Home >WeChat Applet >WeChat Development >Incomplete Guide to WeChat Hardware JS-Api Development
1.Introduce JS library
<script type='text/javascript' src='//res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.0.0.js'></script>
2.Inject configuration information into the page
wx.config({ beta: true, // 开启内测接口调用,注入wx.invoke方法,非常重要!!必须有这个 debug: true,//开启调试接口,alert运行结果 appId: '',//必填,公众号的唯一标识, timestamp: '',//必填,生成签名的时间戳 nonceStr: '',//必填,生成签名的随机串 signature: '',//必填,签名 jsApiList: []//要调用的js函数,必须把函数名字写入数组 });
Here my jsApiList is
jsApiList: [ 'openWXDeviceLib',//初始化设备库(只支持蓝牙设备) 'closeWXDeviceLib',//关闭设备库(只支持蓝牙设备) 'getWXDeviceInfos',//获取设备信息(获取当前用户已绑定的蓝牙设备列表) 'sendDataToWXDevice',//发送数据给设备 'startScanWXDevice',//扫描设备(获取周围所有的设备列表,无论绑定还是未被绑定的设备都会扫描到) 'stopScanWXDevice',//停止扫描设备 'connectWXDevice',//连接设备 'disconnectWXDevice',//断开设备连接 'getWXDeviceTicket',//获取操作凭证 'onWXDeviceBindStateChange',//微信客户端设备绑定状态被改变时触发此事件 'onWXDeviceStateChange',//监听连接状态,可以监听连接中、连接上、连接断开 'onReceiveDataFromWXDevice',//接收到来自设备的数据时触发 'onScanWXDeviceResult',//扫描到某个设备时触发 'onWXDeviceBluetoothStateChange',//手机蓝牙打开或关闭时触发 ]
If you want to test whether the WeChat version supports these APIs, you can write like this:
wx.checkJsApi({ jsApiList: ['openWXDeviceLib', 'onScanWXDevicesResult', 'getWXDeviceInfos'], // 需要检测的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2, success: function (res) { console.log(res); } });
3. Initialize the device library function
Through the ready interface Handling successful verification
wx.ready(function () { wx.invoke('openWXDeviceLib', {connType: 'blue'}, function (res) { console.debug('openWXDeviceLib重新打开设备库==>'); console.log(res); }); })
Pitfall: Rescanning the device can’t scan out anything at all, even refreshing the page doesn’t work
Solution: Before each scan, call closeWXDeviceLib Close the device library, and then call openWXDeviceLib to open the device library. This is equivalent to reinitializing the device library. If you scan again now, you can scan the device.
wx.invoke("stopScanWXDevice", {}, function (res) { console.debug('stopScanWXDevice'); console.log(res); }); wx.invoke("closeWXDeviceLib", {}, function (res) { console.debug('closeWXDeviceLib关闭设备库==>'); console.log(res); }); wx.invoke('openWXDeviceLib', {connType: 'blue'}, function (res) { console.debug('openWXDeviceLib重新打开设备库==>'); console.log(res); });
4. Listen to the information returned by the device
wx.on('onReceiveDataFromWXDevice', function (res) { console.warn('onReceiveDataFromWXDevice=>'); console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); });
5.Send a message to the device
Base64 encoding and decoding is required before sending and receiving data.
Here, I use a library:
<script type='text/javascript' src='base64.js'></script>
var data={"deviceId":deviceId,"base64Data": Base64.encode('你要发送的数据')}; console.log(data); wx.invoke('sendDataToWXDevice',data , function(res){ //回调 console.info('发消息到设备sendMsg'); console.log(data); console.log(res); $('#dataFromDevice').append('发送消息的结果:'+JSON.stringify(res)); alert('已发送 请查看控制板'); });
