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WeChat applet view container: swiper
Sliding panel
Sliding panel
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
indicator-dots | Boolean | false | Whether to display panel indicator dots |
autoplay | Boolean | false | Whether to switch automatically |
current | Number | 0 | The index of the current page |
interval | Number | 5000 | Automatic switching time interval |
duration | Number | 1000 | Sliding animation duration |
EventHandle | The change event will be triggered when current changes, event.detail={current:current} |
Note: Only the swiper-item component can be placed, other nodes will be automatically deleted
swiper-item<swpier indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}" autoplay="{{autoplay}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}"> <block wx:for-items="{{imgUrls}}"> <swpier-item> <image src="{{item}}" class="slide-image" width="355" height="150"/> </swpier-item> </block> </swpier> <button bindtap="changeIndicatorDots"> indicator-dots </button> <button bindtap="changeAutoplay"> autoplay </button> <slider bindchange="intervalChange" show-value min="500" max="2000"/> interval <slider bindchange="durationChange" show-value min="1000" max="10000"/> duration Page({ data: { imgUrls: [ 'http://img02.tooopen.com/images/20150928/tooopen_sy_143912755726.jpg', 'http://img06.tooopen.com/images/20160818/tooopen_sy_175866434296.jpg', 'http://img06.tooopen.com/images/20160818/tooopen_sy_175833047715.jpg' ], indicatorDots: false, autoplay: false, interval: 5000, duration: 1000 }, changeIndicatorDots: function(e) { this.setData({ indicatorDots: !this.data.indicatorDots }) }, changeAutoplay: function(e) { this.setData({ autoplay: !this.data.autoplay }) }, intervalChange: function(e) { this.setData({ interval: e.detail.value }) }, durationChange: function(e) { this.setData({ duration: e.detail.value }) } })Thank you for reading, I hope it can help everyone, thank you for your support of this site! For more WeChat applet tutorial wxapp view container swiper related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!