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PS Web Design Tutorial XIV – How to Create a Retro Style PS Layout

2017-02-11 10:00:292030browse

As a coder, my art foundation is weak. We can refer to some mature web PS tutorials to improve our design capabilities. To paraphrase a sentence, "If you are familiar with three hundred Tang poems, you can recite them even if you don't know how to compose them."

The tutorials in this series come from online PS tutorials, all from abroad, and all in English. I try to translate these excellent tutorials. Due to limited translation capabilities, the details of the translation still need to be worked out. I hope that the majority of netizens will give me some advice.


1. The software used in this article is the Photoshop CS5 version

2. The screenshots of the original tutorial are in English. I re-screened them based on the re-production. Chinese version of Figure

3. Some operations in the original text do not give parameters. I measured some parameters through repeated testing, which are displayed in red text. For some wrong parameters, the correct parameters are displayed directly in red text

For example: (90, 22, 231, 77) , indicating that the coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle are (90, 22) , width 231, height 77

For example: (90,22), indicating that the coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle are (90,22), the other two parameters of the rectangle have been specified in the tutorial

4. My own experience will be attached at the end of the tutorial. Some are optimizations of some steps in the tutorial, etc.

Let's start the tutorial:

Let's start the tutorial

Step 1

Open Photoshop, create a new document (Ctrl +N) and use the following dimensions 1020 by 1460.

Step 1

Open Photoshop, create a new document (Ctrl+N ), according to the following settings, size: 1020px*1460px


##Set the foreground color to #bcb49d, then select Paint Bucket Tool and click one time on your document to change the color, then go to Filter>Texture>Grain. Here use the following settings:

Set the foreground color to #bcb49d, then select the

Paint bucket tool, Click once on your document to change the color, then click: Filter > Texture > Grain . Here are the settings I used


Step 2

Select Rectangle Tool and create this shape on top . As a color I have used #61544a

Step 2

Use the

Rectangle Tool

Create a new rectangle at the top(75,7 , 870, 61) , color: #61544a


With Pen Tool create this black shape:

Pen Tool

Create a new black triangle:

If you are not familiar with

Pen Tool, you can also use Rectangle Tool to create a new black rectangle, Then use the direct selection tool, select the lower left corner of the rectangle, and then press the delete key to delete it, turning it into a black triangle


##Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and apply a Gaussian blur with a radius of about 6.5px. Proceed in the same way for the right side. You should have something like this now:

Then click:

Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur

, add a Gaussian blur with a radius of 6.5px. Do the same on the right side. As shown in the figure below:


Step 3

Select Rectangle Tool and create this shape. For my shape I have used this color: #e5d2ac

Step 3

Select the Rectangle Tool

Create a new rectangle

(70, 68, 880 , 54) , the color I chose for this rectangle: #e5d2ac


Next with Pen Tool I will create this shapes:

Next with Pen Tool create the following on the left side Shape:

Since the author is not used to Pen Tool, this step is changed to

Use to customize the shape first Tool, select the Shift key, select several control points on the right side of the


Use Direct Selection Tool, hold down the Shift key to select the two controls on the right Click, hold down the Shift key and drag a few pixels to the right, and change the color to #dfc9a0


Do the same on the right side


In order to make the long rectangle in the middle look shadowed, add an outer glow style to it


Step 4

I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this shape and I will apply this layer styles:


Step 4

Use the

Rectangle Tool

to create a new rectanglePS网页设计教程XIV——如何创建一个复古风格的PS布局 (286,74,625,42)

, And add the layer style


Color Overlay as shown below: #725746

##Because this is a shape (a vector object) to apply the next step I will have to rasterize this shape first. To do that, locate the shape on your layer palette, right click on it and choose Rasterize Layer

Once the layer is rasterized, select Eraser Tool, with a brush of 7px and start erasing each corner of the shape.

