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WeChat Mini Program Application Account Development Experience

2017-02-22 14:26:341669browse

Yesterday, the news of the internal testing of the WeChat mini program (application account) exploded the entire technology community. I couldn’t help but follow a few waves. Unfortunately, I was not qualified for the internal testing. I heard that the cracked version was released. Today I tried developing the original project resources in the morning and summarized the experience.

Overall experience

  1. High development efficiency. The IDE was cracked around 6:40, and the layout of the homepage and navigation bar was completed around 7:20. WeChat encapsulated Juejian’s layout, which is more efficient than traditional front-end development.

  2. The front-end can be used quickly: A skilled front-end can be used quickly. It may only take an hour to read the document and add an official example.

  3. Development tools are difficult to use. Many directory operations and common IDE formatting codes, html pairing and other functions are not supported yet.

  4. Development restricts many common front-end Dom and window operations, reducing the flexibility and difficulty of development.

  5. I am not qualified for internal testing. The mini program cannot yet upload the experience. I can only download the code for local experience.

Screenshot above

WeChat Mini Program Application Account Development Experience

WeChat Mini Program Application Account Development Experience

##IDE technology stack: NodeWebkit + React

Enter the installation directory: WeChat web developer tools\package.nw\app

This *.nw can most likely guess that it is a Web application encapsulated by NodeWebkit,
A detailed look at the dependency node_modules confirms the conjecture.
The entry is defined in package.json "main": "app/html/index.html".

All components are essentially React components

You can see in the entrance that React and React DOM are directly referenced

WeChat Mini Program Application Account Development Experience

"use strict";
function init() {
  tools.Chrome = chrome;
  var n = require("../dist/lib/react.js"),
    e = require("../dist/lib/react-dom.js"),
    i = require("../dist/common/loadInit/init.js"),
    o = require("../dist/components/ContainController.js"),
    t = require("../dist/common/proxy/startProxy.js"),
    r = require("../dist/actions/windowActions.js"),
    s = require("../dist/actions/webviewActions.js"),
    d = require("../dist/stroes/webviewStores.js"),
    u = require("../dist/common/log/log.js"), c = require("../dist/common/shortCut/shortCut.js"), l = global.appConfig.isDev;

Look at the definition of component Dropdown. Isn’t this the familiar way React creates components in ES5?

"use strict";
var React = require("../../lib/react.js"), Dropdown = React.createClass({
  displayName: "Dropdown", render: function () {
    return React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown"}, React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item"}, React.createElement("img", {
      src: "https://mmrb.github.io/avatar/jf.jpg",
      alt: "",
      className: "dropdown-item-icon"
    }), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item-info"}, React.createElement("p", null, "公众号名称啦")), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item-extra"}, React.createElement("img", {
      src: "https://mmrb.github.io/avatar/jf.jpg",
      alt: "",
      className: "dropdown-item-extra-icon"
    }))), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item dropdown-item-active"}, React.createElement("img", {
      src: "https://mmrb.github.io/avatar/jf.jpg",
      alt: "",
      className: "dropdown-item-icon"
    }), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item-info"}, React.createElement("p", null, "公众号名称啦公众号名称啦公众号名称啦"))), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item"}, React.createElement("img", {
      src: "https://mmrb.github.io/avatar/jf.jpg",
      alt: "",
      className: "dropdown-item-icon"
    }), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item-info"}, React.createElement("p", null, "公众号名称啦"))), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item"}, React.createElement("img", {
      src: "https://mmrb.github.io/avatar/jf.jpg",
      alt: "",
      className: "dropdown-item-icon"
    }), React.createElement("p", {className: "dropdown-item-info"}, React.createElement("p", null, "公众号名称啦"))))
module.exports = Dropdown;

WeChat limits the package size of mini programs

At the same time, WeChat limits the size of mini program packages to 755kb. The cache and local files should also be controlled. Compared with the size of native applications, which can easily reach tens to hundreds of megabytes, this is definitely a bright spot. It is a slap in the face to many people on the Internet who say that installing WeChat applets will also occupy mobile phone storage.

WeChat Mini Program Application Account Development Experience


In general, it is definitely good news for the front-end, front-end treatment in the short term It may rise, but the threshold for small program development is lower (lower than front-end). Some developers are programming for salary. With the flow of developers, it will remain the same as other related technical positions in the long run. So, young man, don’t get excited, but also lay down the basic knowledge.

The above is the collection of information on WeChat mini programs. We will continue to add relevant information in the future. Thank you for your support of this site!

For more articles related to WeChat applet application account development experience, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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