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HTML5 ultra-realistic snow scene effect

2017-01-18 14:11:392046browse

Brief Tutorial

This is a super realistic snow scene special effect based on jquery. This special effect uses jquery code to dynamically plug in the html5 canvas element, and then creates the snow special effect in the canvas.

Usage method

Introduce ThreeCanvas.js, jquery, Snow.js and snowFall.js files into the page.


Initialization plug-in

After the page DOM element is loaded, you can initialize the snow effect through the following method.

    particleNo: 500,
    bindMouse: false,

Configuration parameters

  • particleNo: number and density of particles created.

  • particleSpeed: The speed at which particles fall.

  • particleY_Range: Particle movement range in the vertical (Y-axis) direction.

  • particleX_Range: Particle movement range in the vertical (X-axis) direction.

  • bindMouse: Whether to bind mouse events.

  • zIndex: The distance between the camera and the Z-axis origin.

  • angle: Angle.

  • wind_weight: The level of wind.

The above is the content of HTML5 ultra-realistic snow scene effect. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!

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