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WeChat mini program development skills and pit filling records

2017-02-16 10:20:532089browse

The following are the pitfalls and tips I encountered during the development process. Record them as follows:

1.page[pages/XXX/XXX] not found.May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in app.json.2. Invoking Page() in async task.

The screenshot is as follows:

WeChat mini program development skills and pit filling records

Solution Method: You need to add page() to each XXX.js file to generate a page instance object.



Sometimes even if you are in each Even if the basic page() code is written in the js file, this error will still occur. At this time, you need to pay attention to the order of filling in the routes in app.json. For example, generally the second-level interface is written below the first-level interface. Do not write At the end. For example:

Correct writing:

WeChat mini program development skills and pit filling records

Wrong writing:

WeChat mini program development skills and pit filling records

At the same time, also Please note that it comes with index and logs by default, which are usually placed at the end. Sometimes I put them in the middle, and some pages below will also appear. Sometimes this error is just a problem with the development tools, just restart it. (The development tools of the first version of the public beta have too many bugs).

2. Network requests: Network requests are also a big pitfall. As always, small programs can only use https unless they are cracked. Development tools, and cannot run on real machines.https://github.com/gavinkwoe/weapp-ide-crack

##For network requests, most commonly used It is a POST request, but this is the big pitfall of the WeChat applet. The official documentation is so rudimentary that it is not even enough to get started. For post requests, we need to change the data to formData and pass it over.

First write the following code in the Util.js file in the Utils folder to convert the parameters into formData

function json2Form(json) {  
    var str = [];  
    for(var p in json){  
        str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(json[p]));  
    return str.join("&");  
module.exports.json2Form = json2Form

Then introduce the Util.js file into the post request file

var Util = require( '../../../utils/util');

The next step is to modify the request method:

      url: 'http://www.pintasty.cn/productdetail/findproductdetailbyid',
      method: 'POST',
      header: {
        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"     //这里的改,一开始Content-Type可以,现在只能使用content-type
      data:  Util.json2Form( { product_id:"P-2c22ad5be9b24a5da0cd5d8594e8ec32",uploadImgId : "UU-60a0e559b0a0421d892232fc75ee9d17" }),  //这里得改,参数只能这样传入
      success: function (res) {
        console.log('酒品详情' + JSON.stringify(res))
      fail: function (res) {
        console.log('失败' + JSON.stringify(res))

Then that’s it, because mine is a cracked version of the development tool, so I can http.

3. Get the screen width in the XXX.js file Gao.

Mainly based on the getSystemInfo() method provided by the applet, which can obtain common information about the device, such as mobile phone model, device pixel ratio, screen width and height, etc. The most commonly used one is the screen The width and height are

var screenWidth = wx.getSystemInfo({
  success: function (res) {
    screenWidth = res.windowWidth
var screenHeight = wx.getSystemInfo({
  success: function (res) {
    screenHeight = res.windowHeight


WeChat mini program development skills and pit filling records

3. Use rpx to achieve basic screen adaptation.

The rpx unit is the size unit of CSS in the WeChat applet. rpx can be adapted according to the screen width. The specified screen width is 750rpx. For example, on iPhone6, the screen width is 375px and there are 750 physical pixels in total, then 750rpx = 375px = 750 physical pixels, 1rpx = 0.5px = 1 physical pixel.

Devicerpx to px (screen width/750)px to rpx (750/screen width)iPhone51rpx = 0.42px#1px = 2.34rpxiPhone61rpx = 0.5px1px = 2rpxiPhone6s1rpx = 0.552px1px = 1.81rpx

WeChat applet also supports rem size unit, the conversion relationship between rem and rpx: rem: The specified screen width is 20rem; 1rem = (750/ 20)rpx

Note: When developing WeChat mini programs, designers can use iPhone6 ​​as the standard for visual drafts.
Suggestion: It is easier to calculate if the design draft uses a device width of 750px. If 750px is used, 1rpx=1px. In this case, the size measured on the design drawing is the number of px that is the number of rpx. As for the actual size on different devices How many rem do you want to convert into? Let the mini program do the conversion yourself

4.sublime gospel: WeChat mini program components and API completion plug-in

http ://www.cnblogs.com/zhengrunlin/p/5951224.html?hmsr=toutiao.io&utm_medium=toutiao.io&utm_source=toutiao.io

5. WeChat has launched an official style library, To facilitate everyone's development, we only need to introduce some similar UI interfaces without reinventing the wheel.

Attached is the github address: https://github.com/weui/weui- wxss

We only need to import weui.wxss, etc. to reduce a lot of css layout work.

More WeChat applet For articles related to development skills and pit-filling records, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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