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Advanced front-end basics (5): Comprehensive interpretation of this

2017-02-17 13:47:001279browse

Advanced front-end basics (5): Comprehensive interpretation of this

In the process of learning JavaScript, because we don’t understand some concepts very clearly, but we want to write them down in some ways, it is easy to hastily write these Concepts make some biased conclusions that are convenient for one's own memory.

What is more harmful is that some inaccurate conclusions are widely circulated on the Internet.

For example, in the understanding of what this points to, there is a saying: whoever calls it, this points to. When I first started learning this, I believed in this sentence very much. Because in some cases, this understanding makes sense. But I often encounter some different situations in development. An incorrect call due to this can make me confused for a whole day. At that time, I also looked up information and asked experts in the group, but I still couldn't figure out "Where did I go wrong?" In fact, it's just because I have an inaccurate conclusion in my mind.

Here is a complaint about Baidu search. Many of the articles found in the search are wrong, which has harmed labor and management for a long time.

So, I think there is a need for such an article Article to help you understand this in an all-round way. Let everyone have a correct and comprehensive understanding of this.

Before this, we need to review the execution context.

In the previous articles, I mentioned the life cycle of the execution context in several places. In case you don’t remember it, let’s review it again, as shown below.

Advanced front-end basics (5): Comprehensive interpretation of this

#In the creation phase of the execution context, variable objects will be generated respectively, the scope chain will be established, and this point will be determined. We have carefully summarized the variable object and scope chain, and the key here is to determine the point of this.

Here, we need to draw a very important conclusion that must be kept in mind. The point of this is determined when the function is called. That is, it is determined when the execution context is created. Therefore, we can easily understand that the this pointer in a function can be very flexible. For example, in the following example, the same function points to different objects due to different calling methods.

var a = 10;
var obj = {
    a: 20

function fn () {

fn(); // 10
fn.call(obj); // 20

In addition, during function execution, once this is determined, it cannot be changed.

var a = 10;
var obj = {
    a: 20

function fn () {
    this = obj; // 这句话试图修改this,运行后会报错


1. This

in the global object Regarding this of the global object, I mentioned it before when summarizing the variable object. It is a relatively special existence. This in the global environment points to itself. So it's also relatively simple and there aren't that many complications to consider.

// 通过this绑定到全局对象
this.a2 = 20;

// 通过声明绑定到变量对象,但在全局环境中,变量对象就是它自身
var a1 = 10;

// 仅仅只有赋值操作,标识符会隐式绑定到全局对象
a3 = 30;

// 输出结果会全部符合预期

2. This

in the function is Before summarizing the this point in the function, I think we need to go through some strange examples to feel the elusiveness of this in the function.

// demo01
var a = 20;
function fn() {
// demo02
var a = 20;
function fn() {
    function foo() {
// demo03
var a = 20;
var obj = {
    a: 10,
    c: this.a + 20,
    fn: function () {
        return this.a;


These examples require readers to take some time to experience them. If you don’t understand what’s going on, don’t worry, we will analyze them bit by bit.

Before the analysis, we first directly draw the conclusion.

In a function context, this is provided by the caller and is determined by the way the function is called. If the caller function is owned by an object, then when the function is called, the internal this points to the object. If the function is called independently, then this inside the function points to undefined. But in non-strict mode, when this points to undefined, it will automatically point to the global object.

We can see from the conclusion that if you want to accurately determine the point of this, it is very important to find the caller of the function and distinguish whether he is an independent call.

// 为了能够准确判断,我们在函数内部使用严格模式,因为非严格模式会自动指向全局
function fn() {
    'use strict';

fn();  // fn是调用者,独立调用
window.fn();  // fn是调用者,被window所拥有

In the above simple example, fn() is an independent caller. According to the definition, its internal this pointer is undefined. In window.fn(), because fn is owned by window, the internal this points to the window object.

Now that you have mastered this rule, now go back and look at the three examples above. By adding/removing strict mode, you will find that this has become less illusory and has traces. Followed.

But what we need to pay special attention to is demo03. In demo03, the c attribute in object obj is calculated using this.a + 20, and its caller obj.c is not a function. Therefore, it does not apply to the above rules, and we have to draw a separate conclusion for this method.

When obj is declared globally, no matter where obj.c is called, this here points to the global object, and when obj is declared in a function environment, this this points to undefined, in non-strict mode , will automatically turn to the global object. You can run the example below to see the difference.

'use strict';
var a = 20;
function foo () {
    var a = 1;
    var obj = {
        a: 10, 
        c: this.a + 20,
        fn: function () {
            return this.a;
    return obj.c;

console.log(foo()); // 运行会报错

In actual development, it is not recommended to use this in this way;



var a = 20;
var foo = {
    a: 10,
    getA: function () {
        return this.a;
console.log(foo.getA()); // 10

var test = foo.getA;
console.log(test());  // 20



var a = 20;
function getA() {
    return this.a;
var foo = {
    a: 10,
    getA: getA
console.log(foo.getA());  // 10


function foo() {

function active(fn) {
    fn(); // 真实调用者,为独立调用

var a = 20;
var obj = {
    a: 10,
    getA: foo





function fn() {
var obj = {
    a: 20



function fn(num1, num2) {
    console.log(this.a + num1 + num2);
var obj = {
    a: 20

fn.call(obj, 100, 10); // 130
fn.apply(obj, [20, 10]); // 50



function exam(a, b, c, d, e) {

    // 先看看函数的自带属性 arguments 什么是样子的

    // 使用call/apply将arguments转换为数组, 返回结果为数组,arguments自身不会改变
    var arg = [].slice.call(arguments);


exam(2, 8, 9, 10, 3);

// result: 
// { '0': 2, '1': 8, '2': 9, '3': 10, '4': 3 }
// [ 2, 8, 9, 10, 3 ]
// 也常常使用该方法将DOM中的nodelist转换为数组
// [].slice.call( document.getElementsByTagName('li') );


var foo = {
    name: 'joker',
    showName: function() {
var bar = {
    name: 'rose'


// 定义父级的构造函数
var Person = function(name, age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age  = age;
    this.gender = ['man', 'woman'];

// 定义子类的构造函数
var Student = function(name, age, high) {

    // use call
    Person.call(this, name, age);
    this.high = high;
Student.prototype.message = function() {
    console.log('name:'+this.name+', age:'+this.age+', high:'+this.high+', gender:'+this.gender[0]+';');

new Student('xiaom', 12, '150cm').message();

// result
// ----------
// name:xiaom, age:12, high:150cm, gender:man;


var Student = function(name, age, high) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age  = age;
    this.gender = ['man', 'woman'];
    // Person.call(this, name, age); 这一句话,相当于上面三句话,因此实现了继承
    this.high = high;



var obj = {
    a: 20,
    getA: function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000)



var obj = {
    a: 20,
    getA: function() {
        var self = this;
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000)


function bind(fn, obj) {
    return function() {
        return fn.apply(obj, arguments);

var obj = {
    a: 20,
    getA: function() {
        setTimeout(bind(function() {
        }, this), 1000)



var obj = {
    a: 20,
    getA: function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }.bind(this), 1000)




function Person(name, age) {

    // 这里的this指向了谁?
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;   

Person.prototype.getName = function() {

    // 这里的this又指向了谁?
    return this.name;

// 上面的2个this,是同一个吗,他们是否指向了原型对象?

var p1 = new Person('Nick', 20);










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