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Detailed explanation of WeChat applet custom dialog box example
<button type="default" bindtap="clickbtn"> 点击 </button> <view class="commodity_screen" bindtap="hideModal" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}"></view> <view animation="{{animationData}}" class="commodity_attr_box" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}"> <!--对话框标题--> <view class="dialog-title"> 请输入内容 </view> <!--对话框输入部分--> <view class="input-view"> <input type="text" bindblur="input_content" class="input-style"/> </view> <!--对话框按钮--> <view class="line-top"> </view> <view class="btn-view"> <view class="btn-cancel" bindtap="click_cancel"> 取 消 </view> <view class="btn-line"> </view> <view class="btn-cancel" bindtap="click_ok"> 确 定 </view> </view> </view>
var inputinfo = ""; var app = getApp() Page({ data: { animationData:"", showModalStatus:false }, onLoad: function () { }, showModal: function () { // 显示遮罩层 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 200, timingFunction: "linear", delay: 0 }) this.animation = animation animation.translateY(300).step() this.setData({ animationData: animation.export(), showModalStatus: true }) setTimeout(function () { animation.translateY(0).step() this.setData({ animationData: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) }, clickbtn:function(){ if(this.data.showModalStatus){ this.hideModal(); }else{ this.showModal(); } }, hideModal: function () { // 隐藏遮罩层 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 200, timingFunction: "linear", delay: 0 }) this.animation = animation animation.translateY(300).step() this.setData({ animationData: animation.export(), }) setTimeout(function () { animation.translateY(0).step() this.setData({ animationData: animation.export(), showModalStatus: false }) }.bind(this), 200) }, click_cancel:function(){ console.log("点击取消"); this.hideModal(); }, click_ok:function(){ console.log("点击了确定===,输入的信息为为==",inputinfo); this.hideModal(); }, input_content:function(e){ console.log(e); inputinfo = e.detail.value; } })
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