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Final modifier:
Final modified member variables must have an initial value explicitly specified by the programmer.
Field of class: The initial value must be specified in a static initialization block or when declaring the Field.
Instance Field: The Field must be declared in a non-static initialization block or the initial value must be specified in the constructor.
Final local variables: must be explicitly initialized by the programmer.
What is the difference between final modified basic variables and reference type variables?
Final modified basic variables: Basic variables cannot be reassigned.
Final modified reference variable: Only the address referenced by this reference type is guaranteed not to change, that is,
always refers to the same object, but this object can completely change.
/** */ import java.util.*; public class Demo5 { public static void main(String[] args) { final B b = new B(22); b.test(); //合法 改变值,但仍是指向同一个引用 b.setAge(20); System.out.println(b.getAge()); // 非法 // b = null; b.test2(); } } /** fianl修饰成员变量 */ class A { //合法 final int a = 10; //构造器或初始化化块中指定初始值 final String str; final int c; final static double d; { str = "hello"; //非法 // a = 100; } static { d = 100; } // 构造器可对没在初始化块中指定的Field指定初始值 public A() { // 非法 // str = "ddd"; c = 1000; } public double changFinal() { // 不能再普通方法中为final指定初始值 // return d = 1000.90; return 0; } } /** fianl修饰数组 对象 */ class B { private int age; public B() { } public B(int age) { this.age = age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public int getAge() { return this.age; } public void test() { final int[] arr={23,434,56,898}; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); Arrays.sort(arr); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); arr[2] = 200; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); //下面对Arr重新赋值 非法 // arr = null; } /** 加深对final的理解 */ public void test2() { String str1 = "美好未来"; //直接引用常量池中的"美好未来" String str2 = "美好"+"未来"; //true System.out.println(str1 == str2); String s1 = "美好"; String s2 = "未来"; String s3 = s1+s2; //false s1 s2只是变量 在编译时期不能确定 //若想在编译时期确定 则用 final修饰 s1 s2 System.out.println(str1 == s3); } }
Do you guys know something about the final modifier in Java? I believe it has been explained clearly in the comments, so I won’t go into details here
More java For articles related to final modifier example analysis, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!