Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Detailed explanation of commonly used search data structures and algorithms (Python implementation)
1. Basic concepts
Searching is to determine a data element (or record) whose key is equal to the given value in the lookup table based on a given value.
Search Table: A collection of data elements (or records) of the same type
Keyword: the value of a data item in the data element , also called key value.
Primary Key: A keyword that uniquely identifies a data element or record.
Lookup tables can be divided into:
Static Search Table: A lookup table that only performs search operations. Its main operation is:
Query whether a "specific" data element is in the table
Retrieve a "specific" data element and various attributes
Dynamic Search Table: perform operations such as inserting or deleting at the same time during search:
Insert data during search
Delete data during search
2. Unordered Table lookup
is a linear search that traverses data elements without sorting the data.
Algorithm analysis: The best case is that it is found at the first position, which is O(1); the worst case is that it is found at the last position, which is O(n); so The average number of searches is (n+1)/2. The final time complexity is O(n)
# 最基础的遍历无序列表的查找算法 # 时间复杂度O(n) def sequential_search(lis, key): length = len(lis) for i in range(length): if lis[i] == key: return i else: return False if __name__ == '__main__': LIST = [1, 5, 8, 123, 22, 54, 7, 99, 300, 222] result = sequential_search(LIST, 123) print(result)
3. Ordered table lookup
The data in the lookup table must be sorted according to a primary key!
1. Binary Search
The core of the algorithm: Continuously compare the middle elements in the lookup table with the lookup value, and reduce the table range at a factor of half.
# 针对有序查找表的二分查找算法 # 时间复杂度O(log(n)) def binary_search(lis, key): low = 0 high = len(lis) - 1 time = 0 while low < high: time += 1 mid = int((low + high) / 2) if key < lis[mid]: high = mid - 1 elif key > lis[mid]: low = mid + 1 else: # 打印折半的次数 print("times: %s" % time) return mid print("times: %s" % time) return False if __name__ == '__main__': LIST = [1, 5, 7, 8, 22, 54, 99, 123, 200, 222, 444] result = binary_search(LIST, 99) print(result)
2. Interpolation search
Although the binary search method is already very good, there are still areas that can be optimized.
Sometimes, filtering in half is not harsh enough. Wouldn’t it be better if nine-tenths of the data were excluded every time? Choosing this value is the key issue. The meaning of interpolation is: to reduce at a faster speed.
The core of interpolation is to use the formula:
value = (key - list[low])/(list[high] - list[low])
Use this value to replace 1/2 in binary search.
The above code can be used directly, you only need to change one sentence.
# 插值查找算法 # 时间复杂度O(log(n)) def binary_search(lis, key): low = 0 high = len(lis) - 1 time = 0 while low < high: time += 1 # 计算mid值是插值算法的核心代码 mid = low + int((high - low) * (key - lis[low])/(lis[high] - lis[low])) print("mid=%s, low=%s, high=%s" % (mid, low, high)) if key < lis[mid]: high = mid - 1 elif key > lis[mid]: low = mid + 1 else: # 打印查找的次数 print("times: %s" % time) return mid print("times: %s" % time) return False if __name__ == '__main__': LIST = [1, 5, 7, 8, 22, 54, 99, 123, 200, 222, 444] result = binary_search(LIST, 444) print(result)
The overall time complexity of the interpolation algorithm is still at the O(log(n)) level. The advantage is that for lookup tables with a large amount of data in the table and relatively even distribution of keywords, the average performance of using the interpolation algorithm is much better than binary search. On the contrary, for data with extremely uneven distribution, the interpolation algorithm is not suitable.
3. Fibonacci search
Inspired by the interpolation algorithm, the Fibonacci algorithm was invented. The core is also how to optimize the reduction rate so that the number of searches is minimized.
To use this algorithm, the premise is that there is already a list containing Fibonacci data
F = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 , 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,...]
