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C# WinForm multi-threaded development (3) Control.Invoke

2017-02-20 10:51:302396browse

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[Abstract]This article introduces C# Control.Invoke for WinForm multi-thread development, and detailed sample code is provided for reference.

Let’s give you an introduction to the multi-threading issues that need to be paid attention to when using Invoke in Windows Form software.

First of all, what kind of operations need to be considered using multi-threading? The general rule is that the thread responsible for interacting with the user (hereinafter referred to as the UI thread) should remain smooth. When the API called by the UI thread may cause a blocking time of more than 30 milliseconds (such as accessing ultra-slow peripherals such as CD-ROM, making remote calls, etc.) you should consider using multi-threading. Why 30 milliseconds? The concept of 30 milliseconds is a lag that can be detected by the human eye, which is approximately equivalent to the duration of a frame in a movie, and should not exceed 100 milliseconds at most.

Second, the most convenient and simple multi-threading is to use a thread pool. The easiest way to run code through threads in a thread pool is to use asynchronous delegate calls. Note that delegate calls are usually completed synchronously. Please use the BeginInvoke method, so that the method to be called can be queued into the thread pool to wait for processing, and the program flow will immediately return to the caller (here the UI thread), and the call Therefore, there will be no blockage.

Looking at the following example, we find that it is not very complicated to use the thread pool to execute code asynchronously. Here we use the System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker delegate to make asynchronous calls. Note that the MethodInvoker delegate does not accept method parameters. If you need to pass parameters to asynchronously executed methods, please use other delegates, or you need to define them yourself.

private void StartSomeWorkFromUIThread () {
    // 我们要做的工作相对UI线程而言台慢了,用下面的方法异步进行处理
    MethodInvoker mi = new MethodInvoker(RunsOnWorkerThread);//这是入口方法
    mi.BeginInvoke(null, null); // 这样就不会阻塞

// 缓慢的工作在此方法内进行处理,使用线程池里的线程
private void RunsOnWorkerThread() {

To summarize the above method, for the UI thread, it is actually: 1. Make a call, 2. Return immediately, and run it specifically The process is ignored so that the UI thread will not be blocked. This approach is important and we’ll cover it in depth below. In addition to the above methods, there are other ways to use the thread pool. Of course, if you are happy, you can also create your own threads.

第三,在Windows Form中使用多线程的,最重要的一条注意事项是,除了创建控件的线程以外,绝对不要在任何其他线程里面调用控件的成员(只有极个别情况例外),也就是说控件属于创建它的线程,不能从其他线程里面访问。这一条适用于所有从System.Windows.Forms.Control派生的控件(因此可以说是几乎所有控件),包括Form控件本身也是。举一反三,我们很容易得出这样的结论,控件的子控件必须由创建控件的线程来创建,比如一个表单上的按钮,比如由创建表单的线程来创建,因此,一个窗口中的所有控件实际上都活在同一个线程之中。在实际编程时,大多数的软件的做法都是让同一线程负责全部的控件,这就是我们所说的UI线程。看下面的例子:

// 这是由UI线程定义的Label控件
private Label lblStatus;
// 以下方法不在UI线程上执行
private void RunsOnWorkerThread() {
    lblStatus.Text = "Finished!";    // 这是错的

我们要特别提醒大家,很多人刚开始的时候都会使用以上的方法来访问不在同一个线程里的控件(包括笔者本人),而且在1.0版.Net 框架上似乎没有发现问题,但是这根本就是错的,更糟糕的是,程序员在这里不会得到任何错误提示,一开始就上当受骗,之后会莫明其妙地发现其他错误,这就是Windows Form多线程编程的痛苦所在。笔者试过花很多时间来Debug自己写的Splash窗口突然消失的问题,结果还是失败了:笔者在软件的引导过程中,用另外一个线程里创建了一个Splash窗口来显示欢迎信息,然后尝试把主线程里引导的状态直接写入到Splash窗口上的控件中,开始还OK,可是过一会Splash窗口就莫明其妙消失了。




“控件上有四种方法可以安全地从任何线程进行调用:Invoke、BeginInvoke、EndInvoke 和 CreateGraphics。对于所有其他方法调用,则应使用调用 (invoke) 方法之一封送对控件的线程的调用。
委托可以是 EventHandler 的实例,在此情况下,发送方参数将包含此控件,而事件参数将包含 EventArgs.Empty。委托还可以是 MethodInvoker 的实例或采用 void 参数列表的其他任何委托。调用 EventHandler 或 MethodInvoker 委托比调用其他类型的委托速度更快。”



// 这是由UI线程定义的Label控件
private Label lblStatus;
// 以下方法不在UI线程上执行
private void RunsOnWorkerThread() {
    // Do UI update on UI thread
    object[] pList = { this, System.EventArgs.Empty };
      new System.EventHandler(UpdateUI), pList);
// 切换回UI线程执行的入口
private void UpdateUI(object o, System.EventArgs e) {
    lblStatus.Text = "Finished!";


 以上就是C# WinForm多线程开发(三) Control.Invoke 的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!

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