Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Detailed explanation of python's simple host batch management tool
I did a very simple small project today. I felt the power of the paramiko module, and I also felt that my Linux skills were not good~~
1. Requirements
2. Simple requirements analysis and flow chart
The requirements are very small, so I will simply say:
1. Host grouping can be configured File implementation (I use a dictionary to store data).
2. The login function does not work. After selecting a group, you can view the host name and IP address of the corresponding host in the group.
3. Depends on the host) executed simultaneously)
-------------h1--------- ---
......(Data returned by the command)
-------------h2------- -----
##3. Directory structure and source code
Directory structure:
from_windows.py (file to be uploaded)
main.py (batch host management interface)
"""批量主机管理接口""" import core if __name__ == "__main__": core.run()
core.py (core code, called by the interface)
"""核心代码""" import settings import paramiko import threading import os class REMOTE_HOST(object): #远程操作主机 def __init__(self, host, port ,username, password, cmd): self.host = host self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.cmd = cmd def run(self): """起线程连接远程主机后调用""" cmd_str = self.cmd.split()[0] if hasattr(self, cmd_str): #反射 eg:调用put方法 getattr(self, cmd_str)() else: #setattr(x,'y',v)is equivalent to ``x.y=v'' setattr(self, cmd_str, self.command) getattr(self, cmd_str)() #调用command方法,执行批量命令处理 def command(self): """批量命令处理""" ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() #创建ssh对象 #允许连接不在know_hosts文件中的主机 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=self.host,port=self.port,username=self.username,password=self.password) stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command(self.cmd) result = stdout.read() print("%s".center(50, "-") % self.host) print(result.decode()) ssh.close() def put(self): """上传文件""" filename = self.cmd.split()[1] #要上传的文件 transport = paramiko.Transport((self.host, self.port)) transport.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) sftp.put(filename, filename) print("put sucesss") transport.close() def show_host_list(): """通过选择分组显示主机名与IP""" for index, key in enumerate(settings.msg_dic): print(index + 1, key, len(settings.msg_dic[key])) while True: choose_host_list = input(">>>(eg:group1)").strip() host_dic = settings.msg_dic.get(choose_host_list) if host_dic: #print(host_dic) for key in host_dic: print(key, host_dic[key]["IP"]) return host_dic else: print("NO exit this group!") def interactive(choose_host_list): """根据选择的分组主机起多个线程进行批量交互""" thread_list = [] while True: cmd = input(">>>").strip() if cmd: for key in choose_host_list: host, port, username, password = choose_host_list[key]["IP"], choose_host_list[key]["port"], \ choose_host_list[key]["username"], choose_host_list[key]["password"] func = REMOTE_HOST(host, port, username, password, cmd) # 实例化类 t = threading.Thread(target=func.run) # 起线程 t.start() thread_list.append(t) for t in thread_list: t.join() # 主线程等待子线程执行完毕 else: continue def run(): choose_host_list = show_host_list() interactive(choose_host_list)
settings.py(configuration file)
"""配置文件""" msg_dic = { "group1":{ #分组1 "h1":{"IP":"", "username":"11", "password":"aa", "port":22}, "h2":{"IP":"", "username":"22", "password":"bb", "port":22}, "h3":{"IP":"", "username":"33", "password":"cc", "port":22}, "h4":{"IP":"", "username":"44", "password":"dd", "port":22}, "h5":{"IP":"", "username":"55", "password":"ee", "port":22}, "h6":{"IP":"", "username":"66", "password":"ff", "port":22}, }, "group2":{ #分组2 "h1":{"IP":"", "username":"111", "password":"aaa", "port":22}, "h2":{"IP":"", "username":"222", "password":"bbb", "port":22}, "h3":{"IP":"", "username":"333", "password":"ccc", "port":22}, "h4":{"IP":"", "username":"444", "password":"ddd", "port":22}, "h5":{"IP":"", "username":"555", "password":"eee", "port":22}, "h6":{"IP":"", "username":"666", "password":"fff", "port":22}, "h7":{"IP":"", "username":"777", "password":"ggg", "port":22}, "h8":{"IP":"", "username":"888", "password":"hhh", "port":22}, }, "group3":{ "h1":{"IP":"", "username":"root", "password":"zcl", "port":22}, } }
Hardware Limitation, I only need to connect to one virtual machine for testing~
C:\Python34\python3.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/laonanhai/host_manage/main.py 1 group1 6 2 group3 1 3 group2 8 >>>(eg:group1)group3 h1 >>>put from_windows.py put sucesss >>> >>>ls ------------------------ anaconda-ks.cfg database_test from_windows.py install.log install.log.syslog m oot \root tmp\from_windows.py >>>
There is no from_windows.py file before uploading, but there is after uploading!
That’s it I hope that the entire content of this article will be helpful to everyone's learning, and I also hope that everyone will support the PHP Chinese website.
For more detailed explanations of Python’s simple host batch management tools, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!