Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Detailed explanation of the use of smtplib module in Python to process emails with examples
In Internet-based applications, programs often need to automatically send emails. For example: the registration system of a website will send an email to confirm the registration when the user registers; when the user forgets the login password, the user will retrieve the password through email. The smtplib module is a client implementation of SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in Python. We can use the smtplib module to send emails easily. The following example uses less than ten lines of code to send an email:
#coding=gbk import smtplib smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect("smtp.yeah.net", "25") smtp.login('用户名', '密码') smtp.sendmail('from@yeah.net', 'to@21cn.com', 'From: from@yeah.net/r/nTo: to@21cn.com/r/nSubject: this is a email from python demo/r/n/r/nJust for test~_~') smtp.quit()
This example is simple enough^_^! The classes and methods in the stmplib module are introduced in detail below.
smtplib.SMTP([host[, port[, local_hostname[, timeout]]]])
SMTP class constructor, indicating the connection with the SMTP server, through With this connection, we can send instructions to the SMTP server and perform related operations (such as logging in, sending emails). This class provides a number of methods, which are described below. All its parameters are optional. The host parameter represents the host name of the SMTP server. The SMTP host in the above example is "smtp.yeah.net"; port represents the port of the SMTP service. The default is 25; if you are creating an SMTP object These two parameters are provided during initialization, and the connect method will be automatically called to connect to the server during initialization.
The smtplib module also provides the SMTP_SSL class and LMTP class, and their operations are basically the same as SMTP.
Methods provided by smtplib.SMTP:
SMTP.connect([host[, port]])
SMTP.docmd(cmd[, argstring])
import smtplib, base64, time userName = base64.encodestring('from').strip() password = base64.encodestring('password').strip() smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect("smtp.yeah.net:25") print smtp.docmd('helo', 'from') print smtp.docmd('auth login') print smtp.docmd(userName) print smtp.docmd(password) print smtp.docmd('mail from:', '<from@yeah.net>') print smtp.docmd('rcpt to:', '<from@yeah.net>') #data 指令表示邮件内容 print smtp.docmd('data') print smtp.docmd( '''''from: from@yeah.net to: from@yeah.net subject: subject email body . ''' ) smtp.quit()
Use the "helo" command to confirm identity to the server. It is equivalent to telling the SMTP server "who I am".
SMTP.login(user, password)
SMTP.sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg[, mail_options, rcpt_options])
'''''From: from@yeah.net To: to@21cn.com Subject: test just for test'''
email and its related submodules
#coding=gbk import smtplib, mimetypes from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.image import MIMEImage msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = "from@yeah.net" msg['To'] = 'to@21cn.com' msg['Subject'] = 'email for tesing' #添加邮件内容 txt = MIMEText("这是邮件内容~~") msg.attach(txt) #添加二进制附件 fileName = r'e:/PyQt4.rar' ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(fileName) if ctype is None or encoding is not None: ctype = 'application/octet-stream' maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1) att1 = MIMEImage((lambda f: (f.read(), f.close()))(open(fileName, 'rb'))[0], _subtype = subtype) att1.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename = fileName) msg.attach(att1) #发送邮件 smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect('smtp.yeah.net:25') smtp.login('from', '密码') smtp.sendmail('from@yeah.net', 'to@21cn.com', msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() print '邮件发送成功'More examples detail the processing of the smtplib module in Python For related articles on the use of email, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!