# 斐波那契查找算法 # 时间复杂度O(log(n)) def fibonacci_search(lis, key): # 需要一个现成的斐波那契列表。其最大元素的值必须超过查找表中元素个数的数值。 F = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368] low = 0 high = len(lis) - 1 # 为了使得查找表满足斐波那契特性,在表的最后添加几个同样的值 # 这个值是原查找表的最后那个元素的值 # 添加的个数由F[k]-1-high决定 k = 0 while high > F[k]-1: k += 1 print(k) i = high while F[k]-1 > i: lis.append(lis[high]) i += 1 print(lis) # 算法主逻辑。time用于展示循环的次数。 time = 0 while low <= high: time += 1 # 为了防止F列表下标溢出,设置if和else if k < 2: mid = low else: mid = low + F[k-1]-1 print("low=%s, mid=%s, high=%s" % (low, mid, high)) if key < lis[mid]: high = mid - 1 k -= 1 elif key > lis[mid]: low = mid + 1 k -= 2 else: if mid <= high: # 打印查找的次数 print("times: %s" % time) return mid else: print("times: %s" % time) return high print("times: %s" % time) return False if __name__ == '__main__': LIST = [1, 5, 7, 8, 22, 54, 99, 123, 200, 222, 444] result = fibonacci_search(LIST, 444) print(result)
Algorithm analysis: The overall time complexity of Fibonacci search is also O(log(n )). But in terms of average performance, it is better than binary search. But in the worst case, for example, if the key is 1 here, the search is always in the left half area. At this time, its efficiency is lower than binary search.
Summary: The mid operation of binary search is addition and division, the interpolation search is the complex four arithmetic operations, and the Fibonacci search is just the simplest addition and subtraction operation. In searching massive data, this subtle difference may affect the final search efficiency. Therefore, the three search methods for ordered tables are essentially different in the selection of split points. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice should be based on the actual situation.
4. Linear index search
For massive unordered data, in order to improve the search speed, an index table is generally constructed for it.
Indexing is the process of associating a keyword with its corresponding record.
An index consists of several index items. Each index item contains at least information such as keywords and their corresponding record locations in the memory.
Indices can be divided into linear indexes, tree indexes and multi-level indexes according to their structures.
Linear index: Organize the collection of index items through a linear structure, also called an index table.
Linear index can be divided into: dense index, block index and inverted index
1.Dense index
Dense index refers to online In a sexual index, an index entry is created for each record in the data collection.
#This is actually equivalent to establishing an ordered linear list for an unordered set. The index items must be arranged in order according to the key code.
This is also equivalent to doing the sorting work required in the search process in advance.
1. Block index
Blocks a large number of unordered data sets, so that there is no order within the block and order between blocks.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 class BSTNode: """ 定义一个二叉树节点类。 以讨论算法为主,忽略了一些诸如对数据类型进行判断的问题。 """ def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): """ 初始化 :param data: 节点储存的数据 :param left: 节点左子树 :param right: 节点右子树 """ self.data = data self.left = left self.right = right class BinarySortTree: """ 基于BSTNode类的二叉排序树。维护一个根节点的指针。 """ def __init__(self): self._root = None def is_empty(self): return self._root is None def search(self, key): """ 关键码检索 :param key: 关键码 :return: 查询节点或None """ bt = self._root while bt: entry = bt.data if key < entry: bt = bt.left elif key > entry: bt = bt.right else: return entry return None def insert(self, key): """ 插入操作 :param key:关键码 :return: 布尔值 """ bt = self._root if not bt: self._root = BSTNode(key) return while True: entry = bt.data if key < entry: if bt.left is None: bt.left = BSTNode(key) return bt = bt.left elif key > entry: if bt.right is None: bt.right = BSTNode(key) return bt = bt.right else: bt.data = key return def delete(self, key): """ 二叉排序树最复杂的方法 :param key: 关键码 :return: 布尔值 """ p, q = None, self._root # 维持p为q的父节点,用于后面的链接操作 if not q: print("空树!") return while q and q.data != key: p = q if key < q.data: q = q.left else: q = q.right if not q: # 当树中没有关键码key时,结束退出。 return # 上面已将找到了要删除的节点,用q引用。而p则是q的父节点或者None(q为根节点时)。 if not q.left: if p is None: self._root = q.right elif q is p.left: p.left = q.right else: p.right = q.right return # 查找节点q的左子树的最右节点,将q的右子树链接为该节点的右子树 # 该方法可能会增大树的深度,效率并不算高。可以设计其它的方法。 r = q.left while r.right: r = r.right r.right = q.right if p is None: self._root = q.left elif p.left is q: p.left = q.left else: p.right = q.left def __iter__(self): """ 实现二叉树的中序遍历算法, 展示我们创建的二叉排序树. 直接使用python内置的列表作为一个栈。 :return: data """ stack = [] node = self._root while node or stack: while node: stack.append(node) node = node.left node = stack.pop() yield node.data node = node.right if __name__ == '__main__': lis = [62, 58, 88, 48, 73, 99, 35, 51, 93, 29, 37, 49, 56, 36, 50] bs_tree = BinarySortTree() for i in range(len(lis)): bs_tree.insert(lis[i]) # bs_tree.insert(100) bs_tree.delete(58) for i in bs_tree: print(i, end=" ") # print("\n", bs_tree.search(4))
六、 平衡二叉树
平衡因子(Balance Factor):将二叉树上节点的左子树深度减去右子树深度的值。
For multi-way search trees, the key is how many elements each node can store and the number of its children. There are four commonly used forms: 2-3 tree, 2-3-4 tree, and B tree. and B+ trees.
