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The principles of five WeChat distribution system solutions

2017-01-23 15:28:593164browse

Operating a WeChat two-level distribution system is actually very similar to operating a WeChat three-level distribution system. On the user side, it can be said that there is no difference. WeChat's three-level distribution system includes WeChat's two-level distribution system. The difference lies in the interest relationship and the level of development. The WeChat three-level distribution system is based on the three-level distribution model, and the WeChat two-level distribution model is that the head office determines the first-level distributor A through promotion; the first-level distributor develops one level downward to become the second-level distributor B; the second-level distributor Level distributors continue to develop, and only any two levels have an interest relationship: that is to say, if distributor C in the WeChat distribution system continues to develop the next level D, then this level of distributor will be the same as the original first level distributor A. There is no interest relationship and it does not constitute a WeChat characteristic distribution model. Only any features have interest relationships. Generally speaking, the spread of secondary distribution is slower and the number of distributors developed is smaller.

The principles of five WeChat distribution system solutions

# How to improve user stickiness to increase sales?

If you want to increase sales and expand the market through the WeChat distribution mall system, you must start with user stickiness. While attracting new users, you must also maintain old users. How to improve user stickiness and increase sales? Summer Sunflower e-commerce will analyze the following points for you:

1. Maintain the old users of WeChat distribution

First of all, we must maintain the old users of WeChat distribution. You can pass The membership system digs deeper to meet the new needs of old users, while also doing a good job of follow-up. After the new activities and discounts of the micro-distribution mall are released, old users will be notified in a timely manner, and some preferential measures can also be launched specifically for these old users to increase user stickiness. You must know that word-of-mouth publicity in the mobile Internet era is inseparable from users. Active sharing and recommendations to old users can directly and indirectly bring new users to WeChat distribution malls.

2. Create a distinctive WeChat distribution mall

The homogeneity in the e-commerce era is extremely serious, not only in the products, but also in the decoration of the mall Aspects and so on. Whether it is a WeChat secondary distribution mall or a third-level distribution mall system, if you want to get the continued attention of users, you must create your own characteristics in the decoration and products of the micro distribution mall, so that it will be easy to remember and pay attention to. In addition, some unique activities should be planned. Unique activities are more likely to attract people.

3. How to join a WeChat group

Today’s WeChat has brought many conveniences to our lives, and WeChat groups are also an indispensable promoter. . Of course, WeChat groups with as few as a few people and as many as hundreds of WeChat friends are good tools to help businesses publicize and promote. It is also through WeChat promotion that we can help us find more potential customers.

4. QQ Group Drainage Method

Of course QQ is also another important chat tool that we cannot ignore. We should seize the QQ group as a powerful life interactive communication platform. Using QQ groups to promote products can also greatly increase the number of fans, which has also become an indispensable part of attracting customers.

5. Mobile phone number introduction method

Today’s China’s information development is actually a super market that exceeds our imagination. The most authentic data is ten A population of 300 million owns 900 million mobile phones, which allows more businesses to promote and publicize through mobile phone numbers via WeChat, and can also demonstrate the advantage of timeliness.

Use mobile social platforms, mobile clients, websites and other channels to open up multi-network social marketing channels to increase the penetration rate of brand promotion. Xia Xiakui WeChat Distribution Mall is a sales platform based on socialization. By establishing our own mall system, we can improve customers' trust in the mall and eliminate the advantages of building on a third-party platform that is easily affected by the third-party platform's own factors.

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