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Android implements code for zooming and dragging pictures through custom ImageView controls

2017-02-08 17:05:442227browse

By customizing the ImageView control, call custom components in the xml layout to achieve image scaling. Let me share the implementation code with you. Friends who are interested can take a look at it

Overview: By customizing the ImageView control, the custom components are called in the xml layout to achieve image scaling.

* 自定义的ImageView控制,可对图片进行多点触控缩放和拖动
* @author qiuwanyong
public class MyImageView extends ImageView {
* 初始化状态常量
public static final int STATUS_INIT = 1;
* 图片放大状态常量
public static final int STATUS_ZOOM_OUT = 2;
* 图片缩小状态常量
public static final int STATUS_ZOOM_IN = 3;
* 图片拖动状态常量
public static final int STATUS_MOVE = 4;
* 用于对图片进行移动和缩放变换的矩阵
private Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
* 待展示的Bitmap对象
private Bitmap sourceBitmap;
private int currentStatus;
* ZoomImageView控件的宽度
private int width;
* ZoomImageView控件的高度
private int height;
* 记录两指同时放在屏幕上时,中心点的横坐标值
private float centerPointX;
* 记录两指同时放在屏幕上时,中心点的纵坐标值
private float centerPointY;
* 记录当前图片的宽度,图片被缩放时,这个值会一起变动
private float currentBitmapWidth;
* 记录当前图片的高度,图片被缩放时,这个值会一起变动
private float currentBitmapHeight;
* 记录上次手指移动时的横坐标
private float lastXMove = -1;
* 记录上次手指移动时的纵坐标
private float lastYMove = -1;
* 记录手指在横坐标方向上的移动距离
private float movedDistanceX;
* 记录手指在纵坐标方向上的移动距离
private float movedDistanceY;
* 记录图片在矩阵上的横向偏移值
private float totalTranslateX;
* 记录图片在矩阵上的纵向偏移值
private float totalTranslateY;
* 记录图片在矩阵上的总缩放比例
private float totalRatio;
* 记录手指移动的距离所造成的缩放比例
private float scaledRatio;
* 记录图片初始化时的缩放比例
private float initRatio;
* 记录上次两指之间的距离
private double lastFingerDis;
* ZoomImageView构造函数,将当前操作状态设为STATUS_INIT。
* @param context
* @param attrs
public MyImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
currentStatus = STATUS_INIT;
* 将待展示的图片设置进来。
* @param bitmap
* 待展示的Bitmap对象
public void setImageBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
sourceBitmap = bitmap;
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right,
int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
if (changed) {
// 分别获取到ZoomImageView的宽度和高度
width = getWidth();
height = getHeight();
@SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (initRatio == totalRatio) {
} else {
switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
// 当有两个手指按在屏幕上时,计算两指之间的距离
lastFingerDis = distanceBetweenFingers(event);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (event.getPointerCount() == 1) {
// 只有单指按在屏幕上移动时,为拖动状态
float xMove = event.getX();
float yMove = event.getY();
if (lastXMove == -1 && lastYMove == -1) {
lastXMove = xMove;
lastYMove = yMove;
currentStatus = STATUS_MOVE;
movedDistanceX = xMove - lastXMove;
movedDistanceY = yMove - lastYMove;
// 进行边界检查,不允许将图片拖出边界
if (totalTranslateX + movedDistanceX > 0) {
movedDistanceX = 0;
} else if (width - (totalTranslateX + movedDistanceX) > currentBitmapWidth) {
movedDistanceX = 0;
if (totalTranslateY + movedDistanceY > 0) {
movedDistanceY = 0;
} else if (height - (totalTranslateY + movedDistanceY) > currentBitmapHeight) {
movedDistanceY = 0;
// 调用onDraw()方法绘制图片
lastXMove = xMove;
lastYMove = yMove;
} else if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
// 有两个手指按在屏幕上移动时,为缩放状态
double fingerDis = distanceBetweenFingers(event);
if (fingerDis > lastFingerDis) {
currentStatus = STATUS_ZOOM_OUT;
} else {
currentStatus = STATUS_ZOOM_IN;
// 进行缩放倍数检查,最大只允许将图片放大4倍,最小可以缩小到初始化比例
if ((currentStatus == STATUS_ZOOM_OUT && totalRatio < 4 * initRatio)
|| (currentStatus == STATUS_ZOOM_IN && totalRatio > initRatio)) {
scaledRatio = (float) (fingerDis / lastFingerDis);
totalRatio = totalRatio * scaledRatio;
if (totalRatio > 4 * initRatio) {
totalRatio = 4 * initRatio;
} else if (totalRatio < initRatio) {
totalRatio = initRatio;
// 调用onDraw()方法绘制图片
lastFingerDis = fingerDis;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
// 手指离开屏幕时将临时值还原
lastXMove = -1;
lastYMove = -1;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// 手指离开屏幕时将临时值还原
lastXMove = -1;
lastYMove = -1;
return true;
* 根据currentStatus的值来决定对图片进行什么样的绘制操作。
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
switch (currentStatus) {
if (sourceBitmap != null) {
