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Conversion method between char array (character array) and string type in Java

2017-01-22 10:08:582007browse

The example of this article describes the conversion method between char array (character array) and string type in Java. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

When programming in Java language, when using the "Password Field" jPasswordField component, if you want to obtain the password value, you need to use the getPassword() method of the component. The getPassword() method of jPasswordField returns an array of char type. We often need to convert this array to String type in order to perform operations such as password matching or password assignment. At this time, you need to convert the char type array. Of course, we often encounter situations where the String type is converted to a char array.

The following code is relatively the simplest.


String strStringType="my string"; //创建一个字符串变量strStringType
char[] chrCharArray; //创建一个字符数组chrCharArray
chrCharArray = strStringType.toCharArray(); //将字符串变量转换为字符数组
strStringType= String.valueOf(chrCharArray ); //将字符数组转换为字符串

Here, the key is two methods.

(1) The toCharArray() method of the String class, converts the string into a character array
(2) The valueOf() method of the String class, converts the char type array to a string

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in Java programming.

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