## The deletion operation is as follows:
2- 3-4 tree
is actually an extension of 2-3 tree, including the use of 4 nodes. A 4-node contains three elements, small, medium and large, and four children (or no children).
The insertion operation:
The deletion operation:
B tree
B tree is a balanced multi-way search tree. The maximum number of children of a node is called the order of the B-tree. The 2-3 tree is a third-order B-tree, and the 2-3-4 is a fourth-order B-tree.
The B-tree data structure is mainly used in data interaction between memory and external storage.
## The structure of the #B+ tree is particularly suitable for searches with ranges. For example, find people aged between 20 and 30 years old.
8. Hash table (hash table)
Hash table: There is no relationship between all elements. The storage location of the element is directly calculated through a function using the keyword of the element. This one-to-one relationship function is called a hash function or Hash function.
Use hashing technology to store records in a continuous storage space, called a hash table or hash table (Hash Table). The storage location corresponding to the keyword is called the hash address.
Hash table is a search-oriented storage structure. The problem it is best suited for is finding records equal to a given value. However, it is not suitable for situations where a certain keyword can correspond to many records, such as finding all "male" genders. It is also not suitable for range searches, such as searching for people between the ages of 20 and 30. Sorting, largest, smallest, etc. are also inappropriate.
Therefore, hash tables are usually used for data structures whose keywords are not repeated. For example, python's dictionary data type.
Designing a simple, uniform, and high storage utilization hash function is the most critical issue in hashing technology.
However, general hash functions face conflict problems.
Conflict: Two different keywords have the same result after being calculated by the hash function. collision.
8.1 Construction method of hash function
Good hash function: simple calculation, even distribution of hash addresses
1. Direct addressing method
For example, take a linear function of the keyword as a hash function:
f(key) = a*key + b (a, b are constants)
f(key) = key mod p (p
f(key) = random(key)
8.2 处理散列冲突
8.3 散列表查找实现
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 忽略了对数据类型,元素溢出等问题的判断。 class HashTable: def __init__(self, size): self.elem = [None for i in range(size)] # 使用list数据结构作为哈希表元素保存方法 self.count = size # 最大表长 def hash(self, key): return key % self.count # 散列函数采用除留余数法 def insert_hash(self, key): """插入关键字到哈希表内""" address = self.hash(key) # 求散列地址 while self.elem[address]: # 当前位置已经有数据了,发生冲突。 address = (address+1) % self.count # 线性探测下一地址是否可用 self.elem[address] = key # 没有冲突则直接保存。 def search_hash(self, key): """查找关键字,返回布尔值""" star = address = self.hash(key) while self.elem[address] != key: address = (address + 1) % self.count if not self.elem[address] or address == star: # 说明没找到或者循环到了开始的位置 return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': list_a = [12, 67, 56, 16, 25, 37, 22, 29, 15, 47, 48, 34] hash_table = HashTable(12) for i in list_a: hash_table.insert_hash(i) for i in hash_table.elem: if i: print((i, hash_table.elem.index(i)), end=" ") print("\n") print(hash_table.search_hash(15)) print(hash_table.search_hash(33))
8.4 散列表查找性能分析
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