Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Closures have something to say - big front end
When I first learned the front-end, I was always confused when I saw the word closure. During the interview, when I was asked this question, my answer was vague, and I always felt that there were layers of confusion. Diaphragm, I think this concept is very magical. If you can master it, your skill will be greatly improved. In fact, closure is not so mysterious, it is everywhere.
First, let’s look at a question.
Please describe what a closure is in one sentence and write the code to illustrate.
If you can say it without hesitation and give an explanation, then there is no need for you to read the following text.
Regarding this issue, combined with the information and experience I have reviewed, I will briefly talk about it here. If there is anything wrong, please correct me.
First answer the above question, what is closure.
Closure is a concept that describes the phenomenon that a function still resides in memory after it is executed.
Code description:
function foo() { var a = 2; function bar(){ console.log(a); } return bar; } var test = foo(); test(); //2
The above code clearly shows the closure.
The lexical scope of function bar() has access to the internal scope of foo(). Then we pass the bar() function itself as a value type. In the above example, we use the function object itself referenced by bar() as the return value.
After foo() is executed, its internal scope has not been destroyed, because bar() still maintains a reference to the internal scope. Thanks to the position of bar(), it has coverage of foo() ) closure of the internal scope, allowing the scope to survive for bar() to reference at any time. This reference is actually a closure.
It is for this reason that when test is actually called, it can access the lexical scope when it is defined, so it can access a.
Function transfer can also be indirect:
var fn; function foo(){ var a = 2; function baz() { console.log( a ); } fn = baz; //将baz 分配给全局变量 } function bar(){ fn(); } foo(); bar(); //2
So, no matter how the inner function is passed outside its lexical scope, it will hold a reference to the original definition scope. That is, wherever this function is executed, the closure will be used. It is also for this reason that we can use the callback function very conveniently without caring about its specific details.
In fact, in timers, event listeners, ajax requests, cross-window communication, Web Workers or any other synchronous or asynchronous tasks, as long as you use a callback function, you are actually using a closure. Bag.
At this point, maybe you already have a general understanding of closures. Let me give you a few more examples to help you deepen your understanding of closures.
First of all, let’s take a look at the so-called immediate execution function.
var a = 2; (function IIFE() { console.log(a); })(); //2
This immediate execution function is usually considered a classic closure example , which works fine, but is not strictly a closure.
Because this IIFE function is not executed outside its own lexical scope. It is executed in the scope in which it was defined. Furthermore, variable a is looked up through ordinary lexical scope, not through closures.
Another example used to illustrate closures is a loop.
<p class="tabs"> <li class="tab">some text1</li> <li class="tab">some text2</li> <li class="tab">some text3</li> </p>
var handler = function(nodes) { for(var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l ; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(){ console.log(i); } } } var tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs .tab'); handler(tabs);
Our expected result is log 0, 1, 2;
The result after execution is three 3;
Why is this?
First explain how this 3 comes from.
Look at the loop body. The termination condition of the loop is i < l. The value of i is 3 when the condition is established for the first time.
Therefore, the output shows the final value of i at the end of the loop. According to the working principle of scope, although the functions in the loop are defined separately in each iteration, they are all enclosed in a shared global scope, so there is actually only one i.
handler The original intention of the function was to pass the unique i to the event handler, but it failed.
Because the event handler function binds i itself, not the value of i when the function is constructed.
After knowing this, we can make corresponding adjustments:
var handler = function(nodes) { var helper = function(i){ return function(e){ console.log(i); // 0 1 2 } } for(var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l ; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = helper(i); } }
Create an auxiliary function outside the loop, and let this auxiliary function return a function bound to the current value of i, so that there will be no confusion.
Understanding this, you will find that the above processing is to create a new scope. In other words, we need a block scope for each iteration.
Speaking of For block scope, we have to mention one word, that is let.
So, if you don’t want to use closures too much, you can use let:
var handler = function(nodes) { for(let i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l ; i++) { //nodes[i].index = i; nodes[i].onclick = function(){ console.log(i); // 0 1 2 } } }
Let’s look at an example first
var sel = $("#con"); setTimeout( function (){ sel.css({background:"gray"}); }, 2000);
The above code uses jQuery’s selector to find the element with the id con, register a timer, and after two seconds, set the background color to gray.
The magic of this code snippet is that after calling the setTimeout function, con is still kept inside the function. After two seconds, the background color of the p element with the id con is indeed changed. It should be noted that setTimeout has returned after the call, but con has not been released. This is because con refers to the variable con in the global scope.
The above examples help us understand more details about closures. Let’s explore the world of closures in depth.