1. You need to be in the corresponding device number of WeChat to use the corresponding API.
2. The api must be used normally under the secure domain name set by the device number
3. All console.log and other output to the console in this article use the vconsole debugging tool accomplish.
1.Introduce JS library
<script type='text/javascript' src='//res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.0.0.js'></script>
2.Inject configuration information into the page
wx.config({ beta: true, // 开启内测接口调用,注入wx.invoke方法,非常重要!!必须有这个 debug: true,//开启调试接口,alert运行结果 appId: '',//必填,公众号的唯一标识, timestamp: '',//必填,生成签名的时间戳 nonceStr: '',//必填,生成签名的随机串 signature: '',//必填,签名 jsApiList: []//要调用的js函数,必须把函数名字写入数组 });
My jsApiList here is
jsApiList: [ 'openWXDeviceLib',//初始化设备库(只支持蓝牙设备) 'closeWXDeviceLib',//关闭设备库(只支持蓝牙设备) 'getWXDeviceInfos',//获取设备信息(获取当前用户已绑定的蓝牙设备列表) 'sendDataToWXDevice',//发送数据给设备 'startScanWXDevice',//扫描设备(获取周围所有的设备列表,无论绑定还是未被绑定的设备都会扫描到) 'stopScanWXDevice',//停止扫描设备 'connectWXDevice',//连接设备 'disconnectWXDevice',//断开设备连接 'getWXDeviceTicket',//获取操作凭证 'onWXDeviceBindStateChange',//微信客户端设备绑定状态被改变时触发此事件 'onWXDeviceStateChange',//监听连接状态,可以监听连接中、连接上、连接断开 'onReceiveDataFromWXDevice',//接收到来自设备的数据时触发 'onScanWXDeviceResult',//扫描到某个设备时触发 'onWXDeviceBluetoothStateChange',//手机蓝牙打开或关闭时触发 ]
If you want to test whether the WeChat version supports these apis, you can write like this:
wx.checkJsApi({ jsApiList: ['openWXDeviceLib', 'onScanWXDevicesResult', 'getWXDeviceInfos'], // 需要检测的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2, success: function (res) { console.log(res); } });
3. Initialization Device library function
Processes successful verification through ready interface
wx.ready(function () { wx.invoke('openWXDeviceLib', {connType: 'blue'}, function (res) { console.debug('openWXDeviceLib重新打开设备库==>'); console.log(res); }); })
Pitfall: Nothing can be found at all by rescanning the device, even refreshing the page is useless
Solution: Before each scan, call closeWXDeviceLib to close the device library, and then call openWXDeviceLib to open the device library. This is equivalent to reinitializing the device library. If you scan again now, you can scan the device.
wx.invoke("stopScanWXDevice", {}, function (res) { console.debug('stopScanWXDevice'); console.log(res); }); wx.invoke("closeWXDeviceLib", {}, function (res) { console.debug('closeWXDeviceLib关闭设备库==>'); console.log(res); }); wx.invoke('openWXDeviceLib', {connType: 'blue'}, function (res) { console.debug('openWXDeviceLib重新打开设备库==>'); console.log(res); });
4. Listen to the information returned by the device
wx.on('onReceiveDataFromWXDevice', function (res) { console.warn('onReceiveDataFromWXDevice=>'); console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); });
5.Send a message to the device
Base64 encoding and decoding is required before sending and receiving data.
Here, I use a library:
<script type='text/javascript' src='base64.js'></script>
var data={"deviceId":deviceId,"base64Data": Base64.encode('你要发送的数据')}; console.log(data); wx.invoke('sendDataToWXDevice',data , function(res){ //回调 console.info('发消息到设备sendMsg'); console.log(data); console.log(res); $('#dataFromDevice').append('发送消息的结果:'+JSON.stringify(res)); alert('已发送 请查看控制板'); });
1. You need to be in the corresponding device number of WeChat to use the corresponding API.
2. The api must be used normally under the secure domain name set by the device number
3. All console.log and other output to the console in this article use the vconsole debugging tool accomplish.
For more articles related to the Incomplete Guide to WeChat Hardware JS-Api Development, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!