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[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy

2017-01-21 14:56:222088browse

We use the website dmoz.org as a platform for Xiaozhuazhua to show off his skills.

First of all, we need to answer a question.

Q: How many steps does it take to install a website into a crawler?

The answer is very simple, four steps:

Create a new project (Project): Create a new crawler project

Clear goals (Items): Clarify what you want to crawl Goal

Make a crawler (Spider): Make a crawler to start crawling web pages

Store content (Pipeline): Design a pipeline to store the crawled content

Okay, now that the basic process has been determined, just complete it step by step.

1. Create a new project (Project)

Hold down the Shift key and right-click in the empty directory, select "Open command window here", enter The following command:

scrapy startproject tutorial

where tutorial is the project name.

You can see that a tutorial folder will be created, with the directory structure as follows:


Let’s briefly introduce the functions of each file:

  • scrapy.cfg: The project's configuration file

  • tutorial/: The project's Python module, the code will be referenced from here

  • tutorial /items.py: Project items file

  • tutorial/pipelines.py: Project pipelines file

  • tutorial/settings.py: Project Settings file

  • tutorial/spiders/: directory where crawlers are stored

2. Clear goals ( Item)

In Scrapy, items is a container used to load crawled content, a bit like Dic in Python, which is a dictionary, but provides some additional protection to reduce errors.

Generally speaking, items can be created using the scrapy.item.Item class, and properties can be defined using the scrapy.item.Field object (which can be understood as a mapping relationship similar to ORM).

Next, we start to build the item model.

First of all, the content we want is:

  • Name (name)

  • Link (url)

  • Description

Modify the items.py file in the tutorial directory and add it after the original class Our own class.

Because we want to capture the content of the dmoz.org website, we can name it DmozItem:

# Define here the models for your scraped items  
# See documentation in:  
# http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.html  
from scrapy.item import Item, Field  
class TutorialItem(Item):  
    # define the fields for your item here like:  
    # name = Field()  
class DmozItem(Item):  
    title = Field()  
    link = Field()  
    desc = Field()

It may seem a little unclear at first, but defining these items allows you to When using other components, know what your items are.

Item can be simply understood as an encapsulated class object.

3. Making a Spider

To make a spider, there are two steps: crawl first and then retrieve.

That is to say, first you have to get all the content of the entire web page, and then take out the parts that are useful to you.

3.1 Crawling

Spider is a class written by the user to crawl information from a domain (or domain group).

They define the list of URLs used for downloading, the scheme for tracking links, and the way to parse the content of the web page to extract items.

To create a Spider, you must create a subclass with scrapy.spider.BaseSpider and determine three mandatory attributes:

name: the identification name of the crawler, which must be unique. You must define different names in different crawlers.

start_urls: list of crawled URLs. The crawler starts fetching data from here, so the first download of data will start from these URLs. Other sub-URLs will be generated inherited from these starting URLs.

parse(): The parsing method. When calling, pass in the Response object returned from each URL as the only parameter. It is responsible for parsing and matching the captured data (parsed into items), and tracking more URL.

Here you can refer to the ideas mentioned in the width crawler tutorial to help understand. Tutorial delivery: [Java] Zhihu Chin Episode 5: Using the HttpClient toolkit and width crawler.

That is to say, the Url is stored and gradually spread based on this as a starting point, grabbing all the webpage Url that meets the conditions and storing it to continue crawling.

Let’s write the first crawler, named dmoz_spider.py, and save it in the tutorial\spiders directory.

dmoz_spider.py code is as follows:

from scrapy.spider import Spider  
class DmozSpider(Spider):  
    name = "dmoz"  
    allowed_domains = ["dmoz.org"]  
    start_urls = [  
    def parse(self, response):  
        filename = response.url.split("/")[-2]  
        open(filename, 'wb').write(response.body)

allow_domains is the domain name range of the search, which is the crawler's restricted area. It stipulates that the crawler only crawls web pages under this domain name.

As can be seen from the parse function, the last two addresses of the link are taken out and stored as file names.

Then run it and see, hold down shift and right-click in the tutorial directory, open the command window here, enter:

scrapy crawl dmoz

The running result is as shown in the figure:

[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy

Error reported:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)

Run The first Scrapy project reported an error, which was really ill-fated.

