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[Micro-Business Tutorial] Ten minutes to help you understand ten truths about micro-business

2017-02-11 15:22:504626browse

Just like the current stock market, the current micro-business is also suffering huge pain. I know that as a self-media person with a certain conscience, if I don’t step forward and try to give everyone some advice, Ming Lu seems too snobbish.

Because in these fucked-up years, there are too many people who are the icing on the cake. When micro-business is booming, almost all major mainstream self-media are singing praises for micro-business. , but in this tragic moment, there are not many people who help in times of trouble, but there are many people who add insult to injury.

The original intention of this article is very simple. Combining my four or five years of retail experience and the hearing and witnessing of many micro-business friends around me, I want to help everyone clarify a problem. : What is the truth about micro-business?

The first truth: Wechat businesses did not collapse on a large scale, they just changed their way of survival.

#In May, when various brands "kicked" their inventory to the bottom agents, the entire sales process was closed due to circulation squeeze, and the pressure for performance growth was The upper reaches of micro-business were forced to go round and round. At this moment, CCTV hit the wound of micro-business with a heavy hammer. Almost in an instant, nearly 10 million micro-business practitioners at the beginning of the year were stunned.

It is reported that the performance of a well-known micro-business has even experienced a "cliff-like" decline of nearly 70%. For a time, everyone's talk about micro-business has changed. Ghost stories are also scary. Are micro-businesses really collapsing on a large scale? Where is this? This shock can only be regarded as a concussion in the micro-business world. As the tide recedes, those who had dreams of getting rich overnight were awakened.

In fact, it is a fact that people who sell goods honestly and share things honestly still live a cool life. Therefore, micro-business has gone from high tide to steady flow, and has truly entered the normal period of social e-commerce.

The second truth: Wechat business products are no longer dreams of getting rich, but solutions to user needs.

At the beginning of the year, I have been emphasizing the fact that the current mainstream products of micro-business are not tangible products such as facial masks and agricultural products, but hawking dreams of getting rich to agents. The reason is very simple. , Ya’s circle of friends posts about sports cars, income, and overseas travel every day.

This kind of arrogant and abnormal mentality of showing off wealth is actually stimulating the poverty-stricken mentality of lower-level agents, and "fabricating" a path to them by purchasing massive quantities of goods. The path to getting rich. Even today, there are still brand owners who take this as their rule and continue to follow this cruel and evil path.

But the actual laws of business tell us that agents need to circulate products, and users need to meet their actual needs through merchants’ products. Those who do not understand user needs are doomed. Those who cannot see the direction of micro-business and do not meet user needs are destined to be abandoned by users.

The third truth: The essence of micro-business is not a capital game of beating drums and spreading flowers, but a retail behavior based on social platforms.

Wechat business was born on the mobile Internet. Originally, it should use Internet tools to seamlessly connect factories and consumers, thereby improving circulation efficiency and optimizing cost structure. However, a group of philistines Many micro-business practitioners have turned micro-business into a quasi-MLM, and now they are reaping the consequences. The eager pursuit of profit has blinded the eyes of micro-business players, and now they have no choice but to suffer in the pit they dug themselves.

The essence of micro-business must be retail. Whether it is tangible products or intangible services, they all enjoy social dividends based on trust relationships, and retail will inevitably involve "quantity". Basic retail knowledge such as "cost and profit" and "purchase, sales and inventory", it is a pity that few of the more than 10 million micro-business practitioners take the opportunity to improve their basic retail skills.

The fourth truth: The real flaw of micro-business practitioners is not traffic acquisition, but the lack of product manager awareness.

It can even be concluded that if China’s current wave of micro-business practitioners do not write in-depth articles on their products, they will be dumped by the next wave of “dividends made in China” farther.

Recently, I have been in frequent contact with traditional business owners. Their product skills and supply chain advantages are being exerted. Even large-scale central enterprises are ready to make moves. If this part of the strength can After awakening quickly, all the players here can basically rest. This is by no means alarmist.

When a micro-business practitioner brags to you every day about how much money he makes, with a few innocuous titles hanging on his head, but never mentions it How many problems has his products solved for users and how many awards has it won in the industry? Do you think such micro-businesses have a future?

The fifth truth: various activities of micro-business are like rushing to a temple fair, and the real strength of micro-business is hidden underwater.

