Home >WeChat Applet >Mini Program Development >WeChat Mini Program Image API Example Detailed Explanation
This article mainly introduces relevant information about the detailed explanation of the WeChat applet Image API instance. Friends in need can refer to it
When selecting a picture, you can set whether the picture is the original Figure, image source. This is also quite common. For example, to set an avatar in the personal center, you can use it with wx.upLoadFile() API
Main method:
wx.chooseImage(object )
<!--监听按钮--> <button type="primary" bindtap="listenerButtonChooseImage">点击我选择相册</button> <!--通过数据绑定的方式动态获取js数据--> <image src="{{source}}" mode="aspecFill" style="width: 640rpx; height: 640rpx"/>
Page({ data:{ // text:"这是一个页面" source: '' }, /** * 选择相册或者相机 配合上传图片接口用 */ listenerButtonChooseImage: function() { var that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, //original原图,compressed压缩图 sizeType: ['original'], //album来源相册 camera相机 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], //成功时会回调 success: function(res) { //重绘视图 that.setData({ source: res.tempFilePaths }) } }) },wx.previewImage(object)
<!--图片预览--> <button type="primary" bindtap="listenerButtonPreviewImage">展示图片</button>
Page({ data:{ // text:"这是一个页面" source: '' }, /** * 预览图片 又一个奇葩接口 */ listenerButtonPreviewImage: function() { wx.previewImage({ current: 'http://img.souutu.com/2016/0511/20160511055648316.jpg', urls: [ 'http://img.souutu.com/2016/0511/20160511055648316.jpg', 'http://img.souutu.com/2016/0511/20160511055650751.jpg', 'http://img.souutu.com/2016/0511/20160511054928658.jpg' ], //这根本就不走 success: function(res) { console.log(res); }, //也根本不走 fail: function() { console.log('fail') } }) } })Thank you for reading this article, I hope it can help everyone, thank you for your support of this site! For more detailed explanations of WeChat applet Image API examples and related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!