Because this is a shape (vector object), the layer must be rasterized before doing the next step. To do this, select the shape layer in your Layers panel, right-click on it and select Rasterize Layer

When the layer is rasterized, selectEraser Tool, select a round brush with a radius of 7px (actually, I feel 12px is better, the picture below is the rendering of 12px), and then erase the four corners of the rectangle


We are doing this because we need to create a vintage style for our navigation. After you finish this, with type tool add the links for the navigation bar. Here is my result:

We do this because we need to create a retro style navigation bar. After you're done, add links to the navigation bar using the Type Tool (Font: Arial, Size: 14px, Color: #bcb49d, and add the following layer style) . Here are my results:



Step 5

On this step we will create featured area. With Rectangle Tool I will create this shape. Color used #e6e0d4:

Step 5

In this step, we will create a featured area. Use the Rectangle Tool to create a rectangle (75, 122, 870, 404) , color: #e6e0d4


I will select Ellipse Tool and I will create this black shape

Use Ellipse ToolCreate a black ellipse


And I will apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) of about 4px. My result:

And I will apply a Gaussian Blur (click: Filter> Blur> ; Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 4px


With Type Tool I will add some text:

Text toolAdd some text:

This step is also skipped in one sentence, so the detailed process will be completed here

UseRectangle Tool DrawTwo rectangles (128, 186, 480, 4) and (128, 238, 480, 4), color: #61544a. (You can also use the Straight Line Tool to draw two straight lines with a thickness of 4px)


Add some text between the lines. Font: Baskerville Old Face, font size: 18px, color: #725746


Add some paragraph text below, font: Baskerville Old Face, font size: 12px, color: #8d7464


Use the Rectangle Tool to create a rectangle (477, 483, 70, 17) below the paragraph text, color: #61544a


Add text to the rectangle. Font: Times New Roman, font size: 10px, color: #bcb49d. Add a layer style to the text:



Use to customize the shape ToolAdds a hand shape to the right side of the button. Color: #61544a


##On the right side I will select Pen Tool and I will create this shape.


Pen Tool on the right to create the following shape, color: #e5d1ac

##I am not good at

Pen Tool , use Rectangle ToolCreate a new rectangle (617, 122, 328, 404), then press Ctrl+T Free Transform Tool, right-click to select Bevel, drag the upper left corner point to move to the right, the degree of H: - 13.64.


I will go to Filter>Texture>Grain and I will use this settings:


Filter> Texture> Grain

, set as shown below:



##Next from Vintage Photoshop (PSD) File I will select business man and I will add it on my document. All you have to do is to open the vintage Photoshop file and to drag and drop the business man on your document. Here is my result:

Next select business man from Vintage Photoshop (PSD) File and add to my document. All you have to do is open the vintage Photoshop file and drag the business man to My Documents,

Add a color overlay: #725746

. This is my result:


This area is finished now. Let's head up to create the logo.

This area is complete. Let’s start creating the LOGO

Step 6

First I will select Ellipse Tool and I will create this circle. As a color I have used #8d7d5d

Step 6

First use the Ellipse Tool

to create a circle

(106, 25, 144, 144) . Color set to: #8d7d5d


Next I will use again Ellipse Tool but this time I will create a orange circle, smaller then the first one:

Next again Use the Ellipse Tool to create another circle (117, 36, 122, 122), color: #ff7420, a little smaller than the previous one:


Having Ellipse Tool still selected I will create a white ellipse on the top of the 2 circles.

Continue to keep the selectionEllipse Tool , create a white ellipse above the 2 circles


Once you have created this one, apply a Gaussian Blur for it ( Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 20px. Set the blending mode to Overlay.
My result:

After you create the ellipse, add Gaussian Blur (Filter> ; Blur> Gaussian Blur), radius: 20px (You still need to consider the parameters, the size of the parameter setting is related to the size of your ellipse). Set the blend mode to Overlay


Next on the top of all this circles I would like to make a circle with dashes. You can easily do this on Illustrator, but Photoshop does not have a special tool to create it, that's why we will have to improvise. First select Brush Tool (B), then open the brush palette. You can do that by pressing F5 on your keyboard or from Window> ;Brush. Once you have done this, apply the following settings to your brush palette:

Next inside the top circle, I like to create a circle with a stroke. It's easy to do this in Illustrator, but there isn't a normal tool to create it in Photoshop, which is why we need to improvise a bit. First select the Brush Tool, and then open the Brush Panel. You can press F5 or click: Window > Brushes to open the brush panel, and set your brush panel as shown below.


