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CSS transition

2017-02-24 11:33:542136browse

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Through transition, web front-end developers can achieve simple animation interaction effects without JavaScript. Transition properties may seem simple, but in fact there are a lot of details to pay attention to and things that can be confusing. This article will introduce and sort out the knowledge about CSS transition


Transition is a composite property, including transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function , transition-delay these four sub-attributes. A complete transition effect can be completed through the cooperation of these four sub-attributes

transition-property: 过渡属性(默认值为all)
transition-duration: 过渡持续时间(默认值为0s)
transiton-timing-function: 过渡函数(默认值为ease函数)
transition-delay: 过渡延迟时间(默认值为0s)

[Note] IE9-does not support this attribute, safari3 .1-6, IOS3.2-6.1, android2.1-4.3 need to add the -webkit- prefix; while other higher version browsers support the standard writing

    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;
    background-color: pink;
    transition-duration: 3s;/*     以下三值为默认值,稍后会详细介绍 */
    transition-property: all;
    transition-timing-function: ease;
    transition-delay: 0s;
}    .test:hover{
    width: 500px;


//Move the mouse over the element, and the width change effect will appear

Composite attributes

Of the four sub-attributes of transition, only 31f21fdecc9239726c6c3ef1640f525f is a required value and cannot be 0. Among them, 31f21fdecc9239726c6c3ef1640f525f and 4fdf89e653de7fdc9ea3c2c68311be4b are both times. When two times occur at the same time, the first is 31f21fdecc9239726c6c3ef1640f525f, and the second is 4fdf89e653de7fdc9ea3c2c68311be4b; when there is only one time, it is 31f21fdecc9239726c6c3ef1640f525f, and 76ef2ded2afa3523c0fbf27bf77b92f1 is the default value 0

transition: <transition-property> || <transition-duration> || <transition-timing-function> || <transition-delay>

[Note] The four sub-properties of transition cannot be separated by commas, only Separate with spaces. Because the ones separated by commas represent different attributes (the transition attribute supports multi-value, and the multi-value part will be introduced later); and the ones separated by spaces represent four sub-attributes about transition

    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;
    background-color: pink;/*代表持续时间为2s,延迟时间为默认值0s*/
    transition;2s;}    .test:hover{
    width: 500px;

<p class="test"></p>


    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;
    background-color: pink;    /*代表持续时间为1s,延迟时间为2s*/
    transition: 1s 2s;
}    .test:hover{
    width: 500px;

<p class="test"></p>

##Transition Properties


Value: none | all | b0cfce2f2b39e6de691805c0c093e47f[,b0cfce2f2b39e6de691805c0c093e47f]*

Initial value: all

Applies to: All elements

Inheritance: None

none: 没有指定任何样式
all: 默认值,表示指定元素所有支持transition-property属性的样式<transition-property>: 可过渡的样式,可用逗号分开写多个样式

Transitible styles

Not all CSS style values ​​can be transitioned, only properties with intermediate values ​​have transition effects

Vstart = 开始值; Vend = 结束值; Vres = 中间值; p = 过渡函数的输出值
Vres = (1 - p) * Vstart + p * Vend

颜色: color background-color border-color outline-color
位置: backround-position left right top bottom
    [1]max-height min-height max-width min-width height width
    [2]border-width margin padding outline-width outline-offset
    [3]font-size line-height text-indent vertical-align  
    [4]border-spacing letter-spacing word-spacing
数字: opacity visibility z-index font-weight zoom
组合: text-shadow transform box-shadow clip
其他: gradient

Transition duration

The unit of this attribute is seconds or milliseconds ms


Value: 46dd80ba616c57a652514755c74c4211[,46dd80ba616c57a652514755c74c4211]*

Initial value: 0s

Applies to: all elements

Inheritance: None

[Note] This attribute cannot be a negative value

[Note] If the attribute is 0s, it is the default value, if it is 0, it is an invalid value . Therefore, the unit must be

[Note] When the value is a single value, all transition attributes correspond to the same time; when the value is multi-value, the transition attributes correspond to the duration in order

//DEMO中的过渡属性值transition-property: width,background;

Transition delay time

This attribute defines how long the element attribute is delayed After the transition effect starts, the unit of this attribute is seconds s or milliseconds ms


Value: 46dd80ba616c57a652514755c74c4211[,46dd80ba616c57a652514755c74c4211]*

Initial value: 0s

Applies to: all elements

Inheritance: None

[Note] If this attribute is a negative value, there will be no delay effect, but the start of the transition element will The initial value will change from 0 to the set value (set value = delay time + duration). If the setting value is less than or equal to 0, there will be no transition effect; if the setting value is greater than 0, the transition element will complete the remaining transition effect starting from the setting value

 [Note] If this attribute is 0s It is the default value, if it is 0, it is an invalid value. Therefore, the unit must be

[Note] When the value is a single value, all transition attributes correspond to the same time; when the value is multi-value, the transition attributes correspond to the duration in order

//DEMO中的过渡属性值transition-property: width,background;

Transition time function

The transition time function is used to define the transition of elements The effect of transition speed change of attributes over time


Value: 66aa3d34d47552b7b986fe2a4b5468d0[,66aa3d34d47552b7b986fe2a4b5468d0]*

Initial value: ease

Applies to: all elements

Inheritance: None


There are three values ​​for the transition time function, namely Keywords, steps function and bezier function

steps function

The steps step function divides the transition time into equal-sized time intervals to run

The steps step function is

steps(<integer>[,start | end]?)

