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Poker game example of JAVA collection collection

2017-01-23 16:54:071807browse

Collection The root interface in the hierarchy. Collection represents a set of objects, which are also called elements of the collection. Some collections allow duplicate elements, while others do not. Some collections are ordered, while others are unordered. The JDK does not provide any direct implementation of this interface: it provides implementations of more specific subinterfaces such as Set and List. This interface is typically used to pass collections and operate on them wherever maximum generality is required.

Main content: Collection is used here to simulate the poker game played by the big guys in Hong Kong movies.

1. Game rules: Two players are dealt two cards each and compared. Compare the highest number of cards in each player's hand, the size is A-2, the player with the higher number of points wins. If the points are the same, the suits will be compared, and the suits will be black (4), red (3), plum (2), square (1), and the one with the bigger suit wins.

2. Implementation steps:

Create a deck of playing cards A-2, with four suits of black (4), red (3), plum (2), and square (1), a total of 52 Cards;
Create two players including player ID, name, and card information;
Shuffle the cards and deal two cards to each of the two players;
Compare the size of the cards in the players' hands to determine the winner ;

3. Program implementation

Card class: Contains the number and suit of the card

package collectiontest.games;
public class Card {
  private Integer id; //牌的大小
  private Integer type;//牌的花色
  public Card(Integer id, Integer type) {
    this.id = id;
    this.type = type;
  public Integer getId() {
    return id;
  public void setId(Integer id) {
    this.id = id;
  public Integer getType() {
    return type;
  public void setType(Integer type) {
    this.type = type;
  public String toString() {
    return "Card [id=" + id + ", type=" + type + "]";

Poker class: Contains playing card Card A-2

package collectiontest.games;
public class Poker {
  private Card id2 ;
  private Card id3 ;
  private Card id4 ;
  private Card id5 ;
  private Card id6 ;
  private Card id7 ;
  private Card id8 ;
  private Card id9 ;
  private Card id10 ;
  private Card J ;
  private Card Q ;
  private Card K ;
  private Card A ;
  public Poker() {
  public Poker(Integer type) {
    this.id2 = new Card(2, type);
    this.id3 = new Card(3, type);
    this.id4 = new Card(4, type);
    this.id5 = new Card(5, type);
    this.id6 = new Card(6, type);
    this.id7 = new Card(7, type);
    this.id8 = new Card(8, type);
    this.id9 = new Card(9, type);
    this.id10 = new Card(10, type);
    this.J = new Card(11, type);
    this.Q = new Card(12, type);
    this.K = new Card(13, type);
    this.A = new Card(14, type);
  public Card getId2() {
    return id2;
  public void setId2(Card id2) {
    this.id2 = id2;
  public Card getId3() {
    return id3;
  public void setId3(Card id3) {
    this.id3 = id3;
  public Card getId4() {
    return id4;
  public void setId4(Card id4) {
    this.id4 = id4;
  public Card getId5() {
    return id5;
  public void setId5(Card id5) {
    this.id5 = id5;
  public Card getId6() {
    return id6;
  public void setId6(Card id6) {
    this.id6 = id6;
  public Card getId7() {
    return id7;
  public void setId7(Card id7) {
    this.id7 = id7;
  public Card getId8() {
    return id8;
  public void setId8(Card id8) {
    this.id8 = id8;
  public Card getId9() {
    return id9;
  public void setId9(Card id9) {
    this.id9 = id9;
  public Card getId10() {
    return id10;
  public void setId10(Card id10) {
    this.id10 = id10;
  public Card getJ() {
    return J;
  public void setJ(Card j) {
    J = j;
  public Card getQ() {
    return Q;
  public void setQ(Card q) {
    Q = q;
  public Card getK() {
    return K;
  public void setK(Card k) {
    K = k;
  public Card getA() {
    return A;
  public void setA(Card a) {
    A = a;

Player Player class: includes player ID and name, card information held

package collectiontest.games;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Player {
  private String id ;
  private String name ;
  private List<Card> pokerType ;
  public Player() {  
  public Player(String id, String name, List<Card> pokerType) {
    this.id = id;
    this.name = name;
    this.pokerType = new ArrayList<>();
  public String getId() {
    return id;
  public void setId(String id) {
    this.id = id;
  public String getName() {
    return name;
  public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;
  public List<Card> getPokerType() {
    return pokerType;
  public void setPokerType(List<Card> pokerType) {
    this.pokerType = pokerType;