There is an unwritten law on the Internet: when an industry frequently holds forum activities, it means that the industry is no longer easy to mess with. The reason is simple. If this industry is very profitable and everyone is busy signing orders and shipping goods, who will have time to gather around and chat! In fact, just when micro-business players were gathering to discuss, Haier quietly opened 30,000 micro-stores, and its RiRiShun has already exceeded 100,000. Big players such as Suning.com, Gome Online, etc. These big guys who are well versed in retail are using their dual-line advantages to build micro-business barriers, and all of this seems to be incompatible with the current micro-business practitioners. This is something worth thinking about.

The sixth truth: The real contribution of micro-business should be to use channel advantages to provide cost-effective products to the largest number of users, rather than at the expense of consumption upgrades. Satisfy personal temporary self-interest.

I know that this view is a bit alarmist, and even innocently pushes micro-business players to the moral level. In fact, what I want to express is that China's new generation of businessmen should shoulder the mission of national commerce. China is currently in an era of the rise of the middle class, and cost-effective products based on this group are still in short supply.

Originally, this mission should be shouldered by large-scale national enterprises. Unfortunately, organizational difficulties have slowed down the pace of transformation, so that the superstructure has not hesitated to vigorously promote overseas E-commerce comes to stimulate. This era background is actually an in-depth test of the pattern of China’s micro-business practitioners. I don’t know if you understand it.

The seventh truth: It is not that it is difficult for micro-business to make money, but people who cannot make money can finally take a break.

Data shows that more than 70% of current micro-business practitioners entered the industry this year following the trend, and they are mainly college students, housewives, trainers and other retail laypeople. Some people are born with a lack of commercial transformation genes, so when the cold wave of micro-business comes, this wave of people are the first to be shot. Even in the heyday of micro-business, they are still at the end of the micro-business ecological chain. This is another problem. It is an indisputable fact.

And traders who can really make money can always turn danger into safety, just make money in a different way. Therefore, if your business ability is weak and you are eager to get a share of the micro-business trend, you must associate with such masters.

In my eyes, a real micro-business master must have outstanding sales capabilities, an amazing product line, a nanny-style service system, and a tough Fortunately, I actually know a person like this. You can get his WeChat ID by replying "WeChat Business Master".

The eighth truth: New micro-business shows the characteristics of "three-dimensional channels, brand personification, and individualized sales".

Since the distribution system has been questioned, micro-business practitioners have gradually shortened the length of their agency, and even begun to use platforms such as communities to face fans directly. This is a rational return to the channel, and it is worth A thumbs up, and some players with offline channel resources have combined their own store resources to play retail O2O, which is advanced enough;

In addition, many WeChat business friends really attach importance to the power of self-media in communication, and begin to sell consultant-level services to target users as "product opinion leaders"; "individualized sales" is easier to understand, that is, to be a user, you must die one by one, and to The stock depends on the sales volume, and the growth rate can be found from the repurchase rate. Of course, this tests not only the product knowledge of Niucha, but also the service experience.

Unfortunately, these three methodologies will completely test the patience of micro-business players, because they are of the "take it slow, faster" kind and are not suitable for the impatient. , hereby explain!

The ninth truth: Wechat business operates on relationship trust, but how to build trust has stumped many people.

Or I often say that when doing micro-business, you need to read more books on sociology and psychology. Unfortunately, micro-business players are generally hard-working and did not study it when they were in school. Through sociology and psychology, and micro-business specializes in relationship management, therefore, the misalignment of knowledge reserves and market demand has led to difficulties in linking products and needs.

Fortunately, regarding trust, McKinsey has given a very simple and effective formula. You may wish to learn it: trust = credibility × reliability × proximity/self-interest. This formula for brightening titanium eyes is invincible. It’s wonderful to use and can be used to pick up girls, not to mention micro-business?

The tenth truth: Micro-business bids farewell to the era of huge profits, and consumer businesses may become a reality.

Of course, this also depends on the specific product. If you just want to "drive a car and live in a different country" by selling a few facial masks, such a good opportunity will never happen again. It’s easy to come by, and it’s of universal significance to rely on this powerful platform to earn some pocket money every month.

#Consumer means monetizing the traffic generated based on the sharing behavior after product experience. I even have a hunch that experience scenarios will become an important source of traffic on the mobile terminal, especially for micro-business players. How to activate more sharing behaviors of users when creating massive scenarios will become the real password for micro-business players.

Wechat business still has a long way to go. Unlike most people who badmouth Wechat business, I still have a longing for it, although it has been ravaged by unscrupulous players and has an ugly label; Players are different. I am still in awe of it, even though it is regarded as vulgar and dismissive by many villains.

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