Now select Ellipse Tool, but this time make sure that you select paths, instead of shape layers (please see the screenshots)

Now select the Ellipse Tool , but this time make sure the selection is the path, instead of the shape layer (see screenshot)


Once you have done this, Pres Ctrl+Shift +Alt+N to create a new layer the you can create another circle. As you can see this one is not filled. Right Click on it and choose Stroke Path. A window will pop-up, select Brush, hit OK,

When you are done with everything, press Ctrl+Shift +Alt+N to create a new layer where you can create another circle. When you see this circle is not filled. Right click and select Stroke Path. A window will pop up, select the brush and press OK.


then push Delete on your keyboard. You should have something like this now:

Then push Delete. Add the following layer style to this layer, Your work should look like the picture below:



Next with Type Tool I will write: Pfolio (font used Bauhaus 93) and I will apply this layer styles:

Next use the Text tool to add: Pfolio (Font: Bauhaus 93, Font size: 36px), and add the following layer style:



Color overlay color: #e86f1e



The logo is finished, let's move to the content area now...

The logo is finished, let's start making the content area part

Step 7

I will select Line Tool and I will create this 2 lines, then with Type Tool I will write “Latest News From Blog” using Neues Bauen font. I have applied the following layer styles for the phrase “Latest News from the blog”:

Step 7

Select the Line ToolCreate 2 straight lines ((75 , 583, 230, 2) and (720, 583, 230, 2), color: #61544a), and then use text tool to write Latest News From Blog, font: Neues Bauen, Font size: 22px. Add the following layer style to the text layer:



Color overlay color: #a18778



Next, on the line from the left side of the text, I will add a Layer Mask (directly from Layer Panel), I will select Gradient Tool, I will make sure that the default palette is selected (black & white) and I will draw a line from left to the right.

Next, on the left side of the text For the straight line, I want to add a layer mask (operate directly in the layers panel), I want to select the Gradient Tool, select the default panel (black and white), and then drag from left to right

I will proceed in the same way for the line on the right.
Here is my result:

Same operation for the line on the right

This is My results:


Next with Pen Tool I will create this 2 triangles

Next, use Pen Tool to create two triangles

Suggestion: You can use the Rectangle Tool to draw a rectangle, and then use the Direct Selection Tool to drag a point to the appropriate position, and then use Direct selection toolSelect another point, press Delete to delete, and get the triangle


##Then I will apply a Gaussian blur (Filter> ;Blur>Gaussian Blur) of about 10 px. My result:

Then add Gaussian Blur (click:

Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) and set the radius to 10px. This is my result:


On the top of this 2 triangle, I will select Rectangle Tool I will create a shape and I will apply the following layer styles:

On top of the 2 triangles, select the

Rectangle ToolCreate a rectangle(77,650,277,179), and then add it as shown below Layer style:


Then using a stock image I will add it over my shape. Here is my result:

Add an image to the rectangle. This is my result:

Changed the background color to #c5bba7 and the image's layer's blending mode to Overlay:


I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this shape. On the Layer Palette I will right clock on it's layer and I will choose Rasterize Layer, then I will select Lasso Tool and I will make a selection on the left and on the right side of the shape. I will hit delete on my keyboard and I will proceed in the same way on the right side, then I will lower the opacity and I will apply this layer styles:


Rectangle ToolCreate a new rectangle. Right-click on the layer panel and select the rasterized layer, then select the Lasso Tool, and create a selection (jagged) on the left side of the rectangle. Then press the delete key on the keyboard, use the same method on the right side of the rectangle, then lower the opacity (66%) , and add a layer style as shown below:


Color overlay color: #f8f8f8



## In the same way I will create 5 new thumbnails

In the same way I will create 5 new thumbnails


Step 8

With Rectangle Tool I will create this shape:

Step 8

Use the Rectangle Tool to create a rectangle (0, 1113, 1020, 347), color: #62544b


##With Pen Tool I will create this shapes:

pen toolCreate the following shape:

Recommendation: Use the Custom shape tool, select the X shape, use the direct selection tool to move the upper and lower control points to the horizontal position, and then drag Move the two control points on the right to the appropriate position. Fill color: #e9e3d7. Add style as shown below:

Projection color: #b49d91



And copy the two to the appropriate location:


Use the Rectangle Tool to add some rectangles and add the following styles:




With Type Tool I will add the text Tool

Add some text:


Copy the previous hand button twice, change the text to see more and subscribe, and Move to the appropriate position

PS网页设计教程XIV——如何创建一个复古风格的PS布局 At this point, this tutorial is complete

PS网页设计教程XIV——如何创建一个复古风格的PS布局 Postscript:

This tutorial is in retro style, a bit like the western style of the early last century. Using the overlay effect of the blending mode, the black image can be synthesized into a wood grain color. The entire page is simple and simple, with a fresh style that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

For more PS web design tutorials XIV - How to create a retro-style PS layout For related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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