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CnClock desktop clock-Winform applet development

2017-02-23 14:36:593832browse

I couldn’t access the Internet when I went home during the Chinese New Year. I was bored the past two days and so I researched a small program by myself. Let’s take a look at the interface of the program first:

Interface one:


Interface two:


##This small program took more than a day to write. The function is relatively simple. The functions of this program are:

1. It can display the date, current time, week, and lunar calendar.

2. The program can be adsorbed on the desktop to achieve the effect of being embedded in the desktop.

3. You can set the program to start automatically at boot.

Part of the main code is posted below:

 private void 吸附桌面ToolStripMenuItem_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 ischecked = !ischecked; 
 if (ischecked == true) 
 勾选但不移动的处理#region 勾选但不移动的处理(如果用户勾选了该项,但是并没有移动程序的位置,则进行该项判断)
 //2012年1月31日0:27:44 解决思路: 
 if (File.Exists(pathbase + "CnClock.ini")) 
 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathbase + "CnClock.ini", Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); 
 if (sr.Peek() >= 0) 
 old_x = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); 
 old_y = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine()); 
 catch (Exception ex) 
 //这种情况下是否要判断一下新位置与原位置是否相同??? 经考虑,需设定! 
 //2012年1月31日0:21:04 设置完成,代码见 #勾选但不移动的处理 部分 
 //什么时候才会执行下面这句代码“yidong = false;” 呢? 
 yidong = false; 
 _x = this.Location.X; 
 _y = this.Location.Y; 
 xin_x = this.Location.X; 
 xin_y = this.Location.Y; 
 if (!(xin_x == old_x) || !(xin_y == old_y)) 
 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pathbase + "CnClock.ini", false, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); 
 this.notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5, "CnClock提示", "新位置已设定!", ToolTipIcon.Info); 
 catch (Exception ex) 
 yidong = true; 


 private void 开机启动ToolStripMenuItem_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 /*设计思路: 2012年1月31日16:00:47完成 
 * 默认开机启动,则在form_load中先执行一下设置autorun方法。 
 * 用户勾掉“开机启动”项后,则取消autorun,用户勾选“开机启动”项后,则设置autorun。 
 isautorun = !isautorun; 
 if (isautorun == true) 
 auToRun.SetAutoRun(Application.ExecutablePath, true); 
 this.notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5, "CnClock提示", "开机启动已设定!", ToolTipIcon.Info); 
 auToRun.SetAutoRun(Application.ExecutablePath, false); 
 this.notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5, "CnClock提示", "已关闭开机启动!", ToolTipIcon.Info); 
该程序需要.net Framework2.0或以上版本支持。

A small problem discovered so far:

When the program chooses whether to support startup, the registry must be operated. If the user's computer is equipped with management software such as 360 Security Guard or QQ Computer Manager, a prompt message will pop up. If the user chooses not to allow registry operations, the program will pop up an exception prompt, and the registry information will not be written, but the correct bubble prompt information will pop up. This place still needs to be modified.

For more CnClock desktop clock-Winform applet development related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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