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Analyze text boxes and text areas in Java graphical programming

2017-01-17 16:28:311500browse

In the graphical interface, text boxes and text areas are components used for information input and output.
Text box

The text box (JTextField) is a box in the interface used to input and output a line of text. The JTextField class is used to create text boxes. The interface related to the text box is ActionListener.

The basic contents of the text box handler include the following aspects:

Declare a text box name.

Create a text box object.

Add the text box object to a container.

Register a monitor for the text box object that needs to be controlled, and listen for the input end event of the text box (ie, enter the Enter key) event.

A method for processing text box events to complete the judgment and processing of intercepted events.

The main construction method of the JTextField class:

JTextField(), the character length of the text box is 1.

JTextField(int columns), the initial value of the text box is an empty string, and the character length of the text box is set to columns.

JTextField(String text), the initial value of the text box is the characters of text string.

JTextField(String text,int columns); The initial value of the text box is text, and the character length of the text box is columns.

Other methods of the JTextField class:

setFont(Font f), set the font

setText(String text), set the text in the text box

getText(), gets the text in the text box.

setEditable(boolean), specifies the editability of the text box, the default is true, editable.

setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment) sets the text alignment. Alignment methods are: JTextField.LEFT, JTextField.CENTER, JTextField.RIGHT.

requestFocus(), set focus.

addActionListener(ActionListener), set the action monitor for the text box, and specify the ActionListener object to receive the input end action event that occurs on the text box.

removeActionListener(ActionListener) removes the text box monitor.

getColumns(), returns the number of columns of the text box.

getMinimumSize(), returns the minimum size required by the text box.

getMinimumSize(int), returns the minimum size required for the text box with the specified number of characters.

getPreferredSize(), returns the size that the text box hopes to have.

getPreferredSize(int), returns the desired size of the text box when the number of characters is specified.

[Example] The applet has two text boxes. One text box is used to enter an integer, and the other text box displays the square value of the integer. The program uses the string to basic type method Long.parseLong(text1.getText()) to read the string in the text box text1 and convert it into an integer. The program uses an instance of the Sqr class as a monitor, but in order for the monitor to access the variables of the main class, the variables in the main class are declared as class variables and no access permissions are set (view the source file).

The password box (JPasswordField) is a single-line input component, basically similar to JTextField. The password box has an additional shielding function, that is, when inputting, it will be output with a specified character (usually the * character). In addition to the text box methods introduced earlier, there are also some commonly used methods in password boxes:

getEchoChar(), which returns the echo character of the password.

setEchoChar(char), sets the echo character of the password box.

Text area

The text area (JTextArea) is an area in the form where text is placed. The main difference between a text area and a text box is that the text area can store multiple lines of text. The JTextArea class in the javax.swing package is used to create text areas. JTextArea component has no events.

The basic contents of the text area handler include the following aspects:

Declare a text area name.

Create a text area object.

Add the text area object to a container.

The main construction method of the JTextArea class:

JTextArea() creates a text area object with the default number of columns and rows.

JTextArea(String s), using s as the initial value, creates a text area object.

JTextArea(Strings, int x, int y), using s as the initial value, the number of rows as x, and the number of columns as y, creates a text area object.

JTextArea(int x, int y) creates a text area object with the number of rows as x and the number of columns as y.

Other common methods of the JTextArea class:

setText(String s), set the displayed text and clear the original text at the same time.

getText(), get the text of the text area.

insert(String s,int x), inserts the specified text at the specified position.

replace(String s, int x, int y), replace the text starting at the x position and ending at the y position with the given one.

append(String s), append text to the text area.

getCarePosition(), gets the position of the active cursor in the text area.

setCarePosition(int n), sets the position of the active cursor.

setLineWrap(boolean b), sets automatic line wrapping. By default, automatic line wrapping is not performed.

The following code creates a text area and sets it to automatically wrap.

JTextArea textA = new JTextArea(“我是一个文本区”,10,15);

When there is a lot of content in the text area and cannot be displayed all in the text area, you can add scroll bars to the text area. To set the scroll bar for the text area, you can use the following code:

JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(ta);//给文本区添加滚动条



import java.util.*;import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;
public class J509 extends Applet implements ActionListener{
  JTextArea textA;JTextField textF;JButton b1,b2;
  public void init(){
    textA=new JTextArea("",5,10);
    textF=new JTextField("",10);
    b1=new JButton("求 和"); b2=new JButton("重新开始");
    b1.addActionListener(this); b2.addActionListener(this);
    add(textA); add(textF); add(b1);add(b2);
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      String s=textA.getText();
      StringTokenizer tokens=new StringTokenizer(s);
      int n=tokens.countTokens(),sum=0,i;
        String temp=tokens.nextToken();//从文本区取下一个数据
    else if(e.getSource()==b2){



import java.applet.*;import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;
class Panel1 extends JPanel{
  JTextField text1,text2,text3;
    text1=new JTextField(10);text2=new JTextField(10);
    text3=new JTextField(10);setLayout(new GridLayout(1,6));
    add(new JLabel("起始数",JLabel.RIGHT));add(text1);
    add(new JLabel("终止数",JLabel.RIGHT));add(text2);
    add(new JLabel("因子",JLabel.RIGHT));add(text3);
class Panel2 extends JPanel{//扩展Panel类
  JTextArea text;JButton Button;
    text=new JTextArea(4,10);text.setLineWrap(true);
    JScrollPane jsp=new JScrollPane(text);
    Button=new JButton("开始计算");
    setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));
    add(new JLabel("计算结果:",JLabel.RIGHT));
    add(new Label());add(Button);
public class J510 extends Applet implements ActionListener{
  Panel1 panel1;Panel2 panel2;
  public void init(){
    setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
    setSize(400,200);panel1=new Panel1();panel2=new Panel2();
    add(new JLabel("计算从起始数到终止数是因子倍数的数",JLabel.CENTER));
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      long n1,n2,f,count=0;
      for(long i=n1;i<=n2;i++){


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