There should be a coding problem. I found the solution after searching on Google:

Create a new sitecustomize under the Lib\site-packages folder of python .py:

import sys    

Run again, OK, the problem is solved, take a look at the results:

[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy

最后一句INFO: Closing spider (finished)表明爬虫已经成功运行并且自行关闭了。

包含 [dmoz]的行 ,那对应着我们的爬虫运行的结果。




因为这些URL是起始页面,所以他们没有引用(referrers),所以在它们的每行末尾你会看到 (referer: )。

在parse 方法的作用下,两个文件被创建:分别是 Books 和 Resources,这两个文件中有URL的页面内容。


首先,Scrapy为爬虫的 start_urls属性中的每个URL创建了一个 scrapy.http.Request 对象 ,并将爬虫的parse 方法指定为回调函数。

然后,这些 Request被调度并执行,之后通过parse()方法返回scrapy.http.Response对象,并反馈给爬虫。





在Scrapy里,使用一种叫做 XPath selectors的机制,它基于 XPath表达式。



/html/head/title: 选择HTML文档

元素下面的 标签。<p>/html/head/title/text(): 选择前面提到的</p> <title> 元素下面的文本内容<p>//td: 选择所有 </p> <td> 元素<p>//div[@class="mine"]: 选择所有包含 class="mine" 属性的div 标签元素</p> <p>以上只是几个使用XPath的简单例子,但是实际上XPath非常强大。</p> <p>可以参照W3C教程:点我点我。</p> <p><br></p> <p>为了方便使用XPaths,Scrapy提供XPathSelector 类,有两种可以选择,HtmlXPathSelector(HTML数据解析)和XmlXPathSelector(XML数据解析)。<br></p> <p>必须通过一个 Response 对象对他们进行实例化操作。</p> <p>你会发现Selector对象展示了文档的节点结构。因此,第一个实例化的selector必与根节点或者是整个目录有关 。<br></p> <p>在Scrapy里面,Selectors 有四种基础的方法(点击查看API文档):<br></p> <ul class=" list-paddingleft-2" style="list-style-type: disc;"> <li><p>xpath():返回一系列的selectors,每一个select表示一个xpath参数表达式选择的节点<br></p></li> <li><p>css():返回一系列的selectors,每一个select表示一个css参数表达式选择的节点<br></p></li> <li><p>extract():返回一个unicode字符串,为选中的数据<br></p></li> <li><p>re():返回一串一个unicode字符串,为使用正则表达式抓取出来的内容</p></li> </ul> <p><br></p> <p>3.3xpath实验<br></p> <p>下面我们在Shell里面尝试一下Selector的用法。</p> <p>实验的网址:http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/Python/Books/</p> <p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/358/198/440/1484981450807063.png" class="lazy" title="1484981450807063.png" alt="[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy"></p> <p>熟悉完了实验的小白鼠,接下来就是用Shell爬取网页了。</p> <p>进入到项目的顶层目录,也就是第一层tutorial文件夹下,在cmd中输入:</p><pre class="brush:python;toolbar:false">scrapy shell http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/Python/Books/</pre><p>回车后可以看到如下的内容:</p> <p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/827/864/513/1484981482254858.png" class="lazy" title="1484981482254858.png" alt="[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy"></p> <p>在Shell载入后,你将获得response回应,存储在本地变量 response中。</p> <p>所以如果你输入response.body,你将会看到response的body部分,也就是抓取到的页面内容:</p> <p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/765/564/584/1484981501691320.png" class="lazy" title="1484981501691320.png" alt="[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy"></p> <p>或者输入response.headers 来查看它的 header部分:</p> <p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/324/658/871/1484981518418134.png" class="lazy" title="1484981518418134.png" alt="[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy"></p> <p>现在就像是一大堆沙子握在手里,里面藏着我们想要的金子,所以下一步,就是用筛子摇两下,把杂质出去,选出关键的内容。</p> <p>selector就是这样一个筛子。</p> <p>在旧的版本中,Shell实例化两种selectors,一个是解析HTML的 hxs 变量,一个是解析XML 的 xxs 变量。<br></p> <p>而现在的Shell为我们准备好的selector对象,sel,可以根据返回的数据类型自动选择最佳的解析方案(XML or HTML)。</p> <p>然后我们来捣弄一下!~</p> <p>要彻底搞清楚这个问题,首先先要知道,抓到的页面到底是个什么样子。</p> <p>比如,我们要抓取网页的标题,也就是</p> <title>这个标签:<p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/751/229/185/1484981532999171.png" class="lazy" title="1484981532999171.png" alt="[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy"></p> <p>可以输入:</p><pre class="brush:python;toolbar:false">sel.xpath(&#39;//title&#39;)</pre><p>结果就是:</p> <p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/403/986/275/1484981555399991.png" class="lazy" title="1484981555399991.png" alt="[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy"></p> <p>这样就能把这个标签取出来了,用extract()和text()还可以进一步做处理。</p> <p>备注:简单的罗列一下有用的xpath路径表达式:</p> <p><br></p> <p></p> <p>表达式</p> <p>描述</p> <p></p> <p>nodename    选取此节点的所有子节点。    </p> <p>/    从根节点选取。    </p> <p>//    从匹配选择的当前节点选择文档中的节点,而不考虑它们的位置。    </p> <p>.    选取当前节点。    </p> <p>..    选取当前节点的父节点。    </p> <p>@    选取属性。    </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p>全部的实验结果如下,In[i]表示第i次实验的输入,Out[i]表示第i次结果的输出(建议大家参照:W3C教程):</p><pre class="brush:python;toolbar:false">In [1]: sel.xpath(&#39;//title&#39;) Out[1]: [<Selector xpath='//title' data=u'<title>Open Directory - Computers: Progr'>] In [2]: sel.xpath(&#39;//title&#39;).extract() Out[2]: [u'<title>Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages: Python: Books'] In [3]: sel.xpath('//title/text()') Out[3]: [] In [4]: sel.xpath('//title/text()').extract() Out[4]: [u'Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages: Python: Books'] In [5]: sel.xpath('//title/text()').re('(\w+):') Out[5]: [u'Computers', u'Programming', u'Languages', u'Python']



[Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy


  • 标签:

  • 标签中,可以这样获取网站的描述:








    (参考:Nesting selectors andWorking with relative XPaths in theSelectors):

    sites = sel.xpath('//ul/li')for site in sites:
       title = site.xpath('a/text()').extract()
       link = site.xpath('a/@href').extract()
       desc = site.xpath('text()').extract()
       print title, link, desc




    from scrapy.spider import Spider  
    from scrapy.selector import Selector  
    class DmozSpider(Spider):  
        name = "dmoz"  
        allowed_domains = ["dmoz.org"]  
        start_urls = [  
        def parse(self, response):  
            sel = Selector(response)  
            sites = sel.xpath(&#39;//ul/li&#39;)  
            for site in sites:  
                title = site.xpath('a/text()').extract()  
                link = site.xpath('a/@href').extract()  
                desc = site.xpath('text()').extract()  
                print title



    scrapy crawl dmoz


    [Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy



    [Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy






      from scrapy.spider import Spider  
      from scrapy.selector import Selector  
      class DmozSpider(Spider):  
          name = "dmoz"  
          allowed_domains = ["dmoz.org"]  
          start_urls = [  
          def parse(self, response):  
              sel = Selector(response)  
              sites = sel.xpath(&#39;//ul[@class="directory-url"]/li&#39;)  
              for site in sites:  
                  title = site.xpath(&#39;a/text()&#39;).extract()  
                  link = site.xpath(&#39;a/@href&#39;).extract()  
                  desc = site.xpath(&#39;text()&#39;).extract()  
                  print title


      [Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy



      前面我们说过,Item 对象是自定义的python字典,可以使用标准字典语法获取某个属性的值:

      >>> item = DmozItem()  
      >>> item[&#39;title&#39;] = &#39;Example title&#39;  
      >>> item[&#39;title&#39;]  
      &#39;Example title&#39;


      from scrapy.spider import Spider  
      from scrapy.selector import Selector  
      from tutorial.items import DmozItem  
      class DmozSpider(Spider):  
          name = "dmoz"  
          allowed_domains = ["dmoz.org"]  
          start_urls = [  
          def parse(self, response):  
              sel = Selector(response)  
              sites = sel.xpath(&#39;//ul[@class="directory-url"]/li&#39;)  
              items = []  
              for site in sites:  
                  item = DmozItem()  
                  item[&#39;title&#39;] = site.xpath(&#39;a/text()&#39;).extract()  
                  item[&#39;link&#39;] = site.xpath(&#39;a/@href&#39;).extract()  
                  item[&#39;desc&#39;] = site.xpath(&#39;text()&#39;).extract()  
              return items


      保存信息的最简单的方法是通过Feed exports,主要有四种:JSON,JSON lines,CSV,XML。


      scrapy crawl dmoz -o items.json -t json

      -o 后面是导出文件名,-t 后面是导出类型。


      [Python] Web crawler (12): Getting started with the first crawler example of the crawler framework Scrapy

      Because this is just a small example, so simple processing is enough.

      If you want to do more complex things with the captured items, you can write an Item Pipeline.

      We will play with this slowly in the future^_^

      The above is the content of [Python] Web Crawler (12): The first crawler example introductory tutorial of crawler framework Scrapy, more related Please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn) for content!

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