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Detailed explanation of WeChat alarm zabbix implementation

2017-02-20 14:33:052063browse

This article mainly introduces the relevant information on WeChat alarm zabbix method. Friends who need it can refer to it

In real production environment, we usually use email and SMS to receive zabbix alarm information, but email is often used by work Personnel are left in corners or even set to be filtered out as spam. The company's SMS interface is too expensive, and using SMS alarms in complex environments will increase operation and maintenance costs a lot. WeChat provides a good third-party interface. We can use WeChat to alarm in order to reduce operation and maintenance costs.

WeChat’s third-party interface requires us to apply for an enterprise account first - portal: https://qy.weixin.qq.com/

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How to operate the enterprise account?

1. Add corporate members to the address book

We need to add member information to the organizational department in advance, required fields + mobile phone number or WeChat ID, so Only when others scan the QR code can they successfully follow the enterprise account.

Note: Here are two we need to use information, an ID of an organization department, the account number of a department member (the account is manually specified by itself, unlike WeChat, preferably the letter plus numbers)

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微信报警 zabbix实现详解

#2. Create an application in the Application Center

We are going to create an application here because we need Send a message to department members through the application

Note: There is a value to remember here, the application ID

微信报警 zabbix实现详解

微信报警 zabbix实现详解

# #3. Set up an administrator for the department

Settings--->Function Settings---->Permission Management---->New management group

Administrators You must have followed the enterprise account in advance and set up your email address

微信报警 zabbix实现详解

Make sure the administrator can read the address book and use the app to send messages.

Note: We need the administrator’s CorpID and Secret

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We need to prepare these things:

A WeChat enterprise account

The enterprise account has been followed by department members

There is an application in the enterprise account that can send messages

An authorized administrator can use the application to send messages to members

We want to get this information:

Member Account

Organization Department ID

Application ID



How to call the WeChat interface?

Calling the WeChat interface requires a certificate for calling the interface: access_token

Access_token can be obtained through: CropID and Secret, but the token obtained is valid for two minutes

微信报警 zabbix实现详解

微信报警 zabbix实现详解




        curl -s -G  url           获取 AccessToken


        curl --data  url     传送凭证调用企业号接口


###send message from weixin for zabbix monitor###

Gtoken=$(/usr/bin/curl -s -G $GURL | awk -F\" ‘{print $4}‘)


function body() {
    local int AppID=3            企业号中的应用id
    local UserID=$1             部门成员id,zabbix中定义的微信接收者
    local PartyID=1             部门id,定义了范围,组内成员都可接收到消息
    local Msg=$(echo "$@" | cut -d" " -f3-) 过滤出zabbix中传递的第三个参数
    printf ‘{\n‘
    printf ‘\t"touser": "‘"$User"\"",\n"
    printf ‘\t"toparty": "‘"$PartyID"\"",\n"
    printf ‘\t"msgtype": "text",\n‘
    printf ‘\t"agentid": "‘" $AppID "\"",\n"
    printf ‘\t"text": {\n‘
    printf ‘\t\t"content": "‘"$Msg"\""\n"
    printf ‘\t},\n‘
    printf ‘\t"safe":"0"\n‘
    printf ‘}\n‘
/usr/bin/curl --data-ascii "$(body $1 $2 $3)" $PURL




微信报警 zabbix实现详解


mv weixin.sh /usr/local/zabbix/share/zabbix/alertscripts
chown zabbix.zabbix /usr/local/zabbix/share/zabbix/alertscripts/weixin.sh
chmod +x /usr/local/zabbix/share/zabbix/alertscripts/weixin.sh



微信报警 zabbix实现详解


微信报警 zabbix实现详解


微信报警 zabbix实现详解


微信报警 zabbix实现详解


微信报警 zabbix实现详解 

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