1. Introduction
"MySQL master-slave replication" technology is widely used in common high-availability architectures in the Internet industry, such as the common one-master-slave replication architecture, keepalived + MySQL dual-master (master-slave) replication architecture , MHA + one master and two slave replication architecture, etc. all apply MySQL master-slave replication technology. However, since master-slave replication is a logical replication based on binlog, the risk of inconsistency in replicated data is inevitable. This risk will not only cause inconsistency in user data access, but also lead to 1032 and 1062 errors in subsequent replication, which will cause the hidden danger of stagnation in the replication architecture. , In order to discover and solve this problem in time, we need to regularly or irregularly carry out master-slave replication data consistency verification and repair work, so how to achieve this work? How to automate this work? Let's explore these questions.
2. Data consistency check and repair method
In order to achieve master-slave replication data consistency check and repair, we first recommend two popular tools, respectively They are Percona's pt-table-checksum and pt-table-sync. The former is used to verify the consistency of master-slave replication data, and the latter is used to repair data and restore the data to consistency.
GRANTUPDATE,INSERT,DELETE,SELECT, PROCESS, SUPER, REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'hangxing'@'MasterIP'identified by 'PASSWORD'; GRANTALL ON test.* TO 'hangxing'@'MasterIP' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';(2) Create a verification account in the main library Verification information table
CREATETABLE IF NOT EXISTS checksums ( db char(64)NOT NULL, tblchar(64) NOT NULL, chunk intNOT NULL, chunk_timefloat NULL, chunk_indexvarchar(200) NULL, lower_boundarytext NULL, upper_boundarytext NULL, this_crcchar(40) NOT NULL, this_cntint NOT NULL, master_crcchar(40) NULL, master_cntint NULL, tstimestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(db, tbl, chunk), INDEXts_db_tbl (ts, db, tbl) )ENGINE=InnoDB;(3) Determine the primary key If there is no primary key for verification and repair, the impact on performance will be very serious. The most important constraint for data verification and repair is the primary key. No primary key or unique index will result in unsuccessful repair. Primary key judgment statement:
SELECTDISTINCT CONCAT(t.table_schema,'.',t.table_name) astbl,t.engine,IF(ISNULL(c.constraint_name),'NOPK','') AS nopk, IF(s.index_type ='FULLTEXT','FULLTEXT','') as ftidx,IF(s.index_type = 'SPATIAL','SPATIAL','') asgisidx FROM information_schema.tables AS t LEFT JOINinformation_schema.key_column_usage AS c ON (t.table_schema =c.constraint_schema AND t.table_name = c.table_name AND c.constraint_name ='PRIMARY')LEFT JOIN information_schema.statistics AS s ON (t.table_schema =s.table_schema AND t.table_name = s.table_name AND s.index_type IN('FULLTEXT','SPATIAL')) WHERE t.table_schema NOT IN('information_schema','performance_schema','mysql') AND t.table_type = 'BASETABLE' AND (t.engine <> 'InnoDB' OR c.constraint_name IS NULL ORs.index_type IN ('FULLTEXT','SPATIAL')) ORDER BY t.table_schema,t.table_name;(4) Master-slave data verification Master-slave data verification is implemented using pt-table-checksum and must be executed on the main database , when performing verification, control whether to verify the entire database and all tables or only the core table through parameters. Example of verification instructions: ./pt-table-checksum--nocheck-binlog-format --nocheck-plan --nocheck-replication-filters--replicate=test.checksums --databases=db1--tables=tb1 -h 192.168.XXX.XX -P 3306-u'hangxing' -p'PASSOWRD' --recursion-method="processlist"Analysis:
--no-check-binlog-format Does not check the copied binlog mode. --nocheck-replication-filters does not check replication filters, it is recommended to enable it. --replicate=test.checksums The check results are written to the checksums table of the test library. --databases=db1 --tables=tb1 Verify the tb1 table in the db1 database. If there are no parameters, verify the entire database and all tables. -h 192.168.XXX.XX -P 3306 Main library IP address and 3306 port. -u'hangxing' -p'PASSOWRD' Verify account password. --recursion-method="processlist" Use the processlist method to discover slave libraries. Output result after execution:
TS ERRORS DIFFS ROWS CHUNKS SKIPPED TIME TABLE 03-23T15:29:17 0 1 30000 1 0 1.270 testhx1.testhx1Analysis:
TS : Time to complete the check.
