Very simple to use.
When used, register a notification name on the interface that needs to receive messages. Then just post the notification name on the interface where you need to send the message. You can register the same notification name in multiple interfaces. This way you can send messages one to many.
1: Reference notification.js in app.js
var notificationCenter = require('/utils/notification.js'); //这里请改为你的绝对路径
2: Add in app.js:
App({ onLaunch: function (){ this.notificationCenter = notificationCenter.center(); }, notificationCenter:null, })
3: Register in page.js to receive notifications
var app = getApp(); Page({ onLoad:function(options){ app.notificationCenter.register("一个通知名称",this,"didReceviceAnyNotification"); }, didReceviceAnyNotification:function(name,content){ console.log("接收到了通知:",name, content); }, })
PageB.js arbitrary function in page.js that sends notification
var app = getApp(); Page({ anyFunction:function(){ app.notificationCenter.post("通知名称",{ //任意通知object }) ; }, })
File download:http://xiazai.jb51.net/201702/yuanma/wxappNotificationCenter-master(jb51.net).rar
var notificationCenter = { notificationCenter:{}, // 向通知中心注册一个监听者。 // name: 监听的通知名称 // observer: 监听者 // action: 监听者收通知时调用的方法名, // func: 监听者收到通知时调用的函数, // action func 2选1 register:function(name,observer,action,func){ if (!name || !observer) return; if (!action && !func) return; console.log("注册通知:",name,observer); var center = this.notificationCenter; var objects = center[name]; if (!objects){ objects = []; } this.remove(name,observer); objects.push({ observer:observer, action:action, func:func }); center[name] = objects; }, // 从通知中心移除一个监听者 remove:function(name,observer){ if (!name || !observer) return; var center = this.notificationCenter; var objects = center[name]; if (!objects){ return; } var idx; var object; for(idx = 0;idx<objects.length;idx++){ var obj = objects[idx]; if (obj.observer == observer){ object = obj; break; } } if (object){ objects.splice(idx,1); } center[name] = objects; }, // 通过通知中心发出通知 // name: 通知名称 // notification: 通知内容 post:function(name,notification){ if (!name) return; console.log("准备发出通知:",name,notification); var center = this.notificationCenter; var objects = center[name]; if (!objects){ objects = []; } objects.forEach(function(object){ var observer = object.observer; var action = object.action; var func = object.func; if (observer && action){ func = observer[action]; } func(notification); }); console.log("完成向 ",objects.length," 个监听者发出通知:",name); } } function center(){ return notificationCenter; } module.exports.center = center;
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For more articles related to WeChat applet implementing one-to-many messaging, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!