Poker game main class: includes 1) Poker creation 2) Player creation 3) Shuffling 4) Dealing 5) Compare the outcome

package collectiontest.games;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
public class GamsBegin {
  // 创建扑克牌
  public Set<Poker> cPoker() {
    // 创建一副poker
    // 四个类型:黑--4、红--3、梅--2、方--1
    Set<Poker> pokers = new HashSet<>();
    Poker[] poker = { new Poker(1), new Poker(2), new Poker(3),
        new Poker(4) };
     * Collections工具类的使用
     * Collections.addAll(pokers, new Poker(1), new Poker(2), new Poker(3),new Poker(4));
     * */
    return pokers;
  // 创建两个玩家
  public Map<String, Player> cPlayer() {
    Map<String, Player> map = new HashMap<String, Player>();
    // 控制数量
    Integer control = 0;
    Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
    while (true) {
      System.out.println("请输入第 "+(control+1)+" 个玩家ID:");
      String courseId = console.next();
      if (isNumeric(courseId)) {
        System.out.println("请输入第 "+(control+1)+" 个玩家姓名:");
        String courseName = console.next();
        Player players = new Player(courseId, courseName, null);
        map.put(courseId, players);
        System.out.println("添加第 " + (control + 1) + " 个玩家 " + courseName
            + " 成功");
      } else {
      if (control == 2) {
    return map;
  // 判断输入是否为数字, Character.isDigit()为java方法
  public boolean isNumeric(String str) {
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
      if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i))) {
        return false;
    return true;
   * 洗牌 :也可以产生52个不同随机数,实现洗牌
  public List<Card> wPoker(Set<Poker> pokers) {
    List<Card> listCard = new ArrayList<>();
    // 利用Set集合的无序排序,实现洗牌
    Set<Card> listSet = new HashSet<>();
    for (Poker pk : pokers) {
    for (Card cd : listSet) {
    return listCard;
  // 发牌
  public Map<String, Player> pushPoker(List<Card> listCard,
      Map<String, Player> pMap) {
    // 控制每人发两张牌后结束
    int control = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String, Player> entry : pMap.entrySet()) {
      if (control == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 2) {
          // 发牌
        // 更新map对象
        pMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
      } else if (control == 1) {
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i = i + 2) {
          // 发牌
        // 更新map对象
        pMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
      } else {
    return pMap;
  public void compareMatch(Map<String, Player> newMap) {
     * 1.首先取得每个玩家手中最大牌的ID和花色ID。
     * 2.比较俩玩家手中最大牌的ID大小,牌大者获胜。
     * 3.如果两张牌的ID相等,在比较两张牌的花色ID,花色ID更大着获胜。
     * */
    List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>();
    // 获得两个玩家
    for (Map.Entry<String, Player> entry : newMap.entrySet()) {
    // 玩家一信息和所持牌
    List<Card> playerOne = players.get(0).getPokerType();
    Integer oneMaxId = Math.max(playerOne.get(0).getId(), playerOne.get(1)
    Integer oneMaxType = (oneMaxId!=playerOne.get(0).getId()) ? playerOne.get(1).getType() : playerOne.get(0).getType() ;
    // 玩家二信息和所持牌
    List<Card> playerTwo = players.get(1).getPokerType();
    Integer twoMaxId = Math.max(playerTwo.get(0).getId(), playerTwo.get(1)
    Integer twoMaxType = (twoMaxId!=playerTwo.get(0).getId()) ? playerTwo.get(1).getType() : playerTwo.get(0).getType() ;
    if (oneMaxId > twoMaxId) {
      System.out.println("玩家 : " + players.get(0).getName() + " 获胜!!");
    } else if (oneMaxId == twoMaxId) {
      if (oneMaxType > twoMaxType) {
            .println("玩家 : " + players.get(0).getName() + " 获胜!!");
      } else {
            .println("玩家 : " + players.get(1).getName() + " 获胜!!");
    } else {
      System.out.println("玩家 : " + players.get(1).getName() + " 获胜!!");
    System.out.println("玩家 : " + players.get(0).getName() + "的牌是:"
        + showName(playerOne.get(0).getType(), 0) + "--"
        + showName(playerOne.get(0).getId(), 1) + "  "
        + showName(playerOne.get(1).getType(), 0) + "--"
        + showName(playerOne.get(1).getId(), 1));
    System.out.println("玩家 : " + players.get(1).getName() + "的牌是:"
        + showName(playerTwo.get(0).getType(), 0) + "--"
        + showName(playerTwo.get(0).getId(), 1) + "  "
        + showName(playerTwo.get(1).getType(), 0) + "--"
        + showName(playerTwo.get(1).getId(), 1));
  // 显示牌的名称
  private String showName(Integer i, Integer type) {
    String str = "";
    // 显示花色
    if (type == 0) {
      switch (i) {
      case 1: {
        str = "方块";
      case 2: {
        str = "梅花";
      case 3: {
        str = "红桃";
      case 4: {
        str = "黑桃";
      default: {
    // 显示数字
    if (type == 1) {
      if (i < 11) {
        return i.toString();
      } else {
        switch (i) {
        case 11: {
          str = "J";
        case 12: {
          str = "Q";
        case 13: {
          str = "K";
        case 14: {
          str = "A";
        default: {
    return str;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GamsBegin gb = new GamsBegin();
    // 1、创建扑克牌
    Set<Poker> pokers = gb.cPoker();
    // 2、创建两个玩家
    Map<String, Player> pMap = gb.cPlayer();
    // 3、洗牌
    List<Card> listCard = gb.wPoker(pokers);
    // 4、发牌
    Map<String, Player> newMap = gb.pushPoker(listCard, pMap);
    // 4、比较胜负

