Home >Web Front-end >H5 Tutorial >Tkinter Tutorial Canvas Chapter (4)
''''Tkinter Tutorial Canvas Chapter (4)'''
'''22. Draw an arc'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Create an ARC
from Tkinter import * root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') cv.create_arc((10,10,110,110),) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Create an ARC using default parameters, the result is a 90-degree sector
'''23. Set the arc style'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Create create_arc.
from Tkinter import * root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas , set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') d = {1:PIESLICE,2:CHORD,3:ARC} for i in d: cv.create_arc((10,10 + 60*i,110,110 + 60*i),style = d[i]) print i,d[i], cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Use three styles to create fan, bow and arc shapes respectively
'''24. Set the angle of the arc'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Use start/extent to specify the starting angle Create a Canvas with the offset angle
from Tkinter import * root = Tk()
# and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') d = {1:PIESLICE,2:CHORD,3:ARC} for i in d: cv.create_arc( (10,10 + 60*i,110,110 + 60*i),
style = d [i], #Specify style
start = 30, #Specify starting angle
extent = 30 #Specify angle offset
# Use three styles, start specifies the start Angle; extent specifies angle offset
'''25. Draw bitmap'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Use bitmap to create a bitmap create_bitmap
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Create A Canvas, set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') d = {1:'error',2:'info',3:'question',4:'hourglass'} for i in d: cv.create_bitmap((20*i,20*i),bitmap = d[i]) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Use the bitmap attribute to specify the name of the bitmap. The first parameter of this function is a point (x, y ) specifies the upper left position of the bitmap storage location.
'''26. Draw GIF image'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Create gif image create_image
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') img = PhotoImage(file = 'c:/python.gif') cv.create_image((150,150),image = img) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# First use PhotoImage to create a GIF image, and then set the image attribute to the newly created img
'''27. Draw Line'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Create a straight line with an arrow create_line
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') d = [(0,'none'),(1,'first'),(2,'last'),(3,'both')] for i in d: cv.create_line( (10,10 + i[0]*20,110,110+ i[0] * 20), # 设置直线的起始、终点 arrow = i[1], # 设置直线是否使用箭头 arrowshape = '40 40 10' # 设置箭头的形状(填充长度,箭头长度,箭头宽度 ) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Use the arrow attribute to control whether to display arrows
'''28. The joinstyle attribute of a straight line'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -* -
# Create a straight line, use the joinstyle attribute
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white') d = [(0,'none','bevel'),(1,'first','miter'),(2,'last','round'),(3,'both','round')] for i in d: cv.create_line( (10,10 + i[0]*20,110,110+ i[0] * 20), # 设置直线的起始、终点 arrow = i[1], # 设置直线是否使用箭头 arrowshape = '8 10 3', # 设置箭头的形状(填充长度,箭头长度,箭头宽度 joinstyle = i[2], ) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Set the joinstyle attribute of the straight line to bevel/miter/round respectively, and test it Effect.
'''29. Draw an ellipse'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Draw an ellipse , use the create_oval attribute
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# to create a Canvas and set its background color to White
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white')
# Create an ellipse with a length of 200 and a width of 100
cv.create_oval((10,10,210,110),fill = 'red') cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# specifies the length and width of the ellipse, a circle is a special case where the length and width are equal.
'''30. Create a polygon'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Create a polygon (Triangle)
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Draw a Canvas and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white')
# Create a right triangle
cv.create_polygon((10,10,10,200,100,200),fill = 'red') cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Specify the coordinates of three points. The coordinates of the three points must meet the definition of a triangle.
'''31. Modify graphics'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Create polygons create_ploygon (triangle)
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas and set its background color to White
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white')
# Create a right triangle
cv.create_polygon((10,10,10,200,100,200), #smooth = True, # 平滑处理,但未找到控制此参数的项 splinesteps = 0, # 不明白是控制什么的??? ) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Smooth/splinesteps is used to modify the drawn graphics. I don’t know what other functions these two parameters have.
'''32. Draw text'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Use text create_text
from Tkinter import * root = Tk()
# Create a Canvas and set its background color to white
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white')
# Create a text object, the default setting is center alignment
cv.create_text((10,10),text = 'Hello Text', anchor = W ) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# Use anchor to control the position of the text, and use justify to control the alignment
'''33. Select text'''
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# Use text create_text
from Tkinter import * root = Tk()
# 创建一个Canvas,设置其背景色为白色
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white')
# 创建一个文字对象,默认设置为居中对齐
txt = cv.create_text((10,10),text = 'Hello Text', anchor = W )
# 设置文本的选中起始位置
# 设置文本的选中结束位置
cv.select_to(txt,5) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# 使用anchor控制文字的位置,使用justify控制对齐方式
# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
# 使用子组件create_window
from Tkinter import * root = Tk()
# 创建一个Canvas,设置其背景色为白色
cv = Canvas(root,bg = 'white')
# 创建一个Button对象,默认设置为居中对齐
def printWindow(): print 'window' bt = Button(cv,text = 'ClickMe',command = printWindow)
cv.create_window((10,10),window = bt,anchor = W)
# 新创建的line对象与button有重叠
# 新创建的line不在button之上,即没有重叠
cv.create_line(30,30,100,100) cv.pack() root.mainloop()
# 使用anchor组件在Canvas上的位置,默认情况下为居中对齐,这样使用后其它的item将不能再使用button战胜的那块区域