第二个参数: 该参数可选,默认是end,表示开始值保持一次;若参数为start,表示开始不保持


Bezier curve

The Bezier curve is controlled by four control points p0-p3, where p0 represents (0,0) and p3 represents (1 ,1). And 0cd58b9f0f99543f030aa199cd93c8c9 is determined by determining the values ​​of p1(x1,y1) and p2(x2,y2)


transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(x1,y1,x2,y2);




ease: 开始和结束慢,中间快。相当于cubic-bezier(0.25,0.1,0.25,1)
linear: 匀速。相当于cubic-bezier(0,0,1,1)
ease-in: 开始慢。相当于cubic-bezier(0.42,0,1,1)
ease-out: 结束慢。相当于cubic-bezier(0,0,0.58,1)
ease-in-out: 和ease类似,但比ease幅度大。相当于cubic-bezier(0.42,0,0.58,1)
step-start: 直接位于结束处。相当于steps(1,start)
step-end: 位于开始处经过时间间隔后结束。相当于steps(1,end)




transtion: 09f907df7377e66249f520fd04c5fd69[,09f907df7377e66249f520fd04c5fd69]*

<single-transition>: <transition-property> || <transition-duration> || <transition-timing-function> || <transition-delay>

//property为all,timing-function为linear,delay为0s,duration为0s。表示无过渡行为transition: 0s;

【1】若不同的transition-property值,对应的transition-delay | transition-timing-function | transition-duration的属性值都相同时,则对应的这些属性设置一个即可

    transition-property: width,background;
    transition-delay: 200ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear;
    transition-duration: 2s;
    transition: width 2s linear 200ms,background 2s linear 200ms;

【2】当transition-property值的个数多于对应的transition-delay | transition-timing-function | transition-duration的属性值(属性值的个数大于1个)时,将按顺序开始取值

    transition-property: width,background,opacity;
    transition-duration: 2s,500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear,ease;
    transition-delay: 200ms,0s;
    transition: width 2s linear 200ms,background 500ms ease 0s,opacity 2s linear 200ms;

【3】当transition-property值的个数少于对应的transition-delay | transition-timing-function | transition-duration的属性值个数时,多余的属性值将无效

    transition-property: width;
    transition-duration: 2s,500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear,ease;
    transition-delay: 200ms,0s;
    transition: width 2s linear 200ms;


    transition-property: width,wuxiao,background;
    transition-duration: 2s,500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear,ease;
    transition-delay: 200ms,0s;
    transition: width 2s linear 200ms,background 2s linear 200ms;


    transition-property: width,width,background;
    transition-duration: 2s,500ms;
    transition-timing-function: linear,ease;
    transition-delay: 200ms,0s;
    transition: width 500ms ease 0s,background 2s linear 200ms;







    width: 100px;
    transition: 3s;
    width: 500px;
    transition: 500ms;


    font-size: 50px;
    font-size: 30px;

<p class="box">
    <p class="test">test</p>



    width: 100px;    -webkit-transition: width 2s;
    transition:width 2s;


    border: 1px solid black;    -webkit-transition: font-size 2s;
    transition:font-size 2s;
    font: 20px/100px "宋体";
    font-size: 40px;
    border-right-width: 1em;












/* 把浏览器的宽度拖动到小于1000px时触发 */@media (max-width: 1000px){
        width: 500px;



test.onclick = function(){
    test.style.width = &#39;300px&#39;;
        test.style.width = &#39;100px&#39;;










<style>#test{height: 100px;width: 100px;background-color: pink;
    transition: width 1.5s 0.5s;}#test:hover{width: 200px;}</style><p id="test"></p><script>test.addEventListener("transitionend", myFunction);function myFunction(e){
    e = e || event;
    test.innerHTML = &#39;propertyName:&#39; + e.propertyName + &#39;; elapsedTime:&#39; + e.elapsedTime + &#39;; pseudoElement:&#39; + e.pseudoElement;



<style>#test{height: 100px;width: 100px;position: relative;background-color: lightblue;}#test:before{content:&#39;我是伪元素&#39;;position: absolute;height: 100px;width: 100px;background-color: pink;
    left:200px;}#test:hover:before{width: 200px;transition: width 1.5s 0.5s;}</style><p id="test"></p><script>test.addEventListener("transitionend", myFunction);function myFunction(e){
    e = e || event;
    test.innerHTML = &#39;propertyName:&#39; + e.propertyName + &#39;; elapsedTime:&#39; + e.elapsedTime + &#39;; pseudoElement:&#39; + e.pseudoElement;



var index = 0;//兼容低版本safari、IOS、androidtest.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", myFunction);// 标准语法test.addEventListener("transitionend", myFunction);function myFunction() {
    index++;    this.innerHTML = index;}


    transition: width 1s,background-color 1s;    -webkit-transition: width 1s,background-color 1s;



    transition:border-width 1s;    -webkit-transition: border-width 1s;



    width: 50px;
    border: 1px solid black;
    transition:all 1s;    -webkit-transition: all 1s;
    border-width: 10px;
    width: 100px;


    transition:width 1s -1s;    -webkit-transition: width 1s -1s;



    border: 1px solid black;
    transition:border-width 1s,border-left-width 2s;    -webkit-transition: border-width 1s,border-left-width 2s;


var index = 0;//兼容低版本safari、IOS、androidtest.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", myFunction);// 标准语法test.addEventListener("transitionend", myFunction);function myFunction() {
    index++;    this.innerHTML = index;    if(index == 1){
        test.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", myFunction);
        test.removeEventListener("transitionend", myFunction);

更多CSS过渡transition 相关文章请关注PHP中文网!

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