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, matrix, null);
* 对图片进行缩放处理。
* @param canvas
private void zoom(Canvas canvas) {
// 将图片按总缩放比例进行缩放
matrix.postScale(totalRatio, totalRatio);
float scaledWidth = sourceBitmap.getWidth() * totalRatio;
float scaledHeight = sourceBitmap.getHeight() * totalRatio;
float translateX = 0f;
float translateY = 0f;
// 如果当前图片宽度小于屏幕宽度,则按屏幕中心的横坐标进行水平缩放。否则按两指的中心点的横坐标进行水平缩放
if (currentBitmapWidth < width) {
translateX = (width - scaledWidth) / 2f;
} else {
translateX = totalTranslateX * scaledRatio + centerPointX
* (1 - scaledRatio);
// 进行边界检查,保证图片缩放后在水平方向上不会偏移出屏幕
if (translateX > 0) {
translateX = 0;
} else if (width - translateX > scaledWidth) {
translateX = width - scaledWidth;
// 如果当前图片高度小于屏幕高度,则按屏幕中心的纵坐标进行垂直缩放。否则按两指的中心点的纵坐标进行垂直缩放
if (currentBitmapHeight < height) {
translateY = (height - scaledHeight) / 2f;
} else {
translateY = totalTranslateY * scaledRatio + centerPointY
* (1 - scaledRatio);
// 进行边界检查,保证图片缩放后在垂直方向上不会偏移出屏幕
if (translateY > 0) {
translateY = 0;
} else if (height - translateY > scaledHeight) {
translateY = height - scaledHeight;
// 缩放后对图片进行偏移,以保证缩放后中心点位置不变
matrix.postTranslate(translateX, translateY);
totalTranslateX = translateX;
totalTranslateY = translateY;
currentBitmapWidth = scaledWidth;
currentBitmapHeight = scaledHeight;
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, matrix, null);
* 对图片进行平移处理
* @param canvas
private void move(Canvas canvas) {
// 根据手指移动的距离计算出总偏移值
float translateX = totalTranslateX + movedDistanceX;
float translateY = totalTranslateY + movedDistanceY;
// 先按照已有的缩放比例对图片进行缩放
matrix.postScale(totalRatio, totalRatio);
// 再根据移动距离进行偏移
matrix.postTranslate(translateX, translateY);
totalTranslateX = translateX;
totalTranslateY = translateY;
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, matrix, null);
* 对图片进行初始化操作,包括让图片居中,以及当图片大于屏幕宽高时对图片进行压缩。
* @param canvas
private void initBitmap(Canvas canvas) {
if (sourceBitmap != null) {
int bitmapWidth = sourceBitmap.getWidth();
int bitmapHeight = sourceBitmap.getHeight();
if (bitmapWidth > width || bitmapHeight > height) {
if (bitmapWidth - width > bitmapHeight - height) {
// 当图片宽度大于屏幕宽度时,将图片等比例压缩,使它可以完全显示出来
float ratio = width / (bitmapWidth * 1.0f);
matrix.postScale(ratio, ratio);
float translateY = (height - (bitmapHeight * ratio)) / 2f;
// 在纵坐标方向上进行偏移,以保证图片居中显示
matrix.postTranslate(0, translateY);
totalTranslateY = translateY;
totalRatio = initRatio = ratio;
} else {
// 当图片高度大于屏幕高度时,将图片等比例压缩,使它可以完全显示出来
float ratio = height / (bitmapHeight * 1.0f);
matrix.postScale(ratio, ratio);
float translateX = (width - (bitmapWidth * ratio)) / 2f;
// 在横坐标方向上进行偏移,以保证图片居中显示
matrix.postTranslate(translateX, 0);
totalTranslateX = translateX;
totalRatio = initRatio = ratio;
currentBitmapWidth = bitmapWidth * initRatio;
currentBitmapHeight = bitmapHeight * initRatio;
} else {
// 当图片的宽高都小于屏幕宽高时,直接让图片居中显示
float translateX = (width - sourceBitmap.getWidth()) / 2f;
float translateY = (height - sourceBitmap.getHeight()) / 2f;
matrix.postTranslate(translateX, translateY);
totalTranslateX = translateX;
totalTranslateY = translateY;
totalRatio = initRatio = 1f;
currentBitmapWidth = bitmapWidth;
currentBitmapHeight = bitmapHeight;
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, matrix, null);
* 计算两个手指之间的距离。
* @param event
* @return 两个手指之间的距离
@SuppressLint("NewApi") private double distanceBetweenFingers(MotionEvent event) {
float disX = Math.abs(event.getX(0) - event.getX(1));
float disY = Math.abs(event.getY(0) - event.getY(1));
return Math.sqrt(disX * disX + disY * disY);
* 计算两个手指之间中心点的坐标。
* @param event
@SuppressLint("NewApi") private void centerPointBetweenFingers(MotionEvent event) {
float xPoint0 = event.getX(0);
float yPoint0 = event.getY(0);
float xPoint1 = event.getX(1);
float yPoint1 = event.getY(1);
centerPointX = (xPoint0 + xPoint1) / 2;
centerPointY = (yPoint0 + yPoint1) / 2;

Called in the layout

The above is the editor’s introduction to Android’s implementation of image scaling and dragging through custom ImageView controls. The dynamic implementation code, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. I would also like to thank you all for your support of the PHP Chinese website!

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