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Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS

2017-02-09 13:24:181545browse

Like I mentioned before, each element in the document tree is just a rectangular box. These boxes have a background layer, which can be completely transparent or another color, or it can be a picture. This background layer is controlled by 8 CSS properties (plus 1 abbreviated property).


The background-color property sets the background color of the element. Its value can be any legal color value or the transparent keyword.

.left { background-color: #ffdb3a; }.middle { background-color: #67b3dd; }.right { background-color: transparent; }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS

The background color is drawn within the area of ​​the box model specified by the [background-clip] (#backgroundclip) attribute. If any background images are also set, the color layer is drawn behind them. Unlike image layers, which can have multiple, we can only have one color layer for an element.


The background-image attribute defines one or more background images for the element. Its value is usually the url of the image defined with url() notation. You can also use none as its value, but this will generate an empty background layer

.left { background-image: url('ire.png'); }.right { background-image: none; }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS

We can also specify multiple background images separated by commas. Subsequent pictures will be drawn behind the previous picture in the Z-axis direction.

.middle { 
  background-image: url('khaled.png'), url('ire.png');

  /* Other styles */
  background-repeat: no-repeat; 
  background-size: 100px;}

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS


The background-repeat attribute controls the size of the background image when it is changed by the [background-size] (#backgroundsize) attribute and [ background-position] (#backgroundposition) property how to tile after positioning.

The value of this attribute can be repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat, space, round, no-repeat keywords. In addition to repeat-x and repeat-y, other values ​​can be x-axis and y-axis. Define it once, or you can define each dimension individually.

.top-outer-left { background-repeat: repeat-x; }.top-inner-left { background-repeat: repeat-y; }.top-inner-right { background-repeat: repeat; }.top-outer-right { background-repeat: space; }.bottom-outer-left { background-repeat: round; }.bottom-inner-left { background-repeat: no-repeat; }.bottom-inner-right { background-repeat: space repeat; }.bottom-outer-right { background-repeat: round space; }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS


The background-size attribute defines the size of the background image. Its value can be a keyword, length or percentage.

The keywords available for this attribute are "contains" and "cover". contain will scale the image proportionally to its maximum size. Cover, on the other hand, will scale the image to the smallest possible size, where the entire background area is still covered.

.left { 
  background-size: contain;
  background-image: url('ire.png'); 
  background-repeat: no-repeat;}.right { background-size: cover; /* Other styles same as .left */ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS

For length and percentage, we can specify the width and height of the background image at the same time, and the percentage value is calculated based on the size of the element.

.left { background-size: 50px; /* Other styles same as .left */ }.right { background-size: 50% 80%; /* Other styles same as .left */ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS


background-attachment属性控制控制背景图像相对于视口和元素的滚动方式 。它有三个潜在的值。


.left { 
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-size: 50%;
  background-image: url('ire.png'); 
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  overflow: scroll;}.middle { background-attachment: local; /* Other styles same as .left */ }.right { background-attachment: scroll; /* Other styles same as .left */ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS



可用于此属性的关键字为top, right, bottom, left, 和center,我们可以任意组合这些关键字,如果只明确指定了一个关键字,那么另外一个默认就是center。

.top-left { 
  background-position: top;
  background-size: 50%;
  background-image: url('ire.png'); 
  background-repeat: no-repeat;}.top-middle { background-position: right;  /* Other styles same as .top-left */ }.top-right { background-position: bottom;  /* Other styles same as .top-left */ }.bottom-left { background-position: left;  /* Other styles same as .top-left */ }.bottom-right { background-position: center;  /* Other styles same as .top-left */ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS


.left { background-position: 20px 70px; /* Others same as .top-left */ }.right { background-position: 50%; /* Others same as .top-left */ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS




.left { 
  background-origin: border-box;
  background-size: 50%;
  background-image: url('ire.png'); 
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: top left; 
  border: 10px dotted black; 
  padding: 20px;}.middle { background-origin: padding-box;  /* Other styles same as .left*/ }.right { background-origin: content-box;  /* Other styles same as .left*/ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS


background-clip属性确定背景绘制区域,这是背景可以被绘制的区域。和background-origin属性一样,它也 基于盒子模型的区域。

  background-clip: border-box;
  background-size: 50%;
  background-color: #ffdb3a; 
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: top left; 
  border: 10px dotted black; 
  padding: 20px;}.middle { background-clip: padding-box;  /* Other styles same as .left*/ }.right { background-clip: content-box;  /* Other styles same as .left*/ }

Talk about the 8 properties of background in CSS


Finally, the background attribute is shorthand for other background-related attributes. The order of the subproperties does not matter because the data type of each property is different. However, for background-origin and background-clip, if only one box model area is specified, this value will be applied to both properties. If two are specified, the first value will be used for the background-origin attribute.

For more related articles about the 8 properties of background in CSS, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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