<article> <header> <h2>写给IT职场新人的六个“关于”</h2> </header> <p> <b>关于工作地点</b> ... </p> ... </article>4. section element The section element is used Divide a certain block of content on the page, such as further dividing the block of content into several parts such as the chapter title, content, and footer. Syntax description: The tag pair can contain six title elements h1~h6, p elements and multiple article elements "Block" contains multiple articles inside. In addition, section elements can be nested. Example:
<article> <header> <h2>写给IT职场新人的六个“关于”</h2> </header> <section> <h3>关于工作地点</h3> <p>...</p> </section> <section> <h3>关于企业</h3> <p>...</p> </section> ... </article>5. nav element The nav element is used Define various navigation bars on the page. A page can have multiple nav elements as navigation for the entire page or different parts of the content. The only impossible position for nav is within the address element Basic syntax:
<nav><a href="">#</a><a href="">#</a><a href="">#</a></nav>6. aside element The aside element represents auxiliary information related to the content of the article element in addition to the content of the article element. It can include references, sidebars, and advertisements related to the current page or main content. , navigation bars, and other similar parts that are distinct from the main content. 7. audio audio tag
<audio src="薛之谦 - 认真的雪.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
# Properties Description
src URL of the audio to be played
autoplay Play the audio as soon as it is ready
controls Display audio controls to the user, such as play/pause buttons
loop Restart playback whenever the audio ends
preload The audio is loaded when the page loads and is ready to play
8. video video tag
video tag Defines video, such as a movie clip or other video stream.
Currently, the video element supports three video formats: MP4, WebM, and Ogg.
<video src="火星情报局.mp4" width="320" controls muted poster="images/logo.png" preload></video>
## Property Description
muted 规定视频的音频输出应该被静音
poster 规定视频下载时显示的图像,或者在用户点击播放按钮前显示的图像
preload 视频在页面加载时进行加载并预备播放,属性值(none:只有单击了Play按钮才加载视频;metadata:仅加载元数据,例如视频长度、作者、版权)
9. 图形中的 figure 及 figcaption
每一个figure元素中只能包括一个figcaption元素。图片排列一起可用。百度文库里有篇“绚丽的HTML5 Figure图片字幕标题特效”
w3c赋予的定义:figcaption 标签定义 figure 元素的标题(caption)。"figcaption" 元素应该被置于 "figure" 元素的第一个或最后一个子元素的位置。
<figure> <figcaption style="color: red">黄浦江上的的卢浦大桥</figcaption> <img src="images/黄浦江上的的卢浦大桥.jpg" width="350" height="234" /> </figure>
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