Home > Article > Backend Development > Thinkphp comes with a comprehensive analysis of the verification code
Front-end page:
<div style="position:absolute;z-index:3;top:160px;left:180px;"> <img style="cursor:pointer; " src="{:U('Verify')}" onclick="this.src=this.src+'?'+Math.random()" id="safecode" style="height:50px;width:70%;"/> </div> //验证码判断 public function Verify(){ ob_clean(); //显示验证码 $cfg=array( 'codeSet' => '0123456789', // 验证码字符集合 'imageH' => 25, // 验证码图片高度 'imageW' => 80, // 验证码图片宽度 'length' => 4, // 验证码位数 'fontttf' => '4.ttf', // 验证码字体,不设置随机获取 'fontSize' => 10, // 验证码字体大小(px) 'useNoise' => false, // 是否添加杂点 'useCurve' => false, // 是否画混淆曲线 'bg' => array(226,229,236) //背景颜色 ); $very=new \Think\Verify($cfg); $very->entry(); } //客户端通过ajax,实现校验验证码 public function checkVerify(){ $code = I('get.code'); $very = new \Think\Verify(); $key = $this->auth_my_code($very,$very->seKey); // 验证码不能为空 $secode = session($key); //对$code进行加密,在比较校验 if($this->auth_my_code($very,strtoupper($code)) == $secode['verify_code']) { echo json_encode(array('flag'=>1,'cont'=>'验证码正确')); }else{ echo json_encode(array('flag'=>2,'cont'=>'验证码错误')); } } private function auth_my_code($vry,$str){ $key = substr(md5($vry->seKey), 5, 8); $str = substr(md5($str), 8, 10); return md5($key . $str); }
If the above verification code is entered incorrectly and cannot be automatically refreshed after submission, after making changes to the code:
location.href="/Login/Login"; This can only refresh the entire page, and the value of the submitted form may be lost, which greatly affects the user experience.
2. If the verification code is entered incorrectly, the verification code will be automatically refreshed after submission.
else{ $('#safecode').attr("src","/Login/Verify?"+Math.random()); NewAlert(2,"验证码有误,请重新输入",null); code_ok = false; $('#verifyresult').html(msg.cont).css({'color':'red','font-size':'12px'}); }
3. The following is ajax submission of verification code to the background for verification:
The above is a comprehensive analysis of thinkphp's built-in verification code introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. I would also like to thank you all for your support of the PHP Chinese website!
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