首先看一个概念-执行上下文(Execution Context)。
执行上下文是一个抽象的概念,ECMAScript 规范使用它来追踪代码的执行。它可能是你的代码第一次执行或执行的流程进入函数主体时所在的全局上下文。
这就是为什么 JavaScript 是“单线程”的原因,意思就是一次只能处理一个请求。
栈是一种“后进先出” (Last In First Out) 的数据结构,即最后插入该栈的元素会最先从栈中被弹出(这是因为我们只能从栈的顶部插入或删除元素)。
define("components/webTrends", ["webTrendCore"], function(require,exports, module) { var webTrendCore = require("webTrendCore"); var webTrends = { init:function (obj) { var self = this; self.dcsGetId(); self.dcsCollect(); }, dcsGetId:function(){ if (typeof(_tag) != "undefined") { _tag.dcsid="dcs5w0txb10000wocrvqy1nqm_6n1p"; _tag.dcsGetId(); } }, dcsCollect:function(){ if (typeof(_tag) != "undefined") { _tag.DCSext.platform="weimendian"; if(document.readyState!="complete"){ document.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(document.readyState=="complete") _tag.dcsCollect() } } else _tag.dcsCollect() } } }; module.exports = webTrends; })
var webTrends = require("webTrends"); webTrends.init();
原因很明显,这会 拖慢脚本的处理速度,加大内存消耗 。
举个例子,当需要创建一个对象时,方法通常应该和对象的原型关联,而不是定义到对象的构造函数中。 原因是 每次构造函数被调用, 方法都会被重新赋值 (即 对于每个对象创建),这显然是一种不好的做法。
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); this.getName = function() { return this.name; }; this.getMessage = function() { return this.message; }; }
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); } MyObject.prototype = { getName: function() { return this.name; }, getMessage: function() { return this.message; } };
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); } MyObject.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }; MyObject.prototype.getMessage = function() { return this.message; };
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); } (function() { this.getName = function() { return this.name; }; this.getMessage = function() { return this.message; }; }).call(MyObject.prototype);
Closures can be used to create private variables in objects.
Logical continuity, when the closure is used as a parameter of another function call This prevents you from deviating from the current logic and writing additional logic separately.
Conveniently calls local variables of the context.
Strengthen encapsulation, and the extension of point 2 can achieve the protection of variables.
Waste of memory. This memory waste is not only because it is resident in memory, but improper use of closures will cause the generation of invalid memory.
I have made some simple explanations about closures before. Finally, let me summarize. In fact, there is nothing special about closures. Its characteristics are:
Function nested function
You can access external variables or objects inside the function
Avoid garbage Recycling
Welcome to communicate, above;-)
Let’s learn JavaScript closures together
Understand JavaScript Scope and Closures
When I first learned the front-end, I saw this closure I always feel confused about Ci. When I was asked this question during the interview, my answer was vague. I always felt that there was a barrier. I thought this concept was very magical. If I could master it, my skills would be greatly improved. In fact, closure is not so mysterious, it is everywhere.
First, let’s look at a question.
Please describe what a closure is in one sentence and write the code to illustrate.
If you can say it without hesitation and give an explanation, then there is no need for you to read the following text.
Regarding this issue, combined with the information and experience I have reviewed, I will briefly talk about it here. If there is anything wrong, please correct me.
First answer the above question, what is closure.
Closure is a concept that describes the phenomenon that a function still resides in memory after it is executed.
Code description:
function foo() { var a = 2; function bar(){ console.log(a); } return bar; } var test = foo(); test(); //2
The above code clearly shows the closure.
The lexical scope of function bar() has access to the internal scope of foo(). Then we pass the bar() function itself as a value type. In the above example, we use the function object itself referenced by bar() as the return value.
After foo() is executed, its internal scope has not been destroyed, because bar() still maintains a reference to the internal scope. Thanks to the position of bar(), it has coverage of foo() ) closure of the internal scope, allowing the scope to survive for bar() to reference at any time. This reference is actually a closure.
It is for this reason that when test is actually called, it can access the lexical scope when it is defined, so it can access a.
Function transfer can also be indirect:
var fn; function foo(){ var a = 2; function baz() { console.log( a ); } fn = baz; //将baz 分配给全局变量 } function bar(){ fn(); } foo(); bar(); //2
So, no matter how the inner function is passed outside its lexical scope, it will hold a reference to the original definition scope. That is, wherever this function is executed, the closure will be used. It is also for this reason that we can use the callback function very conveniently without caring about its specific details.
