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In Java, polymorphism is divided into two types: compile-time polymorphism (overloading) and run-time polymorphism (rewriting). Compile-time polymorphism is also called front binding, and run-time polymorphism is also called post-binding.
The following is an example:
public class OverloadAndOverwrite { public static void main(String[] args) { A a1 = new A(); A a2 = new B(); B b = new B(); C c = new C(); D d = new D(); System.out.print("a1.print(a1): "); a1.print(a1);//输出A and A System.out.print("a1.print(b): "); a1.print(b);//输出A and A:原因是因为A中不存在参数为B的方法,因此会调用参数为A的方法,因为B是继承自A的 System.out.print("a1.print(c): "); a1.print(c);//输出A and A:原因是因为A中不存在参数为C的方法,因此会调用参数为A的方法,因为C是继承自B的,B是继承自A的 System.out.print("a1.print(d): "); a1.print(d);//输出A and D:原因是因为A中存在参数为D的方法,因此会调用参数为D的方法 System.out.print("a2.print(b): "); a2.print(b);//输出B and A:原因在于首先入口是A,首先查看A中是否有参数为B的print方法,发现没有那就寻找有没有参数为A的方法,因为B是继承自A的,发现存在这样的方法,那么再次查看B中有没有重写这个方法,发现有重新,直接调用B中这个重写的方法 System.out.print("a2.print(c): "); a2.print(c);//输出B and A:原因在于首先入口是A,首先查看A中是否有参数为C的print方法,发现没有那就寻找有没有参数为B的方法,因为C是继承自B的,发现也不存在这样的方法,那就寻找存在参数为A的print方法,因为B继承自A,发现存在这样的方法,那么再次查看B中有没有重写这个方法,发现有重新,直接调用B中这个重写的方法 System.out.print("a2.print(d): "); a2.print(d);//输出 A and D:原因在于入口是A,查看A中存在参数为D的方法,再次查看B中没有重写这个方法,因此输出A中这个方法的结果即可; System.out.print("a2.print(a2): "); a2.print(a2);//输出B and A;原因在于a2的类型是A,因此会调用A里面参数为A的print方法,但是a2右边new的是B,所以因为B中有参数为A的方法,因此采用的是B里面的这个方法 System.out.print("b.print(b): "); b.print(b);//输出B and B;原因:入口是B,因此查看B中存不存在参数为B的print函数,存在则直接输出; System.out.print("b.print(c): "); b.print(c);//输出B and B;原因:入口是B,因此查看B中存不存在参数为C的print函数,发现不存在,则查看存不存在参数为B的print函数,发现存在,并且C中并没有重写该方法,则直接输出;有一点需要注意的是还需要查看一下A中是否存在参数为C的print方法,因为B继承自A,有的话会及成果来这个方法,这样的话输出的结果将变为A and C System.out.print("b.print(d): "); b.print(d);//输出A and D;原因:入口是B,虽然B中不存在参数为D的print函数,但是B继承自A,A中是存在参数为D的print函数的,因此输出的是A中参数为D的结果; } } class A { public void print(A a) { System.out.println("A and A"); } public void print(D d) { System.out.println("A and D"); } // public void print(C c) // { // System.out.println("A and C"); // } } class B extends A { public void print(B b) { System.out.println("B and B"); } public void print(A a) { System.out.println("B and A"); } } class C extends B{} class D extends C{}
What needs to be explained here is:
For A a2 = new B();
If printed separately If a2 is output, the printed result is B@ (hash code), not A@ (hash code), but this does not mean that the type of a2 is B type, because when we call a2.print(a2) in the above program ; when the output result is B and A instead of A and A (if you assume that a2 is of type B, you should call the print method with parameter B in class A, because there is no such method, then the second best option is to call The method with parameter A should output A and A, because B is a subclass of A).
The above is an example code analysis of rewriting and overloading. I hope it will be helpful to students learning Java.
For more articles related to Java function overloading and rewriting example codes, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!