[Introduction] This code of mine is a test code to improve the efficiency of paging when there is a large amount of data--Improving the efficiency of paging: only reading the display data when implementing paging, you need to first create a database "TestForPaging" in the database use TestForPaginggo- -Create table SomeDatacreate table SomeData(id int
My code is a test code to improve the efficiency of paging when there is a large amount of data
--Improve paging efficiency: only read the display data when implementing paging, You need to first create the database "TestForPaging" in the database
use TestForPaging go
--Create table SomeData
create table SomeData ( id int primary key, name varchar(30) null, description text ) go
--Insert data
insert into SomeData values(1,'num1','第1条') go insert into SomeData values(2,'num2','第2条') go insert into SomeData values(3,'num3','第3条') go insert into SomeData values(4,'num4','第4条') go insert into SomeData values(5,'num5','第5条') go
-- Total number of data entries
select count(*) from SomeData go
--Add a data level to each record
select name,description,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id desc)as dataLevel from SomeData go
--View data entries between specified data levels
select dataLevel,name,description from (select name,description,row_number() over(order by id desc)as dataLevel from SomeData) as datawithleverl where dataLevel between 2 and 4 go
--Implements the stored procedure for viewing data entries between specified data levels
create procedure GetDataPaged ( @startRowIndex int, @maximumRows int, @sort varchar ) AS
--Ensures that sort
if len(@sort)=0 set @sort='id'
--Query with parameters
select dataLevel,name,description from (select name,description,row_number() over(order by @sort desc)as dataLevel from SomeData) AS datawithleverl WHERE dataLevel > (@startRowIndex*10) AND dataLevel <= (@startRowIndex*10 + @maximumRows) go
The above is the content of MySQL to improve data paging efficiency. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)