Running results:

************Start creating playing cards**********
**********Poker cards created successfully************
************Start creating player********* *
Create two players and follow the prompts
Please enter the 1st player ID:
Please enter the 1st player name:
Stephen Chow
Add the 1st player Stephen Chow successfully
Please enter the 2nd player ID:
Please enter the 2nd player name:
Chow Yun-fat
Add the 2nd player Chow Yun-fat successfully
************The player was created successfully **********
************Start shuffling **********
Card [id=9, type=3]
Card [id=11, type=4]
Card [id=13, type=3]
Card [id=8, type=3]
Card [id=5, type=2 ]
Card [id=6, type=1]
Card [id=4, type=3]
Card [id=5, type=4]
Card [id=2, type =3]
Card [id=9, type=2]
Card [id=9, type=4]
Card [id=14, type=2]
Card [id=9 , type=1]
Card [id=2, type=1]
Card [id=2, type=4]
Card [id=7, type=4]
Card [id =11, type=1]
Card [id=10, type=1]
Card [id=14, type=4]
Card [id=14, type=3]
Card [id=12, type=2]
Card [id=2, type=2]
Card [id=10, type=2]
Card [id=7, type=1]
Card [id=7, type=3]
Card [id=8, type=2]
Card [id=4, type=4]
Card [id=13, type=4]
Card [id=14, type=1]
Card [id=12, type=1]
Card [id=5, type=1]
Card [id=6, type= 4]
Card [id=12, type=4]
Card [id=11, type=2]
Card [id=10, type=3]
Card [id=3, type=4]
Card [id=12, type=3]
Card [id=4, type=2]
Card [id=4, type=1]
Card [id= 6, type=2]
Card [id=5, type=3]
Card [id=8, type=4]
Card [id=3, type=2]
Card [ id=13, type=2]
Card [id=7, type=2]
Card [id=3, type=3]
Card [id=3, type=1]
Card [id=6, type=3]
Card [id=8, type=1]
Card [id=11, type=3]
Card [id=13, type=1]
Card [id=10, type=4]
**********Shuffle successfully************
************ *Dealing starts************
**********Dealing successfully**********
Player: Stephen Chow wins! !
Player: Stephen Chow’s card is: Hearts--9 Hearts--K
Player: Chow Yun-fat’s cards are: Spades--J Hearts--8

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