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WeChat media painter, WeChat interactive tutorial

2017-02-15 15:48:322270browse

Start writing the interactive part of the tutorial today.

This part includes the following content:

1. Basic preparations
2. Moments interaction
3. Private chat interaction
4. WeChat group interaction
5. Other forms of interaction

Characteristics of my tutorials: There are principles and details. The principle tells you why you do it, and the details tell you how to do it. Many people understand the principle, but some people do not understand it, so I will explain it here; the focus is on the details, so as to avoid you "understanding all the principles, but still not living a good life".

I will try my best not to explain if it is too complicated, and keep it simple and operable.

Let’s talk about it today: 1. Basic preparations

The first preparation is that you have to understand the meaning of interaction, otherwise you will Reject deliberate interaction with others on WeChat.

Why interact?

It’s very simple: to make friends.

WeChat is a social platform. Users come here not to buy things. The reason why they can make a transaction is basically based on their trust in you as a person. Although there are transactions involving complete strangers, this is not the mainstream.

Strictly speaking, trust requires a certain degree of inspection, including your professionalism and your character. However, people are not completely rational creatures. Many times, they trust you just because they have a good impression of you or are familiar with you. Due to this perceptual factor, rigorous examination is omitted.

Let’s take a scenario as an example:

You are a painter, and the painter has a product that is a hair mask that can dye your hair black. A friend of yours needs to dye his hair. He has never dyed his hair before, or he has always used chemical dyes. There are various pain points in using dyes, such as deteriorating hair quality, smelly hair when dyeing, worries about harmful substances harming health, etc. Now he suddenly decided to give up traditional dyes and wanted to find a product without the above pain points.

How would he buy it without you? Maybe you go to an e-commerce website to search, and a lot of choices will come up, right? He then had to compare between numerous products. Anyone with online shopping experience knows that this comparison process is long and painful because there are too many products and too much information to know. Although there are evaluations from other buyers for his reference (even if these evaluations are true), the evaluators are all strangers. How can he be sure that their subjective evaluation standards are consistent with his own?

Fortunately, because of you, he can avoid that painful choice. If you recommend it to him and he trusts you, he can complete the purchase task happily and quickly.

This is the power of trust between friends. Trust leads to deals, benefiting both parties.

So, how to make friends?

It depends on interaction.

If you want to make more money as a micro-business, you need more friends. My previous article has taught you several simple and practical ways to add friends. The newly added friends are all strangers. Making friends through interaction is the process of turning strangers into adults.

The second preparation: set up your basic personal information.

Includes: avatar, nickname, signature, location, circle of friends cover picture.

These are commonplaces, but many people still ignore them. You have to understand that your friends are all human beings, and you can only make friends if you are also human. Therefore, your basic information should allow others to see that you are a person, not something else.

For the avatar, use a real person avatar. It doesn’t matter if you are ugly. As long as the photo is taken well, it will not be disgusting. I once wrote an article specifically to teach you how to take a good headshot. It is more detailed. You can find it in my subscription account Linyusay.

Let me briefly summarize the key points:
1. Don’t be too hasty in your choice of clothing
2. Keep the background as simple as possible, and the light and color of the background should have a strong contrast with the character’s face and clothing
3. The face should be well-lit
4. The posture should be tall and straight
5. Look in the mirror to find a better angle and expression for yourself

Nickname, try to use your real name, and you can add your occupation, expertise, title and other information. Avoid uncommon words and make them easy to recognize, remember and input.

The avatar and nickname are the most important because they appear most frequently. Their main function is to make it easier for others to remember you and make your information more eye-catching among the numerous friend circle messages and group chat messages.

location, do not leave it empty, and do not set it to a remote foreign location. Your behavior is extremely insincere and reveals your lack of self-confidence. It is best to set it to a real address, because it can increase your chances of gaining the trust of local friends, which is of great value.

Personalized signatures and circle of friends covers can be advertised or not, depending on your personal strategy. In most cases it is easier to add friends without advertising. The advice I want to give you is just not to treat the settings of these two items lightly. How to set them better? Let me tell you a simple method. Look through some of your friends' personalized signatures and circle of friends covers to see how they are set up, make a reference, and then choose a method that suits you.

The third preparation is to set tags, notes, and stars for friends.

The purpose of this is to classify friends into categories so that you can treat them differently in the future, such as key interactions, group messages, return visits, etc. It also allows you to find a certain type of friend more conveniently and quickly. .

How to set it up?

Let’s talk about tags first. A friend can be tagged by you multiple times. For example, if you are interested in hair masks but have not yet made a deal, you can mark them as "Hair Mask Intention". When you want to follow up with these people, you will not be unable to find them. If the transaction has been completed, you can mark "Hair Mask Transaction" to facilitate your after-sales return visit.

Nickname remarks are similar to labels, with two differences:
1. When you see someone in Moments, WeChat groups, or private chat windows, the label will not be displayed. If If you write some information in his nickname note, you can know his situation at a glance.
2. Some people may change their avatar and nickname, causing you to not recognize them. If you have noted a nickname for them, no matter how they change it, the one displayed here will not change.

Add stars to help you find them in your address book more quickly. For friends without stars, they are sorted by the first letter of their nickname in the address book, while starred friends will be listed in front of all friends. Who to star? My personal approach is to star those people I want to focus on interacting with in the circle of friends

For more WeChat media painters, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related articles on WeChat interaction tutorials !

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