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Yii2 realizes the three-level linkage instance of China's provinces and municipalities
Add to your composer.json file
"chenkby/yii2-region": "dev-master"
Switch to the project Directory
composer update;
3. Configuration
1) Add the following method in the model of the region
public static function getRegion($parentId=0) { $result = static::find()->where(['parent_id'=>$parentId])->asArray()->all(); return ArrayHelper::map($result, 'id', 'name'); }
2) In the controller Add the following action
public function actions() { $actions=parent::actions(); $actions['get-region']=[ 'class'=>\chenkby\region\RegionAction::className(), 'model'=>\app\models\Region::className() ]; return $actions; }
3) Add enablePrettyUrl of urlManager in main.php in common/config, that is, hide index.php
"urlManager" => [ //用于表明urlManager是否启用URL美化功能,在Yii1.1中称为path格式URL, // Yii2.0中改称美化。 // 默认不启用。但实际使用中,特别是产品环境,一般都会启用。 "enablePrettyUrl" => true, // 是否启用严格解析,如启用严格解析,要求当前请求应至少匹配1个路由规则, // 否则认为是无效路由。 // 这个选项仅在 enablePrettyUrl 启用后才有效。 "enableStrictParsing" => false, // 是否在URL中显示入口脚本。是对美化功能的进一步补充。 "showScriptName" => false, // 指定续接在URL后面的一个后缀,如 .html 之类的。仅在 enablePrettyUrl 启用时有效。 "suffix" => "", "rules" => [ "<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>"=>"<controller>/view", "<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>"=>"<controller>/<action>" ], ],
4. Use
<?= $form->field($model, 'district')->widget(\chenkby\region\Region::className(),[ 'model'=>$model, 'url'=> \yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['get-region']), 'province'=>[ 'attribute'=>'province', 'items'=>Region::getRegion(), 'options'=>['class'=>'form-control form-control-inline','prompt'=>'选择省份'] ], 'city'=>[ 'attribute'=>'city', 'items'=>Region::getRegion($model['province']), 'options'=>['class'=>'form-control form-control-inline','prompt'=>'选择城市'] ], 'district'=>[ 'attribute'=>'district', 'items'=>Region::getRegion($model['city']), 'options'=>['class'=>'form-control form-control-inline','prompt'=>'选择县/区'] ] ]); ?>
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. I also hope that everyone will support the PHP Chinese website.
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