In fact, in timers, event listeners, ajax requests, cross-window communication, Web Workers or any other synchronous or asynchronous tasks, as long as you use a callback function, you are actually using a closure. Bag.
At this point, maybe you already have a general understanding of closures. Let me give you a few more examples to help you deepen your understanding of closures.
First of all, let’s take a look at the so-called immediate execution function.
var a = 2; (function IIFE() { console.log(a); })(); //2
This immediate execution function is usually considered a classic closure example , which works fine, but is not strictly a closure.
Because this IIFE function is not executed outside its own lexical scope. It is executed in the scope in which it was defined. Furthermore, variable a is looked up through ordinary lexical scope, not through closures.
Another example used to illustrate closures is a loop.
<p class="tabs"> <li class="tab">some text1</li> <li class="tab">some text2</li> <li class="tab">some text3</li> </p>
var handler = function(nodes) { for(var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l ; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(){ console.log(i); } } } var tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs .tab'); handler(tabs);
Our expected result is log 0, 1, 2;
The result after execution is three 3;
Why is this?
First explain how this 3 comes from.
Look at the loop body. The termination condition of the loop is i < l. The value of i is 3 when the condition is established for the first time.
Therefore, the output shows the final value of i at the end of the loop. According to the working principle of scope, although the functions in the loop are defined separately in each iteration, they are all enclosed in a shared global scope, so there is actually only one i.
handler The original intention of the function was to pass the unique i to the event handler, but it failed.
Because the event handler function binds i itself, not the value of i when the function is constructed.
After knowing this, we can make corresponding adjustments:
var handler = function(nodes) { var helper = function(i){ return function(e){ console.log(i); // 0 1 2 } } for(var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l ; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = helper(i); } }
var handler = function(nodes) { for(let i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l ; i++) { //nodes[i].index = i; nodes[i].onclick = function(){ console.log(i); // 0 1 2 } } }
var sel = $("#con"); setTimeout( function (){ sel.css({background:"gray"}); }, 2000);
上边的代码使用了 jQuery 的选择器,找到 id 为 con 的元素,注册计时器,两秒之后,将背景色设置为灰色。
这个代码片段的神奇之处在于,在调用了 setTimeout 函数之后,con 依旧被保持在函数内部,当两秒钟之后,id 为 con 的 p 元素的背景色确实得到了改变。应该注意的是,setTimeout 在调用之后已经返回了,但是 con 没有被释放,这是因为 con 引用了全局作用域里的变量 con。
首先看一个概念-执行上下文(Execution Context)。
执行上下文是一个抽象的概念,ECMAScript 规范使用它来追踪代码的执行。它可能是你的代码第一次执行或执行的流程进入函数主体时所在的全局上下文。
这就是为什么 JavaScript 是“单线程”的原因,意思就是一次只能处理一个请求。
栈是一种“后进先出” (Last In First Out) 的数据结构,即最后插入该栈的元素会最先从栈中被弹出(这是因为我们只能从栈的顶部插入或删除元素)。
define("components/webTrends", ["webTrendCore"], function(require,exports, module) { var webTrendCore = require("webTrendCore"); var webTrends = { init:function (obj) { var self = this; self.dcsGetId(); self.dcsCollect(); }, dcsGetId:function(){ if (typeof(_tag) != "undefined") { _tag.dcsid="dcs5w0txb10000wocrvqy1nqm_6n1p"; _tag.dcsGetId(); } }, dcsCollect:function(){ if (typeof(_tag) != "undefined") { _tag.DCSext.platform="weimendian"; if(document.readyState!="complete"){ document.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(document.readyState=="complete") _tag.dcsCollect() } } else _tag.dcsCollect() } } }; module.exports = webTrends; })
var webTrends = require("webTrends"); webTrends.init();
原因很明显,这会 拖慢脚本的处理速度,加大内存消耗 。
举个例子,当需要创建一个对象时,方法通常应该和对象的原型关联,而不是定义到对象的构造函数中。 原因是 每次构造函数被调用, 方法都会被重新赋值 (即 对于每个对象创建),这显然是一种不好的做法。
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); this.getName = function() { return this.name; }; this.getMessage = function() { return this.message; }; }
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); } MyObject.prototype = { getName: function() { return this.name; }, getMessage: function() { return this.message; } };
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); } MyObject.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }; MyObject.prototype.getMessage = function() { return this.message; };
function MyObject(name, message) { this.name = name.toString(); this.message = message.toString(); } (function() { this.getName = function() { return this.name; }; this.getMessage = function() { return this.message; }; }).call(MyObject.prototype);
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