ERRORS : The number of errors and warnings that occurred during the check.
DIFFS : 0 means consistent, greater than 0 means inconsistent. It mainly depends on whether there is any inconsistent data in this column.
ROWS : The number of rows in the table.
CHUNKS : The number of blocks divided into the table.
SKIPPED : Number of blocks to skip due to errors or warnings or too large.
TIME : Execution time.
TABLE : The name of the table being checked.
mysql> select * fromtest.checksums; +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ | db | tbl | chunk | chunk_time |chunk_index |lower_boundary | upper_boundary | this_crc | this_cnt |master_crc| master_cnt |ts| +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ | testhx1 | testhx1 | 1 | 0.003661 | NULL | NULL | NULL| cac6c46f| 4 | cac6c46f | 4 | 2016-03-23 15:29:16 | +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql>select * from checksums; +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ |db | tbl | chunk | chunk_time | chunk_index |lower_boundary | upper_boundary | this_crc |this_cnt |master_crc | master_cnt|ts | +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ |testhx1 | testhx1 | 1 | 0.003661 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 7c2e5f75| 5 | cac6c46f | 4 | 2016-03-23 15:29:16 | +---------+---------+-------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------+----------+------------+------------+---------------------+ 1row in set (0.00 sec)
pt-table-sync --print--sync-to-master h='SlaveIP',P=3306,u=hangxing,p='PASSWORD' --databases=db1--tables=tb1 > /tmp/repair.sql
pt-table-sync--print --sync-to-master h='SlaveIP',P=3306,u=hangxing,p=' PASSWORD '--databases=testhx1 --tables=testhx1 DELETE FROM`testhx1`.`testhx1` WHERE `id`='11' LIMIT 1 /*percona-toolkit src_db:testhx1src_tbl:testhx1 src_dsn:P=3306,h=’MasterIP’, p=...,u=checksums dst_db:testhx1dst_tbl:testhx1 dst_dsn:P=3306,h='SlaveIP',p=...,u=checksums lock:1transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:24745 user:hangxinghost:XXXXXXXXXX*/; REPLACEINTO `testhx1`.`testhx1`(`name`, `age`, `id`) VALUES ('bobby', '6', '7')/*percona-toolkit src_db:testhx1 src_tbl:testhx1 src_dsn:P=3306,h=’MasterIP’, p=...,u=hangxingdst_db:testhx1 dst_tbl:testhx1 dst_dsn:P=3306,h=’SlaveIP’,p=...,u=hangxinglock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:24745user:root host: XXXXXXXXXX */;REPLACEINTO `testhx1`.`testhx1`(`name`, `age`, `id`) VALUES ('lily', '5', '9')/*percona-toolkit src_db:testhx1 src_tbl:testhx1 src_dsn:P=3306,h=’MasterIP’,p=...,u=hangxing dst_db:testhx1 dst_tbl:testhx1dst_dsn:P=3306,h=’SlaveIP’,p=...,u=hangxing lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:24745 user:root host: XXXXXXXXXX */;
pt-table-sync--execute --sync-to-master h='SlaveIP',P=3306,u=hangxing,p='PASSWORD'--databases=testhx1 --tables=testhx1
2.4 值得注意的点
dbuser=XXXX dbpasswd="XXXXX" port=3306 mysql_commend="mysql-u${dbuser} -p${dbpasswd} -P${port}" master_ip=XXXXX slave_ip=XXXXX password="XXXXX" date=`date+%Y%m%d` logfile="XXXXX" hostname=`XXXXX`
ssh_status=`XXXXX` if [ $ssh_status != $hostname ]; then echo -e "\nthe ssh should berepair" >$logfile exit else echo -e "\nthe ssh is ok">$logfile fi
e.从库部署检查校验结果输出表的脚本,主库执行d后自动登录从库调用这个脚本,实现对从库上输出表中校验字段的对比如master_crc 和 this_crc,找到数据不一致的表,并且通过执行调用修复工具的指令实现不一致数据修复语句的print;
master_cnt<> this_cnt OR master_crc <> this_crc OR isnull(master_crc)<> isnull(this_crc))
intooutfile '/tmp/execute_sql.sh'
scp/tmp/execute_sql.sh root@$master_ip:/tmp/execute_sql.sh
The above is the content of MySQL master-slave replication data consistency check and repair method and automatic implementation. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!